

Boolean MediaSink::startPlaying(MediaSource& source,

afterPlayingFunc* afterFunc, void* afterClientData)



// Make sure we're not already being played:

if (fSource != NULL) {

envir().setResultMsg("This sink is already being played");

return False;


// Make sure our source is compatible:

if (!sourceIsCompatibleWithUs(source)) {


"MediaSink::startPlaying(): source is not compatible!");

return False;



fSource = (FramedSource*) &source;

fAfterFunc = afterFunc;

fAfterClientData = afterClientData;

return continuePlaying();



Boolean MultiFramedRTPSink::continuePlaying() {

// Send the first packet.

// (This will also schedule any future sends.)


return True;



void MultiFramedRTPSink::buildAndSendPacket(Boolean isFirstPacket) 



fIsFirstPacket = isFirstPacket;

// Set up the RTP header:

unsigned rtpHdr = 0x80000000; // RTP version 2; marker ('M') bit not set (by default; it can be set later)

rtpHdr |= (fRTPPayloadType << 16);

rtpHdr |= fSeqNo; // sequence number


// Note where the RTP timestamp will go.

// (We can't fill this in until we start packing payload frames.)

fTimestampPosition = fOutBuf->curPacketSize();

fOutBuf->skipBytes(4); // leave a hole for the timestamp 在缓冲中空出时间戳的位置


// Allow for a special, payload-format-specific header following the

// RTP header:

fSpecialHeaderPosition = fOutBuf->curPacketSize();

fSpecialHeaderSize = specialHeaderSize();


// Begin packing as many (complete) frames into the packet as we can:

fTotalFrameSpecificHeaderSizes = 0;

fNoFramesLeft = False;

fNumFramesUsedSoFar = 0; // 一个包中已打入的帧数。





void MultiFramedRTPSink::packFrame()


// First, see if we have an overflow frame that was too big for the last pkt

if (fOutBuf->haveOverflowData()) {


// Use this frame before reading a new one from the source

unsigned frameSize = fOutBuf->overflowDataSize();

struct timeval presentationTime = fOutBuf->overflowPresentationTime();

unsigned durationInMicroseconds =fOutBuf->overflowDurationInMicroseconds();


afterGettingFrame1(frameSize, 0, presentationTime,durationInMicroseconds);

} else {


// Normal case: we need to read a new frame from the source

if (fSource == NULL)



fCurFrameSpecificHeaderPosition = fOutBuf->curPacketSize();

fCurFrameSpecificHeaderSize = frameSpecificHeaderSize();


fTotalFrameSpecificHeaderSizes += fCurFrameSpecificHeaderSize;




afterGettingFrame, //因为可能source中的读数据函数会被放在任务调度中,所以把获取帧后应调用的函数传给source


ourHandleClosure, //这个是source结束时(比如文件读完了)要调用的函数。





void MultiFramedRTPSink::afterGettingFrame(void* clientData,

unsigned numBytesRead, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,

struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned durationInMicroseconds)


MultiFramedRTPSink* sink = (MultiFramedRTPSink*) clientData;

sink->afterGettingFrame1(numBytesRead, numTruncatedBytes, presentationTime,




void MultiFramedRTPSink::afterGettingFrame1(

unsigned frameSize,

unsigned numTruncatedBytes,

struct timeval presentationTime,

unsigned durationInMicroseconds)


if (fIsFirstPacket) {

// Record the fact that we're starting to play now:

gettimeofday(&fNextSendTime, NULL);



if (numTruncatedBytes > 0) {

unsigned const bufferSize = fOutBuf->totalBytesAvailable();


<< "MultiFramedRTPSink::afterGettingFrame1(): The input frame data was too large for our buffer size ("

<< bufferSize

<< ").  "

<< numTruncatedBytes

<< " bytes of trailing data was dropped!  Correct this by increasing \"OutPacketBuffer::maxSize\" to at least "

<< OutPacketBuffer::maxSize + numTruncatedBytes

<< ", *before* creating this 'RTPSink'.  (Current value is "

<< OutPacketBuffer::maxSize << ".)\n";


unsigned curFragmentationOffset = fCurFragmentationOffset;

unsigned numFrameBytesToUse = frameSize;

unsigned overflowBytes = 0;


// If we have already packed one or more frames into this packet,

// check whether this new frame is eligible to be packed after them.

// (This is independent of whether the packet has enough room for this

// new frame; that check comes later.)

if (fNumFramesUsedSoFar > 0) {


if ((fPreviousFrameEndedFragmentation && !allowOtherFramesAfterLastFragment())

|| !frameCanAppearAfterPacketStart(fOutBuf->curPtr(), frameSize))


// Save away this frame for next time:

numFrameBytesToUse = 0;

fOutBuf->setOverflowData(fOutBuf->curPacketSize(), frameSize,

presentationTime, durationInMicroseconds);




fPreviousFrameEndedFragmentation = False;


if (numFrameBytesToUse > 0) {

// Check whether this frame overflows the packet

if (fOutBuf->wouldOverflow(frameSize)) {

// Don't use this frame now; instead, save it as overflow data, and

// send it in the next packet instead.  However, if the frame is too

// big to fit in a packet by itself, then we need to fragment it (and

// use some of it in this packet, if the payload format permits this.)

if (isTooBigForAPacket(frameSize)

&& (fNumFramesUsedSoFar == 0 || allowFragmentationAfterStart())) {

// We need to fragment this frame, and use some of it now:

overflowBytes = computeOverflowForNewFrame(frameSize);

numFrameBytesToUse -= overflowBytes;

fCurFragmentationOffset += numFrameBytesToUse;

