Asterisk 1.8 chan_sip模块代码分析







31890       .load = load_module,
31891       .unload = unload_module,
31892       .reload = reload,
31893       .load_pri = AST_MODPRI_CHANNEL_DRIVER,
31894       .nonoptreq = "res_crypto,chan_local",
31895           );


        上面说明了模块的加载函数入口load_module。当内核加载SIP模块时,就会跳转到这里执行。这个函数的原型是int load_module(void)。



31600    can_parse_xml = sip_is_xml_parsable();
31601    if (reload_config(sip_reloadreason)) { /* Load the configuration from sip.conf */
31602       return AST_MODULE_LOAD_DECLINE;
31603    }






26939       /* Start a new monitor */
26940       if (ast_pthread_create_background(&monitor_thread, NULL, do_monitor, NULL) < 0) {
26941          ast_mutex_unlock(&monlock);
26942          ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to start monitor thread.\n");
26943          return -1;
26944       }






30000    /* Start TCP server */
30001    if (sip_cfg.tcp_enabled) {
30002       if (ast_sockaddr_isnull(&sip_tcp_desc.local_address)) {
30003          ast_sockaddr_copy(&sip_tcp_desc.local_address, &bindaddr);
30004       }
30005       if (!ast_sockaddr_port(&sip_tcp_desc.local_address)) {
30006          ast_sockaddr_set_port(&sip_tcp_desc.local_address, STANDARD_SIP_PORT);
30007       }
30008    } else {
30009       ast_sockaddr_setnull(&sip_tcp_desc.local_address);
30010    }
30011    ast_tcptls_server_start(&sip_tcp_desc);
30012    if (sip_cfg.tcp_enabled && sip_tcp_desc.accept_fd == -1) {
30013       /* TCP server start failed. Tell the admin */
30014       ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "SIP TCP Server start failed. Not listening on TCP socket.\n");
30015    } else {
30016       ast_debug(2, "SIP TCP server started\n");
30017    }


30019    /* Start TLS server if needed */
30020    memcpy(sip_tls_desc.tls_cfg, &default_tls_cfg, sizeof(default_tls_cfg));
30022    if (ast_ssl_setup(sip_tls_desc.tls_cfg)) {
30023       if (ast_sockaddr_isnull(&sip_tls_desc.local_address)) {
30024          ast_sockaddr_copy(&sip_tls_desc.local_address, &bindaddr);
30025          ast_sockaddr_set_port(&sip_tls_desc.local_address,
30026                      STANDARD_TLS_PORT);
30027       }
30028       if (!ast_sockaddr_port(&sip_tls_desc.local_address)) {
30029          ast_sockaddr_set_port(&sip_tls_desc.local_address,
30030                      STANDARD_TLS_PORT);
30031       }
30032       ast_tcptls_server_start(&sip_tls_desc);
30033       if (default_tls_cfg.enabled && sip_tls_desc.accept_fd == -1) {
30034          ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "TLS Server start failed. Not listening on TLS socket.\n");
30035          sip_tls_desc.tls_cfg = NULL;
30036       }
30037    } else if (sip_tls_desc.tls_cfg->enabled) {
30038       sip_tls_desc.tls_cfg = NULL;
30039       ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SIP TLS server did not load because of errors.\n");
30040    }



02213 static struct ast_tcptls_session_args sip_tcp_desc = {
02214    .accept_fd = -1,
02215    .master = AST_PTHREADT_NULL,
02216    .tls_cfg = NULL,
02217    .poll_timeout = -1,
02218    .name = "SIP TCP server",
02219    .accept_fn = ast_tcptls_server_root,
02220    .worker_fn = sip_tcp_worker_fn,
02221 };
02223 /*! \brief The TCP/TLS server definition */
02224 static struct ast_tcptls_session_args sip_tls_desc = {
02225    .accept_fd = -1,
02226    .master = AST_PTHREADT_NULL,
02227    .tls_cfg = &sip_tls_cfg,
02228    .poll_timeout = -1,
02229    .name = "SIP TLS server",
02230    .accept_fn = ast_tcptls_server_root,
02231    .worker_fn = sip_tcp_worker_fn,
02232 };





