hadoop 2.6 Yarn Service源代码分析


   * Service states
  public enum STATE {
    /** Constructed but not initialized */

    /** Initialized but not started or stopped */
    INITED(1, "INITED"),

    /** started and not stopped */

    /** stopped. No further state transitions are permitted */

     * An integer value for use in array lookup and JMX interfaces.
     * Although {@link Enum#ordinal()} could do this, explicitly
     * identify the numbers gives more stability guarantees over time.
    private final int value;

     * A name of the state that can be used in messages
    private final String statename;

    private STATE(int value, String name) {
      this.value = value;
      this.statename = name;

     * Get the integer value of a state
     * @return the numeric value of the state
    public int getValue() {
      return value;

     * Get the name of a state
     * @return the state's name
    public String toString() {
      return statename;

Service 有以下方法:

   * Initialize the service.
   * The transition MUST be from {@link STATE#NOTINITED} to {@link STATE#INITED}
   * unless the operation failed and an exception was raised, in which case
   * {@link #stop()} MUST be invoked and the service enter the state
   * {@link STATE#STOPPED}.
   * @param config the configuration of the service
   * @throws RuntimeException on any failure during the operation

  void init(Configuration config);

   * Start the service.
   * The transition MUST be from {@link STATE#INITED} to {@link STATE#STARTED}
   * unless the operation failed and an exception was raised, in which case
   * {@link #stop()} MUST be invoked and the service enter the state
   * {@link STATE#STOPPED}.
   * @throws RuntimeException on any failure during the operation

  void start();

   * Stop the service. This MUST be a no-op if the service is already
   * in the {@link STATE#STOPPED} state. It SHOULD be a best-effort attempt
   * to stop all parts of the service.
   * The implementation must be designed to complete regardless of the service
   * state, including the initialized/uninitialized state of all its internal
   * fields.
   * @throws RuntimeException on any failure during the stop operation
  void stop();

   * A version of stop() that is designed to be usable in Java7 closure
   * clauses.
   * Implementation classes MUST relay this directly to {@link #stop()}
   * @throws IOException never
   * @throws RuntimeException on any failure during the stop operation
  void close() throws IOException;

   * Register a listener to the service state change events.
   * If the supplied listener is already listening to this service,
   * this method is a no-op.
   * @param listener a new listener
  void registerServiceListener(ServiceStateChangeListener listener);

   * Unregister a previously registered listener of the service state
   * change events. No-op if the listener is already unregistered.
   * @param listener the listener to unregister.
  void unregisterServiceListener(ServiceStateChangeListener listener);

   * Get the name of this service.
   * @return the service name
  String getName();

   * Get the configuration of this service.
   * This is normally not a clone and may be manipulated, though there are no
   * guarantees as to what the consequences of such actions may be
   * @return the current configuration, unless a specific implentation chooses
   * otherwise.
  Configuration getConfig();

   * Get the current service state
   * @return the state of the service
  STATE getServiceState();

   * Get the service start time
   * @return the start time of the service. This will be zero if the service
   * has not yet been started.
  long getStartTime();

   * Query to see if the service is in a specific state.
   * In a multi-threaded system, the state may not hold for very long.
   * @param state the expected state
   * @return true if, at the time of invocation, the service was in that state.
  boolean isInState(STATE state);

   * Get the first exception raised during the service failure. If null,
   * no exception was logged
   * @return the failure logged during a transition to the stopped state
  Throwable getFailureCause();

   * Get the state in which the failure in {@link #getFailureCause()} occurred.
   * @return the state or null if there was no failure
  STATE getFailureState();

   * Block waiting for the service to stop; uses the termination notification
   * object to do so.
   * This method will only return after all the service stop actions
   * have been executed (to success or failure), or the timeout elapsed
   * This method can be called before the service is inited or started; this is
   * to eliminate any race condition with the service stopping before
   * this event occurs.
   * @param timeout timeout in milliseconds. A value of zero means "forever"
   * @return true iff the service stopped in the time period
  boolean waitForServiceToStop(long timeout);

