Coding the Matrix Week 1 The vector 作业

Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 


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from GF2 import one

## Problem 1
p1_u = [ 0, 4]
p1_v = [-1, 3]
p1_v_plus_u = [-1,7]
p1_v_minus_u = [-1,-1]
p1_three_v_minus_two_u = [-3,1]

## Problem 2
p2_u = [-1,  1, 1]
p2_v = [ 2, -1, 5]
p2_v_plus_u = [1,0,6]
p2_v_minus_u = [3,-2,4]
p2_two_v_minus_u = [5,-3,9]
p2_v_plus_two_u = [0,1,7]

## Problem 3
# Write your answer using GF2's one instead of the number 1
p3_vector_sum_1 = [one,0,0]
p3_vector_sum_2 = [0,one,one]

## Problem 4
# Please express your solution as a set of the letters corresponding to the solutions.
# For example, {'a','b','c'} is the subset consisting of:
#   a (1100000), b (0110000), and c (0011000).
# Leave an empty set if it cannot be expressed in terms of the other vectors.

u_0010010 = {'c','d','e'}
u_0100010 = {'b','c','d','e'}

## Problem 5
# Use the same format as the previous problem

v_0010010 = {'c','d'}
v_0100010 = set()

## Problem 6
uv_a = sum([5,0])
uv_b = sum([x*y for x,y in zip([0,1],[12345,6])])
uv_c = sum([x*y for x,y in zip([-1,3],[5,7])])
uv_d =sum([-1/2,-1/2])

## Problem 7
# use 'one' instead of '1'
x_gf2 = [one,0,0,0]

## Problem 8
v1 = [2,3,-4,1]
v2 = [1,-5,2,0]
v3 = [4,1,-1,-1]


def getitem(v,d):
    "Returns the value of entry d in v"
    assert d in v.D
    return v.f[d] if d in v.f else 0

def setitem(v,d,val):
    "Set the element of v with label d to be val"
    assert d in v.D

def equal(u,v):
    "Returns true iff u is equal to v"
    assert u.D == v.D
    return {getitem(u,x)==getitem(v,x) for x in v.D}=={True}

def add(u,v):
    "Returns the sum of the two vectors"
    assert u.D == v.D
    return Vec(u.D,{x:getitem(u,x)+getitem(v,x) for x in v.D})

def dot(u,v):
    "Returns the dot product of the two vectors"
    assert u.D == v.D
    return sum([getitem(u,x)*getitem(v,x) for x in v.D])

def scalar_mul(v, alpha):
    "Returns the scalar-vector product alpha times v"
    return Vec(v.D,{x:alpha*v.f[x] for x in v.f.keys()})

def neg(v):
    "Returns the negation of a vector"
    return Vec(v.D,{x:-y for x,y in v.f.items()})

class Vec:
    A vector has two fields:
    D - the domain (a set)
    f - a dictionary mapping (some) domain elements to field elements
        elements of D not appearing in f are implicitly mapped to zero
    def __init__(self, labels, function):
        self.D = labels
        self.f = function

    __getitem__ = getitem
    __setitem__ = setitem
    __neg__ = neg
    __rmul__ = scalar_mul #if left arg of * is primitive, assume it's a scalar

    def __mul__(self,other):
        #If other is a vector, returns the dot product of self and other
        if isinstance(other, Vec):
            return dot(self,other)
            return NotImplemented  #  Will cause other.__rmul__(self) to be invoked

    def __truediv__(self,other):  # Scalar division
        return (1/other)*self

    __add__ = add

    def __radd__(self, other):
        "Hack to allow sum(...) to work with vectors"
        if other == 0:
            return self
    def __sub__(a,b):
         "Returns a vector which is the difference of a and b."
         return a+(-b)

