




svn似乎是专门为痛苦的cvs管理员设计的。我们再也不用为binary file发愁了,branch管理已经变得如此的轻松,以至于管理员们会以做branch为乐(别把我的话当真,branch管理的原则是尽量不要branch)。merge的过程连一个没有什么经验的程序员都会操作,这个是使用cvs的时候难以想象的。




至于shadow authentication,我也是最近才找到的。我们以前都使用svn book里面提供的方式,用htpasswd来生成user/pass。但是这种方式的致命问题是,修改password很麻烦,因为我们都希望password是让自己设置的。通过和linux帐号的整合,可以让用户直接登录到系统上,自己修改。shadow authentication面临的最大问题是shadow这个文件是只有root有访问权限的,而web server使用的是apache帐号,所以shadow里面使用了一个validate程序,这个程序是setuid root的,而shadow module使用了pipe来和这个程序通讯。通过这种方式就可以在低权限的情况下访问高权限的文件了。当然,我还没有仔细研究过代码,这个是从文档里面看来的,有点shameless,呵呵!

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A step-by-step configuration guide for SVN server setup with HTTPS based on shadow authentication

Abstraction:This guide will step-by-step show the installation and configuration process for SVN server with HTTPS based on linux shadow authentication.


Before you can install svn server with SSL support, please make sure you have openssl, svn, apache and mod_shadow_auth module packages at hand. You can download them below:

  • openssl: http://www.openssl.org
  • svn: Subversion Binary for Redhat 9
  • apache: http://httpd.apache.org
  • mod_shadow_auth: Shadow authentication module for apache

Firstly, please install openssl if you haven't. You can also find RPM binary in RH9 CDs.

Install or update the svn RPM. The necessary RPMs are: apr, apr-util, neon, subversion, subversion-server.

Then, compile apache2. I recommend you to compile mod_ssl and mod_dav as builtin module. (/path/to/configure --prefix=/path/to/installation --enable-ssl --enable-dav)

Compile and install mod_shadow_auth. That is 'make all' and 'make install'. Note: before you enter 'make', please modify 'makefile' to make the env point to your apache2 installation.

Now, it's done. You can begin configuring your SVN server now.

  • Create SVN repository: svnadmin create /path/to/repo && chown -R apache:apache /path/to/repo. The second command let the apache2 access your repository.
  • Prepare SSL certifications. I suppose you don't have enough money to buy a certification from, say, Verisign. Create a self-signed certification yourself.
    • Create a key: openssl genrsa -des3 -out /path/to/key/keyfile 1024
    • Create a request: openssl req -new -days 1800 -key /path/to/key/keyfile -out /path/to/req/reqfile
    • Create a certificate: openssl x509 -in /path/to/req/reqfile -signkey /path/to/key/keyfile -out /path/to/crt/crtfile
    During these steps, the console may request you to input password for your key several times. The '-des3' option means you use des3 to encrypt your rsa keys.
  • Configure apache for ssl: edit /path/to/apache2/conf/ssl.conf-->edit SSLCertificateFile to point to /path/to/crt/crtfile-->edit SSLCertificateKeyFile to point to /path/to/key/keyfile.
  • Configure apache server for SVN. Copy /usr/lib/httpd/modules/mod_authz_svn.so and mod_dav_svn.so to /path/to/apache2/modules. Open /path/to/apache2/conf/httpd.conf. Add several 'LoadModule' directive if you'd like to for modules you just copied. (In apache2, it's not necessary though). Add a 'Location' tag like thus:

<Location /your_repo>

    DAV svn

    SVNPath /path/to/repo

    AuthType Basic

    AuthName "Subversion repository"

    AuthShadow on


        Require group yourgroup



You can modify 'Require group' to 'Require user' if you want to do user-based authentication.

Now, start apache: /path/to/apache2/bin/apachectl startssl. You'll need to input your password for your rsa-key. Then all is done.

Summary:The benefit for authentication based on shadow is that it's easy to integrate user management to os and let the management more smooth. (eg. modification of password)