} else {

// We don't use any of this frame now:

overflowBytes = frameSize;

numFrameBytesToUse = 0;


fOutBuf->setOverflowData(fOutBuf->curPacketSize() + numFrameBytesToUse,

overflowBytes, presentationTime, durationInMicroseconds);

} else if (fCurFragmentationOffset > 0) {

// This is the last fragment of a frame that was fragmented over

// more than one packet.  Do any special handling for this case:

fCurFragmentationOffset = 0;

fPreviousFrameEndedFragmentation = True;



if (numFrameBytesToUse == 0 && frameSize > 0) {


// Send our packet now, because we have filled it up:


} else {


// Use this frame in our outgoing packet:

unsigned char* frameStart = fOutBuf->curPtr();


// do this now, in case "doSpecialFrameHandling()" calls "setFramePadding()" to append padding bytes

// Here's where any payload format specific processing gets done:

doSpecialFrameHandling(curFragmentationOffset, frameStart,

numFrameBytesToUse, presentationTime, overflowBytes);


// Update the time at which the next packet should be sent, based

// on the duration of the frame that we just packed into it.

// However, if this frame has overflow data remaining, then don't

// count its duration yet.

if (overflowBytes == 0) {

fNextSendTime.tv_usec += durationInMicroseconds;

fNextSendTime.tv_sec += fNextSendTime.tv_usec / 1000000;

fNextSendTime.tv_usec %= 1000000;



// Send our packet now if (i) it's already at our preferred size, or

// (ii) (heuristic) another frame of the same size as the one we just

//      read would overflow the packet, or

// (iii) it contains the last fragment of a fragmented frame, and we

//      don't allow anything else to follow this or

// (iv) one frame per packet is allowed:

if (fOutBuf->isPreferredSize()

|| fOutBuf->wouldOverflow(numFrameBytesToUse)

|| (fPreviousFrameEndedFragmentation

&& !allowOtherFramesAfterLastFragment())

|| !frameCanAppearAfterPacketStart(

fOutBuf->curPtr() - frameSize, frameSize)) {

// The packet is ready to be sent now


} else {

// There's room for more frames; try getting another:






void MultiFramedRTPSink::sendPacketIfNecessary()



if (fNumFramesUsedSoFar > 0) {

// Send the packet:

#ifdef TEST_LOSS

if ((our_random()%10) != 0) // simulate 10% packet loss #####


if (!fRTPInterface.sendPacket(fOutBuf->packet(),fOutBuf->curPacketSize())) {

// if failure handler has been specified, call it

if (fOnSendErrorFunc != NULL)




fTotalOctetCount += fOutBuf->curPacketSize();

fOctetCount += fOutBuf->curPacketSize() - rtpHeaderSize

- fSpecialHeaderSize - fTotalFrameSpecificHeaderSizes;

++fSeqNo; // for next time



if (fOutBuf->haveOverflowData()

&& fOutBuf->totalBytesAvailable() > fOutBuf->totalBufferSize() / 2) {

// Efficiency hack: Reset the packet start pointer to just in front of

// the overflow data (allowing for the RTP header and special headers),

// so that we probably don't have to "memmove()" the overflow data

// into place when building the next packet:

unsigned newPacketStart = fOutBuf->curPacketSize()- 

(rtpHeaderSize + fSpecialHeaderSize + frameSpecificHeaderSize());


} else {

// Normal case: Reset the packet start pointer back to the start:




fNumFramesUsedSoFar = 0;

if (fNoFramesLeft) {


// We're done:


} else {


// We have more frames left to send.  Figure out when the next frame

// is due to start playing, then make sure that we wait this long before

// sending the next packet.

struct timeval timeNow;

gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);

int secsDiff = fNextSendTime.tv_sec - timeNow.tv_sec;

int64_t uSecondsToGo = secsDiff * 1000000

+ (fNextSendTime.tv_usec - timeNow.tv_usec);

if (uSecondsToGo < 0 || secsDiff < 0) { // sanity check: Make sure that the time-to-delay is non-negative:

uSecondsToGo = 0;


// Delay this amount of time:

nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(uSecondsToGo,

(TaskFunc*) sendNext, this);



可以看到为了延迟包的发送,使用了delay task来执行下次打包发送任务。




MultiFramedRTPSink中的帧数据和包缓冲区共用一个,只是用一些额外的变量指明缓冲区中属于包的部分以及属于帧数据的部分(包以外的数据叫做overflow data)。它有时会把overflow data以mem move的方式移到包开始的位置,有时把包的开始位置直接设置到overflow data开始的地方。那么这个缓冲的大小是怎样确定的呢?是跟据调用者指定的的一个最大的包的大小+60000算出的。这个地方把我搞胡涂了:如果一次从source获取一个帧的话,那这个缓冲应设为不小于最大的一个帧的大小才是,为何是按包的大小设置呢?可以看到,当缓冲不够时只是提示一下:

if (numTruncatedBytes > 0) {

unsigned const bufferSize = fOutBuf->totalBytesAvailable();


<< "MultiFramedRTPSink::afterGettingFrame1(): The input frame data was too large for our buffer size ("

<< bufferSize

<< ").  "

<< numTruncatedBytes

<< " bytes of trailing data was dropped!  Correct this by increasing \"OutPacketBuffer::maxSize\" to at least "

<< OutPacketBuffer::maxSize + numTruncatedBytes

<< ", *before* creating this 'RTPSink'.  (Current value is "

<< OutPacketBuffer::maxSize << ".)\n";