01612 /*! \brief Definition of this channel for PBX channel registration */
01613 struct ast_channel_tech sip_tech = {
01614    .type = "SIP",
01615    .description = "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)",
01617    .requester = sip_request_call,         /* called with chan unlocked */
01618    .devicestate = sip_devicestate,        /* called with chan unlocked (not chan-specific) */
01619    .call = sip_call,       /* called with chan locked */
01620    .send_html = sip_sendhtml,
01621    .hangup = sip_hangup,         /* called with chan locked */
01622    .answer = sip_answer,         /* called with chan locked */
01623    .read = sip_read,       /* called with chan locked */
01624    .write = sip_write,        /* called with chan locked */
01625    .write_video = sip_write,     /* called with chan locked */
01626    .write_text = sip_write,
01627    .indicate = sip_indicate,     /* called with chan locked */
01628    .transfer = sip_transfer,     /* called with chan locked */
01629    .fixup = sip_fixup,        /* called with chan locked */
01630    .send_digit_begin = sip_senddigit_begin/* called with chan unlocked */
01631    .send_digit_end = sip_senddigit_end,
01632    .bridge = ast_rtp_instance_bridge,        /* XXX chan unlocked ? */
01633    .early_bridge = ast_rtp_instance_early_bridge,
01634    .send_text = sip_sendtext,    /* called with chan locked */
01635    .func_channel_read = sip_acf_channel_read,
01636    .setoption = sip_setoption,
01637    .queryoption = sip_queryoption,
01638    .get_pvt_uniqueid = sip_get_callid,
01639 };



        前面说过,sipsock_read是UDP SIP消息的入口。调用ast_recvfrom(recvfrom函数的封装),从socket上读取数据包。把数据存储在一个sip_request结构体对象的data字段中,然后调用handle_request_do函数处理读取的数据,这里面,很多地方的request泛指了SIP消息,包括response,光看字面,很容易误解。



26367    if (parse_request(req) == -1) { /* Bad packet, can't parse */
26368       ast_str_reset(req->data); /* nulling this out is NOT a good idea here. */
26369       return 1;
26370    }



26371    req->method = find_sip_method(REQ_OFFSET_TO_STR(req, rlPart1));
26373    if (req->debug)
26374       ast_verbose("--- (%d headers %d lines)%s ---\n", req->headers, req->lines, (req->headers + req->lines == 0) ? " Nat keepalive" : "");
26376    if (req->headers < 2) { /* Must have at least two headers */
26377       ast_str_reset(req->data); /* nulling this out is NOT a good idea here. */
26378       return 1;
26379    }
26380    ast_mutex_lock(&netlock);
26382    /* Find the active SIP dialog or create a new one */
26383    p = find_call(req, addr, req->method); /* returns p with a reference only. _NOT_ locked*/
26384    if (p == NULL) {
26385       ast_debug(1, "Invalid SIP message - rejected , no callid, len %zu\n", ast_str_strlen(req->data));
26386       ast_mutex_unlock(&netlock);
26387       return 1;
26388    }
26390    /* Lock both the pvt and the owner if owner is present.  This will
26391     * not fail. */
26392    owner_chan_ref = sip_pvt_lock_full(p);
26394    copy_socket_data(&p->socket, &req->socket);
26395    ast_sockaddr_copy(&p->recv, addr);
26397    /* if we have an owner, then this request has been authenticated */
26398    if (p->owner) {
26399       req->authenticated = 1;
26400    }
26402    if (p->do_history) /* This is a request or response, note what it was for */
26403       append_history(p, "Rx", "%s / %s / %s", req->data->str, sip_get_header(req, "CSeq"), REQ_OFFSET_TO_STR(req, rlPart2));
26405    if (handle_incoming(p, req, addr, &recount, &nounlock) == -1) {
26406       /* Request failed */
26407       ast_debug(1, "SIP message could not be handled, bad request: %-70.70s\n", p->callid[0] ? p->callid : "<no callid>");
26408    }



26064    if (req->method == SIP_RESPONSE)
26099          handle_response(p, respid, e + len, req, seqno);




else if (p->icseq &&
26143          p->icseq == seqno &&
26144          req->method != SIP_ACK &&
26145          (p->method != SIP_CANCEL || p->alreadygone)) {
26146       /* ignore means "don't do anything with it" but still have to
26147          respond appropriately.  We do this if we receive a repeat of
26148          the last sequence number  */
26149       req->ignore = 1;
26150       ast_debug(3, "Ignoring SIP message because of retransmit (%s Seqno %u, ours %u)\n", sip_methods[p->method].text, p->icseq, seqno);
26151    }




26199    /* Handle various incoming SIP methods in requests */
26200    switch (p->method) {
26201    case SIP_OPTIONS:
26202       res = handle_request_options(p, req, addr, e);
26203       break;
26204    case SIP_INVITE:
26205       res = handle_request_invite(p, req, debug, seqno, addr, recount, e, nounlock);