    __eq__ = equal

    def __str__(v):
            D_list = sorted(v.D)
        except TypeError:
            D_list = sorted(v.D, key=hash)
        numdec = 3
        wd = dict([(k,(1+max(len(str(k)), len('{0:.{1}G}'.format(v[k], numdec))))) if isinstance(v[k], int) or isinstance(v[k], float) else (k,(1+max(len(str(k)), len(str(v[k]))))) for k in D_list])
        # w = 1+max([len(str(k)) for k in D_list]+[len('{0:.{1}G}'.format(value,numdec)) for value in v.f.values()])
        s1 = ''.join(['{0:>{1}}'.format(k,wd[k]) for k in D_list])
        s2 = ''.join(['{0:>{1}.{2}G}'.format(v[k],wd[k],numdec) if isinstance(v[k], int) or isinstance(v[k], float) else '{0:>{1}}'.format(v[k], wd[k]) for k in D_list])
        return "\n" + s1 + "\n" + '-'*sum(wd.values()) +"\n" + s2

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Vec(" + str(self.D) + "," + str(self.f) + ")"

    def copy(self):
        "Don't make a new copy of the domain D"
        return Vec(self.D, self.f.copy())



voting_data = list(open("voting_record_dump109.txt"))

## Task 1

def create_voting_dict():
    Input: None (use voting_data above)
    Output: A dictionary that maps the last name of a senator
            to a list of numbers representing the senator's voting
        >>> create_voting_dict()['Clinton']
        [-1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1]

    This procedure should return a dictionary that maps the last name
    of a senator to a list of numbers representing that senator's
    voting record, using the list of strings from the dump file (strlist). You
    will need to use the built-in procedure int() to convert a string
    representation of an integer (e.g. '1') to the actual integer
    (e.g. 1).

    You can use the split() procedure to split each line of the
    strlist into a list; the first element of the list will be the senator's
    name, the second will be his/her party affiliation (R or D), the
    third will be his/her home state, and the remaining elements of
    the list will be that senator's voting record on a collection of bills.
    A "1" represents a 'yea' vote, a "-1" a 'nay', and a "0" an abstention.

    The lists for each senator should preserve the order listed in voting data. 
    return {x.split()[0]:[int(y) for y in x.split()[3:]] for x in voting_data} 

## Task 2

def policy_compare(sen_a, sen_b, voting_dict):
    Input: last names of sen_a and sen_b, and a voting dictionary mapping senator
           names to lists representing their voting records.
    Output: the dot-product (as a number) representing the degree of similarity
            between two senators' voting policies
        >>> voting_dict = {'Fox-Epstein':[-1,-1,-1,1],'Ravella':[1,1,1,1]}
        >>> policy_compare('Fox-Epstein','Ravella', voting_dict)
    return sum([x*y for (x,y) in zip(voting_dict[sen_a],voting_dict[sen_b])])

## Task 3

def most_similar(sen, voting_dict):
    Input: the last name of a senator, and a dictionary mapping senator names
           to lists representing their voting records.
    Output: the last name of the senator whose political mindset is most
            like the input senator (excluding, of course, the input senator
            him/herself). Resolve ties arbitrarily.
        >>> vd = {'Klein': [1,1,1], 'Fox-Epstein': [1,-1,0], 'Ravella': [-1,0,0]}
        >>> most_similar('Klein', vd)

    Note that you can (and are encouraged to) re-use you policy_compare procedure.
    for x in voting_dict.keys():
        if not x==sen:
            sim_x=policy_compare(sen, x, voting_dict)
        if sim_x>max_sim:
    return max_sen

## Task 4

def least_similar(sen, voting_dict):
    Input: the last name of a senator, and a dictionary mapping senator names
           to lists representing their voting records.
    Output: the last name of the senator whose political mindset is least like the input
        >>> vd = {'Klein': [1,1,1], 'Fox-Epstein': [1,-1,0], 'Ravella': [-1,0,0]}
        >>> least_similar('Klein', vd)
    for x in voting_dict.keys():
        if not x==sen:
            sim_x=policy_compare(sen, x, voting_dict)
        if sim_x<min_sim:
    return min_sen

