New-Concept Lesson 1 : A puma at large


  1. puma 美洲狮
  2. at large 逍遥自在
  3. spot 看出、发现
    eg:A wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London.
  4. accumulate 积累
    eg: As the evidence begin to accumulate,experts from the zoo……
  5. feel obliged to do sth 感到不得不做某事
    eg: exprts from zoo felt obliged to investigate to investigate.
  6. corner 使走投无路
    eg: unless it's cornered.
  7. disturb 令人不安
    eg: It's disturbing to think that ...
  8. in the possession of 为……所有
    in the possession of a private collector and somehow manage to escape.


  1. spotted / seen / found
  2. accumulate / add
  3. obliged to / be force to
  4. claimed / complain / declear
  5. extraordinarily similar / very similar to
  6. immediately / quickly
  7. convinced / believed