23101    if (ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_OUTGOING) && p->owner && (p->invitestate != INV_TERMINATED && p->invitestate != INV_CONFIRMED) && ast_channel_state(p->owner) != AST_STATE_UP)



23150    if (!req->ignore && p->pendinginvite)




23192    p_replaces = sip_get_header(req, "Replaces");
23193    if (!ast_strlen_zero(p_replaces)) {
23194       /* We have a replaces header */




23339    if (!req->ignore) {
23340       int newcall = (p->initreq.headers ? TRUE : FALSE);
23342       if (sip_cancel_destroy(p))
23343          ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to cancel SIP destruction.  Expect bad things.\n");
23344       /* This also counts as a pending invite */
23345       p->pendinginvite = seqno;
23346       check_via(p, req);
23348       copy_request(&p->initreq, req);     /* Save this INVITE as the transaction basis */
23349       if (sipdebug)
23350          ast_debug(1, "Initializing initreq for method %s - callid %s\n", sip_methods[req->method].text, p->callid);
23351       if (!p->owner) {  /* Not a re-invite */
23352          if (debug)
23353             ast_verbose("Using INVITE request as basis request - %s\n", p->callid);
23354          if (newcall)
23355             append_history(p, "Invite", "New call: %s", p->callid);
23356          parse_ok_contact(p, req);
23357       } else { /* Re-invite on existing call */



23417    if (!p->lastinvite && !req->ignore && !p->owner) {
23418       /* This is a new invite */
23419       /* Handle authentication if this is our first invite */
23420       int cc_recall_core_id = -1;
23421       set_pvt_allowed_methods(p, req);
23422       res = check_user_full(p, req, SIP_INVITE, e, XMIT_RELIABLE, addr, &authpeer);
23423       if (res == AUTH_CHALLENGE_SENT) {
23424          p->invitestate = INV_COMPLETED;     /* Needs to restart in another INVITE transaction */
23425          goto request_invite_cleanup;
23426       }




23450       /* We have a successful authentication, process the SDP portion if there is one */
23451       if (find_sdp(req)) {
23452          if (process_sdp(p, req, SDP_T38_INITIATE)) {
23453             /* Asterisk does not yet support any Content-Encoding methods.  Always
23454              * attempt to process the sdp, but return a 415 if a Content-Encoding header
23455              * was present after processing fails. */
23456             if (!ast_strlen_zero(sip_get_header(req, "Content-Encoding"))) {
23457                transmit_response_reliable(p, "415 Unsupported Media type", req);
23458             } else {
23459                /* Unacceptable codecs */
23460                transmit_response_reliable(p, "488 Not acceptable here", req);
23461             }
23462             p->invitestate = INV_COMPLETED;
23463             sip_scheddestroy(p, DEFAULT_TRANS_TIMEOUT);
23464             ast_debug(1, "No compatible codecs for this SIP call.\n");
23465             res = INV_REQ_ERROR;
23466             goto request_invite_cleanup;
23467          }
23468       } else { /* No SDP in invite, call control session */
23469          ast_format_cap_copy(p->jointcaps, p->caps);
23470          ast_debug(2, "No SDP in Invite, third party call control\n");
23471       }



23554          /* First invitation - create the channel.  Allocation
23555           * failures are handled below. */
23556          c = sip_new(p, AST_STATE_DOWN, S_OR(p->peername, NULL), NULL);

        sip_new这个函数用于创建一个SIP CHANNEL,这里是入呼的调用,外呼时则是在sip_request_call函数中调用,sip_request_call是内核接口的SIP实现。sip_new返回之后,调用build_route记录SIP消息的路由信息。


        回到handle_request_invite函数,re-invite和原始invite的差异处理完之后,处理SST(SIPSession Timer)扩展的支持:

23594    /* Session-Timers */
23595    if ((p->sipoptions & SIP_OPT_TIMER) && !ast_strlen_zero(sip_get_header(req, "Session-Expires")))


         处理完SST之后,判断自身是还是Attendedtransfer 或call pickup的目标,最后,处理CHANNEL状态,根据状态,选择合适的应答码,交发出SIP应答。

