Maven Testing Problem

This might make a good wiki entry.  I encourage you to enter it if 
you get a chance...


At 02:53 PM 4/3/2007, you wrote:
 >Mark --
 >Try this:
 >1) Rename the log4j.xml file that you use for testing to something else,
 >perhaps test-log4j.xml.  Keep it in the src/test/resources directory.
 >2) Make sure that you've included a testResource entry in your pom that
 >includes the test-log4j.xml file.  Something like this:
 >  <testResources>
 >    <testResource>
 >      <directory>src/test/resources</directory>
 >      <includes>
 >        <include>test-log4j.xml</include>
 >      </includes>
 >    </testResource>
 >  </testResources>
 >This entry will force Maven to copy the test-log4j.xml file from the
 >src/test/resources directory to the target/test-classes whenever it
 >compiles the test classes.
 >3) Tell log4j to use your test configuration file during the unit tests.
 >This is done by configuring the surefire plugin.  More specifically,
 >you'll set the "log4j.configuration" system property to
 >"test-log4j.xml".  Details on configuring the surefire plugin can be
 >found at

 >operties.html.  Here's what I believe you'll need to configure the
 >surefire plugin:
 >  <plugins>
 >    <plugin>
 >      <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
 >      <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
 >      <configuration>
 >        <systemProperties>
 >          <property>
 >            <name>log4j.configuration</name>
 >            <value>test-log4j.xml</value>
 >          </property>
 >        </systemProperties>
 >      </configuration>
 >    </plugin>
 >  </plugins>
 >Ron Gallagher
 >-----Original Message-----
 >From: Mark Hansen [mailto:[email protected]]
 >Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 1:14 PM
 >To: [email protected]
 >Subject: Configuring Log4J with Maven Testing and Production
 >I use Log4J and build my applications with Maven2.  I have a log4j.xml
 >config file in the src/main/resources directory so that Maven2 builds it
 >into the JAR with my application.
 >However, I have a different log4j.xml that I want to use with the JUnit
 >test that run as part of my Maven build process.  I'd like to put that
 >log4j.xml (testing) in the src/test/resources directory and have it
 >overide the production version in src/main/resources.  However, Maven
 >doesn't seem to work that way.  Instead, the production version of
 >log4j.xml seems to come first on the testing classpath and therefore
 >gets loaded instead of the testing version of log4j.xml.
 >I'm sure others must have faced this issue.  Are there any recommended
 >solutions to the problem?
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