   * Get a snapshot of the lifecycle history; it is a static list
   * @return a possibly empty but never null list of lifecycle events.
  public List<LifecycleEvent> getLifecycleHistory();

   * Get the blockers on a service -remote dependencies
   * that are stopping the service from being <i>live</i>.
   * @return a (snapshotted) map of blocker name->description values
  public Map<String, String> getBlockers();


 * Implements the service state model.
public class ServiceStateModel {

   * Map of all valid state transitions
   * [current] [proposed1, proposed2, ...]
  private static final boolean[][] statemap =
      //                uninited inited started stopped
      /* uninited  */    {false, true,  false,  true},
      /* inited    */    {false, true,  true,   true},
      /* started   */    {false, false, true,   true},
      /* stopped   */    {false, false, false,  true},

   * The state of the service
  private volatile Service.STATE state;

   * The name of the service: used in exceptions
  private String name;

   * Create the service state model in the {@link Service.STATE#NOTINITED}
   * state.
  public ServiceStateModel(String name) {
    this(name, Service.STATE.NOTINITED);

   * Create a service state model instance in the chosen state
   * @param state the starting state
  public ServiceStateModel(String name, Service.STATE state) {
    this.state = state;
    this.name = name;

   * Query the service state. This is a non-blocking operation.
   * @return the state
  public Service.STATE getState() {
    return state;

   * Query that the state is in a specific state
   * @param proposed proposed new state
   * @return the state
  public boolean isInState(Service.STATE proposed) {
    return state.equals(proposed);

   * Verify that that a service is in a given state.
   * @param expectedState the desired state
   * @throws ServiceStateException if the service state is different from
   * the desired state
  public void ensureCurrentState(Service.STATE expectedState) {
    if (state != expectedState) {
      throw new ServiceStateException(name+ ": for this operation, the " +
                                      "current service state must be "
                                      + expectedState
                                      + " instead of " + state);

   * Enter a state -thread safe.
   * @param proposed proposed new state
   * @return the original state
   * @throws ServiceStateException if the transition is not permitted
  public synchronized Service.STATE enterState(Service.STATE proposed) {
    checkStateTransition(name, state, proposed);
    Service.STATE oldState = state;
    //atomic write of the new state
    state = proposed;
    return oldState;

   * Check that a state tansition is valid and
   * throw an exception if not
   * @param name name of the service (can be null)
   * @param state current state
   * @param proposed proposed new state
  public static void checkStateTransition(String name,
                                          Service.STATE state,
                                          Service.STATE proposed) {
    if (!isValidStateTransition(state, proposed)) {
      throw new ServiceStateException(name + " cannot enter state "
                                      + proposed + " from state " + state);

   * Is a state transition valid?
   * There are no checks for current==proposed
   * as that is considered a non-transition.
   * using an array kills off all branch misprediction costs, at the expense
   * of cache line misses.
   * @param current current state
   * @param proposed proposed new state
   * @return true if the transition to a new state is valid
  public static boolean isValidStateTransition(Service.STATE current,
                                               Service.STATE proposed) {
    boolean[] row = statemap[current.getValue()];
    return row[proposed.getValue()];

   * return the state text as the toString() value
   * @return the current state's description
  public String toString() {
    return (name.isEmpty() ? "" : ((name) + ": "))
            + state.toString();


 * Interface to notify state changes of a service.
public interface ServiceStateChangeListener {

   * Callback to notify of a state change. The service will already
   * have changed state before this callback is invoked.
   * This operation is invoked on the thread that initiated the state change,
   * while the service itself in in a sychronized section.
   * <ol>
   *   <li>Any long-lived operation here will prevent the service state
   *   change from completing in a timely manner.</li>
   *   <li>If another thread is somehow invoked from the listener, and
   *   that thread invokes the methods of the service (including
   *   subclass-specific methods), there is a risk of a deadlock.</li>
   * </ol>
   * @param service the service that has changed.
  void stateChanged(Service service);


   * Class to manage a list of {@link ServiceStateChangeListener} instances,
   * including a notification loop that is robust against changes to the list
   * during the notification process.
  public static class ServiceListeners {
     * List of state change listeners; it is final to guarantee
     * that it will never be null.
    private final List<ServiceStateChangeListener> listeners =
      new ArrayList<ServiceStateChangeListener>();