23784       switch(c_state) {
23785       case AST_STATE_DOWN:
23786          ast_debug(2, "%s: New call is still down.... Trying... \n", ast_channel_name(c));
23787          transmit_provisional_response(p, "100 Trying", req, 0);
23788          p->invitestate = INV_PROCEEDING;
23789          ast_setstate(c, AST_STATE_RING);
23790          if (strcmp(p->exten, ast_pickup_ext())) { /* Call to extension -start pbx on this call */
23791             enum ast_pbx_result result;
23793             result = ast_pbx_start(c);
23795             switch(result) {
23796             case AST_PBX_FAILED:
23797                ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to start PBX :(\n");
23798                p->invitestate = INV_COMPLETED;
23799                transmit_response_reliable(p, "503 Unavailable", req);
23800                break;
23801             case AST_PBX_CALL_LIMIT:
23802                ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to start PBX (call limit reached) \n");
23803                p->invitestate = INV_COMPLETED;
23804                transmit_response_reliable(p, "480 Temporarily Unavailable", req);
23805                res = AUTH_SESSION_LIMIT;
23806                break;
23807             case AST_PBX_SUCCESS:
23808                /* nothing to do */
23809                break;
23810             }









05518    if (increase_call_count(c))
05519       return AST_PBX_CALL_LIMIT;
05521    /* Start a new thread, and get something handling this channel. */
05522    if (ast_pthread_create_detached(&t, NULL, pbx_thread, c)) {
05523       ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to create new channel thread\n");
05524       decrease_call_count();
05525       return AST_PBX_FAILED;
05526    }




05479 static void *pbx_thread(void *data)
05480 {
05481    /* Oh joyeous kernel, we're a new thread, with nothing to do but
05482       answer this channel and get it going.
05483    */
05484    /* NOTE:
05485       The launcher of this function _MUST_ increment 'countcalls'
05486       before invoking the function; it will be decremented when the
05487       PBX has finished running on the channel
05488     */
05489    struct ast_channel *c = data;
05491    /* Associate new PBX thread with a call-id */
05492    struct ast_callid *callid = ast_create_callid();
05493    ast_callid_threadassoc_add(callid);
05494    callid = ast_callid_unref(callid);
05496    __ast_pbx_run(c, NULL);
05497    decrease_call_count();
05499    pthread_exit(NULL);
05501    return NULL;
05502 }



       /* Start by trying whatever the channel is set to */
       if (!ast_exists_extension(c, c->context, c->exten, c->priority,
               S_COR(c->, c->, NULL))) {
               /* If not successful fall back to 's' */
               ast_verb(2, "Starting %s at %s,%s,%d failed so falling back to exten 's'\n", c->name, c->context, c->exten, c->priority);
               /* XXX the original code used the existing priority in the call to
                * ast_exists_extension(), and reset it to 1 afterwards.
                * I believe the correct thing is to set it to 1 immediately.
               set_ext_pri(c, "s", 1);
               if (!ast_exists_extension(c, c->context, c->exten, c->priority,
                       S_COR(c->, c->, NULL))) {
                       /* JK02: And finally back to default if everything else failed */
                       ast_verb(2, "Starting %s at %s,%s,%d still failed so falling back to context 'default'\n", c->name, c->context, c->exten, c->priority);
                       ast_copy_string(c->context, "default", sizeof(c->context));



05141    for (;;) {
05142       char dst_exten[256]; /* buffer to accumulate digits */
05143       int pos = 0;      /* XXX should check bounds */
05144       int digit = 0;
05145       int invalid = 0;
05146       int timeout = 0;
05148       /* loop on priorities in this context/exten */
05149       while (!(res = ast_spawn_extension(c, ast_channel_context(c), ast_channel_exten(c), ast_channel_priority(c),
05150          S_COR(ast_channel_caller(c)->id.number.valid, ast_channel_caller(c)->id.number.str, NULL),
05151          &found, 1))) {
05152          if (!ast_check_hangup(c)) {
05153             ast_channel_priority_set(c, ast_channel_priority(c) + 1);
05154             continue;
5155              }



05051 int ast_spawn_extension(struct ast_channel *c, const char *context, const char *exten, int priority, const char *callerid, int *found, int combined_find_spawn)
05052 {
05053    return pbx_extension_helper(c, NULL, context, exten, priority, NULL, callerid, E_SPAWN, found, combined_find_spawn);
05054 }



04342    e = pbx_find_extension(c, con, &q, context, exten, priority, label, callerid, action);


04390          return pbx_exec(c, app, passdata);  /* 0 on success, -1 on failure */





03160    res = ast_register_application_xml(app, dial_exec);



03029 static int dial_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *data)
03030 {
03031    struct ast_flags64 peerflags;
03033    memset(&peerflags, 0, sizeof(peerflags));
03035    return dial_exec_full(chan, data, &peerflags, NULL);
03036 }



