
1:出口管制 export control

2: 地方政府性债务 local government’s debts

3:乳品安全国家标准 national dairy safety standards

4:网店征税 taxes for online stores

5:建党90周年 the CPC’s 90th founding anni

6:硬着陆 hard landing

7:漏油 oil leak

8:地铁扶梯 subway escalator

9:履历造假 fake resume

10:三公消费 three public consumptions

11:退役 retire

12:断电 power failure

 13: 收购 acquisition

14:听证会 public hearings

15: 住房限购 property purchase restrictions

16:动车追尾 bullet train crash

17:航天飞机 space shuttle

18:零度可乐 Coke Zero

19:农夫山泉虫卵事件 worm eggs in Nongfu Spring

20:载人潜水器 manned submersible

21: 债务上限 debt ceiling

22:自由泳 freestyle

23:索马里饥荒 famine

24:美国驻华大使 US ambassador to China

25:航空母舰 aircraft carrier 

26:   山西老陈醋 Shanxi aged vinegar   

27:信用评级 credit rating

28:社保卡 social security cards

29:安检升级 raised security level

30:重大医疗事故 critical medical negligence

31: 拔罐疗法 cupping therapy 

32:   名人堂 Hall of Fame

33:    宜居城市 livable city

34:豪华游艇 luxury yacht  

35:  国际货币基金组织 International Monetary  

36:   罕见秋汛 rare autumn floods 

37:传记 biography

38:宣布全国解放日 declare  national  libernation

39:致病水饺 bacteria-contaminated dumplin

40:maternity leave 产假      school bus overloading小车超载    smash  refrigerators 砸冰箱