     * Thread-safe addition of a new listener to the end of a list.
     * Attempts to re-register a listener that is already registered
     * will be ignored.
     * @param l listener
    public synchronized void add(ServiceStateChangeListener l) {
      if(!listeners.contains(l)) {

     * Remove any registration of a listener from the listener list.
     * @param l listener
     * @return true if the listener was found (and then removed)
    public synchronized boolean remove(ServiceStateChangeListener l) {
      return listeners.remove(l);

     * Reset the listener list
    public synchronized void reset() {

     * Change to a new state and notify all listeners.
     * This method will block until all notifications have been issued.
     * It caches the list of listeners before the notification begins,
     * so additions or removal of listeners will not be visible.
     * @param service the service that has changed state
    public void notifyListeners(Service service) {
      //take a very fast snapshot of the callback list
      //very much like CopyOnWriteArrayList, only more minimal
      ServiceStateChangeListener[] callbacks;
      synchronized (this) {
        callbacks = listeners.toArray(new ServiceStateChangeListener[listeners.size()]);
      //iterate through the listeners outside the synchronized method,
      //ensuring that listener registration/unregistration doesn't break anything
      for (ServiceStateChangeListener l : callbacks) {


public final class ServiceOperations {
  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractService.class);

  private ServiceOperations() {

   * Stop a service.
   * <p/>Do nothing if the service is null or not
   * in a state in which it can be/needs to be stopped.
   * <p/>
   * The service state is checked <i>before</i> the operation begins.
   * This process is <i>not</i> thread safe.
   * @param service a service or null
  public static void stop(Service service) {
    if (service != null) {

   * Stop a service; if it is null do nothing. Exceptions are caught and
   * logged at warn level. (but not Throwables). This operation is intended to
   * be used in cleanup operations
   * @param service a service; may be null
   * @return any exception that was caught; null if none was.
  public static Exception stopQuietly(Service service) {
    return stopQuietly(LOG, service);

   * Stop a service; if it is null do nothing. Exceptions are caught and
   * logged at warn level. (but not Throwables). This operation is intended to
   * be used in cleanup operations
   * @param log the log to warn at
   * @param service a service; may be null
   * @return any exception that was caught; null if none was.
   * @see ServiceOperations#stopQuietly(Service)
  public static Exception stopQuietly(Log log, Service service) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn("When stopping the service " + service.getName()
               + " : " + e,
      return e;
    return null;


 * This is the base implementation class for services.
public abstract class AbstractService implements Service {

  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractService.class);

   * Service name.
  private final String name;

  /** service state */
  private final ServiceStateModel stateModel;

   * Service start time. Will be zero until the service is started.
  private long startTime;

   * The configuration. Will be null until the service is initialized.
  private volatile Configuration config;

   * List of state change listeners; it is final to ensure
   * that it will never be null.
  private final ServiceOperations.ServiceListeners listeners
    = new ServiceOperations.ServiceListeners();
   * Static listeners to all events across all services
  private static ServiceOperations.ServiceListeners globalListeners
    = new ServiceOperations.ServiceListeners();

   * The cause of any failure -will be null.
   * if a service did not stop due to a failure.
  private Exception failureCause;

   * the state in which the service was when it failed.
   * Only valid when the service is stopped due to a failure
  private STATE failureState = null;

   * object used to co-ordinate {@link #waitForServiceToStop(long)}
   * across threads.
  private final AtomicBoolean terminationNotification =
    new AtomicBoolean(false);

   * History of lifecycle transitions
  private final List<LifecycleEvent> lifecycleHistory
    = new ArrayList<LifecycleEvent>(5);

   * Map of blocking dependencies
  private final Map<String,String> blockerMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

  private final Object stateChangeLock = new Object();
   * Construct the service.
   * @param name service name
  public AbstractService(String name) {
    this.name = name;
    stateModel = new ServiceStateModel(name);

  public final STATE getServiceState() {
    return stateModel.getState();

  public final synchronized Throwable getFailureCause() {
    return failureCause;

  public synchronized STATE getFailureState() {
    return failureState;