## Task 5

most_like_chafee    = 'Jeffords'
least_like_santorum = 'Feingold' 

# Task 6

def find_average_similarity(sen, sen_set, voting_dict):
    Input: the name of a senator, a set of senator names, and a voting dictionary.
    Output: the average dot-product between sen and those in sen_set.
        >>> vd = {'Klein': [1,1,1], 'Fox-Epstein': [1,-1,0], 'Ravella': [-1,0,0]}
        >>> find_average_similarity('Klein', {'Fox-Epstein','Ravella'}, vd)
    for x in sen_set:
        sum+=policy_compare(sen, x, voting_dict)
    return sum/len(sen_set)

most_average_Democrat = 'Smith' # give the last name (or code that computes the last name)

# Task 7

def find_average_record(sen_set, voting_dict):
    Input: a set of last names, a voting dictionary
    Output: a vector containing the average components of the voting records
            of the senators in the input set
        >>> voting_dict = {'Klein': [-1,0,1], 'Fox-Epstein': [-1,-1,-1], 'Ravella': [0,0,1]}
        >>> find_average_record({'Fox-Epstein','Ravella'}, voting_dict)
        [-0.5, -0.5, 0.0]
    for x in range(len(voting_dict[tmp])):
        t.append(sum([voting_dict[y][x]for y in sen_set])/len(sen_set))
    return t

#democrats=[x.split()[0] for x in voting_data if x.split()[1]=='D']
#average_Democrat_record = set(find_average_record(democrats, voting_dict))
average_Democrat_record = [-0.16279069767441862, -0.23255813953488372, 1.0, 0.8372093023255814, 0.9767441860465116, -0.13953488372093023, -0.9534883720930233, 0.813953488372093, 0.9767441860465116, 0.9767441860465116, 0.9069767441860465, 0.7674418604651163, 0.6744186046511628, 0.9767441860465116, -0.5116279069767442, 0.9302325581395349, 0.9534883720930233, 0.9767441860465116, -0.3953488372093023, 0.9767441860465116, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9534883720930233, -0.4883720930232558, 1.0, -0.32558139534883723, -0.06976744186046512, 0.9767441860465116, 0.8604651162790697, 0.9767441860465116, 0.9767441860465116, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9767441860465116, -0.3488372093023256, 0.9767441860465116, -0.4883720930232558, 0.23255813953488372, 0.8837209302325582, 0.4418604651162791, 0.9069767441860465, -0.9069767441860465, 1.0, 0.9069767441860465, -0.3023255813953488] # (give the vector)
# average_Democrat_record = [-0.162791, -0.232558, 1.000000, 0.837209, 0.976744, -0.139535, -0.953488, 0.813953, 0.976744, 0.976744, 0.906977, 0.767442, 0.674419, 0.976744, -0.511628, 0.930233, 0.953488, 0.976744, -0.395349, 0.976744, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.953488, -0.488372, 1.000000, -0.325581, -0.069767, 0.976744, 0.860465, 0.976744, 0.976744, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.976744, -0.348837, 0.976744, -0.488372, 0.232558, 0.883721, 0.441860, 0.906977, -0.906977, 1.000000, 0.906977, -0.302326]

# Task 8

def bitter_rivals(voting_dict):
    Input: a dictionary mapping senator names to lists representing
           their voting records
    Output: a tuple containing the two senators who most strongly
            disagree with one another.
        >>> voting_dict = {'Klein': [-1,0,1], 'Fox-Epstein': [-1,-1,-1], 'Ravella': [0,0,1]}
        >>> bitter_rivals(voting_dict)
        ('Fox-Epstein', 'Ravella')
    for x in voting_dict.keys():
        y=least_similar(x, voting_dict)
        min_s=policy_compare(x, y, voting_dict)
        if min_s<sums:
    return (tx, ty)

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