PyCharm Python Interpreter & Reload All from Disk

PyCharm Python Interpreter & Reload All from Disk

  • 1. Python Interpreter
  • 2. Reload All from Disk (Ctrl+Alt+Y)
  • References

1. Python Interpreter

File -> Settings -> Project: *** -> Python Interpreter

PyCharm Python Interpreter & Reload All from Disk_第1张图片

Add Interpreter -> Add Local Interpreter…

PyCharm Python Interpreter & Reload All from Disk_第2张图片

Conda Environment

PyCharm Python Interpreter & Reload All from Disk_第3张图片

Python Interpreter:

PyCharm Python Interpreter & Reload All from Disk_第4张图片

2. Reload All from Disk (Ctrl+Alt+Y)


Choose this command to check the PyCharm caches and bring them up-to-date by keeping in sync with external changes.

从磁盘中加载更新的项目文件,使得 PyCharm 窗口能及时显示已创建的文件。

This command is duplicated with Reload All from Disk icon on the main toolbar.

PyCharm Python Interpreter & Reload All from Disk_第5张图片


[1] Yongqiang Cheng,
