Oracle 应用产品 :
没有办法,借用朋友的账号上Oracle EBS官方上查找处理方法,最后查找到有一个SR与我们问题症状相似,RMA LINE STUCK IN "AWAITING_RETURN" OR "AWAITING_RETURN_DISPOSITION" (文档 ID 378221.1)网址:https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=514804030234119&id=378221.1&displayIndex=4&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=2xpv9x45m_378
ORA-20001: OE_RMA_WF.Wait_For_Receiving(OEOL, 263115, 161649, RUN) Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(OE_RMA_WF.WAIT_FOR_RECEIVING, OEOL, 263115, 161649, RUN) |
OE_STANDARD_WF.STANDARD_BLOCK(OMERROR, WF11118,162379, RUN) Wf_Engine_Util.Function_Call(OE_ERROR_WF.Set_entity_Descriptor, OMERROR, WF11118,162379, RUN) |
--备份数据 create table cux.WF_ITEMS as select * from WF_ITEMS where ITEM_KEY='263115' for update; delete from WF_ITEMS where ITEM_KEY='263115'; create table cux.wf_item_activity_statuses as Select * From wf_item_activity_statuses wf where wf.item_key='263115'; delete from wf_item_activity_statuses wf where wf.item_key='263115'; create table cux.WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H as SELECT * FROM WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WHERE ITEM_KEY='263115'; Delete FROM WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WHERE ITEM_KEY='263115' --子流程提示错误记录 Insert Into cux.wf_item_activity_statuses Select * From cux.wf_item_activity_statuses wf where wf.item_key In ('WF11148','WF11146'); Insert Into cux.WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H SELECT * FROM WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WHERE ITEM_KEY In ('WF11148','WF11146'); Insert Into cux.WF_ITEMS select * from WF_ITEMS where ITEM_KEY In ('WF11148','WF11146'); --从Clone环境导入数据 select * from WF_ITEMS where ITEM_KEY='263115' for update; Select * From wf_item_activity_statuses wf where wf.item_key='263115' for update; SELECT * FROM WF_ITEM_ACTIVITY_STATUSES_H WHERE ITEM_KEY='263115' for update; <span style="color:black;"><span style="font-size:14px;">注意:</span></span>
ITEM_KEY ='263115'为销售订单行的LINE_ID;ITEM_KEYIn ('WF11148','WF11146')为之流程项目关键字的值。
1. 检查要DataFix的记录
--&report_yn默认值为Y select oh.order_number, ol.line_number || '.' || ol.shipment_number line_number, ol.line_id, ol.flow_status_code, ol.ordered_quantity, mmt.transaction_date received_date, rcv.quantity received_quantity from OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL OH, OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL OL, RCV_TRANSACTIONS RCV, MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS MMT where oh.header_id = ol.header_id and ol.line_id = rcv.oe_order_line_id and ol.line_id = mmt.trx_source_line_id and mmt.transaction_type_id = 15 and mmt.rcv_transaction_id = rcv.transaction_id and ol.flow_status_code = 'AWAITING_RETURN' and nvl(upper('&report_yn'), 'N') = 'Y';
2. 然后,根据检查结果的订单行LINE_ID批量或逐行执行
declare l_line_id number := 263115; l_ordered_qty number; cursor line_info is select line_id, ordered_quantity from oe_order_lines_all ool where ool.line_id = l_line_id and ool.flow_status_code = 'AWAITING_RETURN' and exists (select 'x' from mtl_material_transactions mmt, rcv_transactions rcv where mmt.trx_source_line_id = ool.line_id and mmt.transaction_type_id = 15 and rcv.oe_order_line_id = ool.line_id and mmt.rcv_transaction_id = rcv.transaction_id) for update nowait; l_user_id number; l_resp_id number; l_appl_id number; x_return_status varchar2(10); x_msg_count number; x_msg_data varchar2(2000); begin if nvl(l_line_id, 0) > 0 then open line_info; fetch line_info into l_line_id, l_ordered_qty; if line_info%notfound then close line_info; dbms_output.put_line('Error: Invalid Line Id, Re-enter.'); return; end if; close line_info; else return; end if; Begin select number_value into l_user_id from wf_item_attribute_values where item_type = 'OEOL' and item_key = l_line_id and name = 'USER_ID'; select number_value into l_resp_id from wf_item_attribute_values where item_type = 'OEOL' and item_key = l_line_id and name = 'RESPONSIBILITY_ID'; select number_value into l_appl_id from wf_item_attribute_values where item_type = 'OEOL' and item_key = l_line_id and name = 'APPLICATION_ID'; Exception When No_Data_Found Then dbms_output.put_line('Error: Line flow does not exist.'); return; End; fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_appl_id); update oe_order_lines set fulfilled_quantity = null, shipped_quantity = null, last_updated_by = -99999999, last_update_date = sysdate where line_id = l_line_id; begin oe_rma_receiving.push_receiving_info(l_line_id, l_ordered_qty, 'NO PARENT', 'RECEIVE', 'N', x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data); if x_return_status = 'S' then oe_rma_receiving.push_receiving_info(l_line_id, l_ordered_qty, 'RECEIVE', 'DELIVER', 'N', x_return_status, x_msg_count, x_msg_data); end if; oe_debug_pub.add('no. of OE messages :' || x_msg_count, 1); dbms_output.put_line('no. of OE messages :' || x_msg_count); for k in 1 .. x_msg_count loop x_msg_data := oe_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => k, p_encoded => 'F'); oe_debug_pub.add(substr(x_msg_data, 1, 255)); oe_debug_pub.add(substr(x_msg_data, 255, length(x_msg_data))); dbms_output.put_line('Error msg: ' || substr(x_msg_data, 1, 200)); end loop; fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => 'F', p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data); oe_debug_pub.add('no. of FND messages :' || x_msg_count, 1); dbms_output.put_line('no. of FND messages :' || x_msg_count); for k in 1 .. x_msg_count loop x_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => k, p_encoded => 'F'); dbms_output.put_line('Error msg: ' || substr(x_msg_data, 1, 200)); oe_debug_pub.add(substr(x_msg_data, 1, 255)); end loop; if x_return_status <> 'S' then oe_debug_pub.add('Error occurred, rolling back changes.', 1); dbms_output.put_line('Error occurred, please fix the errors and retry.'); rollback; else commit; end if; end; dbms_output.put_line('For details, see OM Debug File: ' || OE_DEBUG_PUB.G_DIR || '/' || OE_DEBUG_PUB.G_FILE); end;