Layout inflation的正确使用

之前一直对inflate里的ViewGroup参数感到困惑,知道看到了Dava Smith写的一篇关于这个inflate博客,才搞清楚inflate到底怎么用了。
以下是出自Dava Smith博客原文:
Layout inflation is the term used within the context of Android to indicate when an XML layout resource is parsed and converted into a hierarchy of View objects.
It’s common practice in the Android SDK, but you may be surprised to find that there is a wrong way to use LayoutInflater, and your application might be one of the offenders. If you’ve ever written something like the following code using LayoutInflater in your Android application:

inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_layout, null);

PLEASE read on, because you’re doing it wrong and I want to explain to you why.

Get to Know LayoutInflater

Let’s first take a look at how LayoutInflater works. There are two usable versions of the inflate() method for a standard application:

inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root)
inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot)

The first parameter points to the layout resource you want to inflate. The second parameter is the root view of the hierarchy you are inflating the resource to attach to. When the third parameter is present, it governs whether or not the inflated view is attached to the supplied root after inflation.

It is these last two parameters that can cause a bit of confusion. With the two parameter version of this method, LayoutInflater will automatically attempt to attach the inflated view to the supplied root. However, the framework has a check in place that if you pass null for the root it bypasses this attempt to avoid an application crash.

Many developers take this behavior to mean that the proper way to disable attachment on inflation is by passing null as root; in many cases not even realizing that the three parameter version of inflate() exists. By doing things this way, we also disable another very important function the root view has…but I’m getting ahead of myself.

Examples from the Framework

Let’s examine some situations in Android where the framework expects you as a developer to interactively inflate portions of the view.

Adapters are the most common case for using LayoutInflater is custom ListView adapters overriding getView(), which has the following method signature:

getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

Have you noticed that every time the framework wants you to inflate a layout, they also pass you the parent ViewGroup it will eventually be attached to? Notice also that in most cases (including the above two examples), it will throw an Exception later on if LayoutInflater is allowed to automatically attach the inflated view to the root.

So why do you suppose we are given this ViewGroup if we are not supposed to attach to it? It turns out the parent view is a very important part of the inflation process because it is necessary in order to evaluate the LayoutParams declared in the root element of the XML being inflated. Passing nothing here is akin to telling the framework “I don’t know what parent this view will be attached to, sorry.”

The problem with this is android:layout_xxx attributes are always be evaluated in the context of the parent view. As a result, without any known parent, all LayoutParams you declared on the root element of your XML tree will just get thrown away, and then you’ll be left asking “why is the framework ignoring the layout customizations I defined? I’d better check SO and then file a bug.”

Without LayoutParams, the ViewGroup that eventually hosts the inflated layout is left to generate a default set for you. If you are lucky (and in many cases you are) these default parameters are the same as what you had in XML…masking the fact that something is amiss.

Application Example

So you claim you’ve never seen this happen in an application? Take the following simple layout that we want to inflate for a ListView row:


<LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeight" android:gravity="center_vertical" android:orientation="horizontal">
    <TextView  android:id="@+id/text1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:paddingRight="15dp" android:text="Text1" />
    <TextView  android:id="@+id/text2" android:layout_width="0dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_weight="1" android:text="Text2" />

We want to set the height of our row to be a fixed height, in this case the preferred item height for the current theme…seems reasonable.

However, when we inflate this layout the wrong way

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    if (convertView == null) {
        convertView = inflate(R.layout.item_row, null);

    return convertView;

we end up with a result that looks like this
Layout inflation的正确使用_第1张图片
What happened to the fixed height we set?? This is usually where you end up setting the fixed height on all your child views, switching the root elements height to wrap_content, and move on without really knowing why it broke (you may have even cursed at Google in the process).

If we instead inflate the same layout this way

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    if (convertView == null) {
        convertView = inflate(R.layout.item_row, parent, false);

    return convertView;

we end up with what we expected in the first place.
Layout inflation的正确使用_第2张图片

Every Rule Has An Exception

There are of course instances where you can truly justify a null parent during inflation, but they are few. One such instance occurs when you are inflating a custom layout to be attached to an AlertDialog. Consider the following example where we want to use our same XML layout but set it as the dialog view:

The issue here is that AlertDialog.Builder supports a custom view, but does not provide an implementation of setView() that takes a layout resource; so you must inflate the XML manually. However, because the result will go into the dialog, which does not expose its root view (in fact, it doesn’t exist yet), we do not have access to the eventual parent of the layout, so we cannot use it for inflation. It turns out, this is irrelevant, because AlertDialog will erase any LayoutParams on the layout anyway and replace them with match_parent.

AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);
View content = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.item_row, null);

builder.setTitle("My Dialog");
builder.setPositiveButton("OK", null);;

So the next time your fingers are tempted to just type null into inflate(), you should stop and ask yourself “do I really not know where this view will end up?”

Bottom line, you should think of the two parameter version of inflate() as a convenience shortcut to omit true as the third paramter. You should not think of passing null as a convenience shortcut to omit false.

  • With the two parameter version of this method, LayoutInflater will automatically attempt to attach the inflated view to the supplied root. However, the framework has a check in place that if you pass null for the root it bypasses this attempt to avoid an application crash.这句话指出inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root)这个方法,如果你提供了root,resource布局会自动添加到root布局中,然而系统会首先检查你是否传了空值,来避免应用崩溃。
  • Many developers take this behavior to mean that the proper way to
    disable attachment on inflation is by passing null as root; in many
    cases not even realizing that the three parameter version of
    inflate() exists. By doing things this way, we also disable another
    very important function the root view has…but I’m getting ahead of
    myself.这句话指出许多开发者经常这样使用inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_layout, null);
  • So why do you suppose we are given this ViewGroup if we are not supposed to attach to it? It turns out the parent view is a very important part of the inflation process because it is necessary in order to evaluate the LayoutParams declared in the root element of the XML being inflated. Passing nothing here is akin to telling the framework “I don’t know what parent this view will be attached to, sorry.”这句话指出父视图是填充过程重要的部分,因为在计算被填充的XML布局的根元素定义的LayoutParams过程是必须要有父视图存在,如果给root传了空值,就相当于告诉了系统,它不知道这视图附在什么父视图上。 As a result, without any known parent, all LayoutParams you declared on the root element of your XML tree will just get thrown away,and then you’ll be left asking “why is the framework ignoring the layout customizations I defined? I’d better check SO and then file a bug.”指出没有任何一个已知的父视图的话,该结果会让你在XML根元素定义的LayoutParams参数全部会失效,为什么系统会忽视人家定义的布局参数呢?经过查看SO,发现它是一个bug来的。‘
  • Without LayoutParams, the ViewGroup that eventually hosts the inflated layout is left to generate a default set for you. If you are lucky (and in many cases you are) these default parameters are the same as what you had in XML…masking the fact that something is amiss.这句话指出在没有的LayoutParams情况下,最终控制填充布局的ViewGroup会产生一个默认LayoutParam值,大多情况下你很幸运遇到这些默认的值和你的XML LayoutParams值一样,但它遮盖了有时候会出错的事实。
  • The issue here is that AlertDialog.Builder supports a custom view, but does not provide an implementation of setView() that takes a layout resource; so you must inflate the XML manually. However, because the result will go into the dialog, which does not expose its root view (in fact, it doesn’t exist yet), we do not have access to the eventual parent of the layout, so we cannot use it for inflation. It turns out, this is irrelevant, because AlertDialog will erase any LayoutParams on the layout anyway and replace them with match_parent.这句话表明 inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_layout, null); 这样使用时正确的,因为填充布局附在dialog,dialog不存在根视图,因此我们最终不能使用其视图的父视图,经证实,AlertDialog会擦除任何layout的LayoutParams值,且使用match_parent替代。

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