   * Set the configuration for this service.
   * This method is called during {@link #init(Configuration)}
   * and should only be needed if for some reason a service implementation
   * needs to override that initial setting -for example replacing
   * it with a new subclass of {@link Configuration}
   * @param conf new configuration.
  protected void setConfig(Configuration conf) {
    this.config = conf;

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * This invokes {@link #serviceInit}
   * @param conf the configuration of the service. This must not be null
   * @throws ServiceStateException if the configuration was null,
   * the state change not permitted, or something else went wrong
  public void init(Configuration conf) {
    if (conf == null) {
      throw new ServiceStateException("Cannot initialize service "
                                      + getName() + ": null configuration");
    if (isInState(STATE.INITED)) {
    synchronized (stateChangeLock) {
      if (enterState(STATE.INITED) != STATE.INITED) {
        try {
          if (isInState(STATE.INITED)) {
            //if the service ended up here during init,
            //notify the listeners
        } catch (Exception e) {
          ServiceOperations.stopQuietly(LOG, this);
          throw ServiceStateException.convert(e);

   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @throws ServiceStateException if the current service state does not permit
   * this action
  public void start() {
    if (isInState(STATE.STARTED)) {
    //enter the started state
    synchronized (stateChangeLock) {
      if (stateModel.enterState(STATE.STARTED) != STATE.STARTED) {
        try {
          startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          if (isInState(STATE.STARTED)) {
            //if the service started (and isn't now in a later state), notify
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Service " + getName() + " is started");
        } catch (Exception e) {
          ServiceOperations.stopQuietly(LOG, this);
          throw ServiceStateException.convert(e);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void stop() {
    if (isInState(STATE.STOPPED)) {
    synchronized (stateChangeLock) {
      if (enterState(STATE.STOPPED) != STATE.STOPPED) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          //stop-time exceptions are logged if they are the first one,
          throw ServiceStateException.convert(e);
        } finally {
          //report that the service has terminated
          synchronized (terminationNotification) {
          //notify anything listening for events
      } else {
        //already stopped: note it
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Ignoring re-entrant call to stop()");

   * Relay to {@link #stop()}
   * @throws IOException
  public final void close() throws IOException {

   * Failure handling: record the exception
   * that triggered it -if there was not one already.
   * Services are free to call this themselves.
   * @param exception the exception
  protected final void noteFailure(Exception exception) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("noteFailure " + exception, null);
    if (exception == null) {
      //make sure failure logic doesn't itself cause problems
    //record the failure details, and log it
    synchronized (this) {
      if (failureCause == null) {
        failureCause = exception;
        failureState = getServiceState();
        LOG.info("Service " + getName()
                 + " failed in state " + failureState
                 + "; cause: " + exception,

  public final boolean waitForServiceToStop(long timeout) {
    boolean completed = terminationNotification.get();
    while (!completed) {
      try {
        synchronized(terminationNotification) {
        // here there has been a timeout, the object has terminated,
        // or there has been a spurious wakeup (which we ignore)
        completed = true;
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // interrupted; have another look at the flag
        completed = terminationNotification.get();
    return terminationNotification.get();

  /* ===================================================================== */
  /* Override Points */
  /* ===================================================================== */

   * All initialization code needed by a service.
   * This method will only ever be called once during the lifecycle of
   * a specific service instance.
   * Implementations do not need to be synchronized as the logic
   * in {@link #init(Configuration)} prevents re-entrancy.
   * The base implementation checks to see if the subclass has created
   * a new configuration instance, and if so, updates the base class value
   * @param conf configuration
   * @throws Exception on a failure -these will be caught,
   * possibly wrapped, and wil; trigger a service stop
  protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception {
    if (conf != config) {
      LOG.debug("Config has been overridden during init");

   * Actions called during the INITED to STARTED transition.
   * This method will only ever be called once during the lifecycle of
   * a specific service instance.
   * Implementations do not need to be synchronized as the logic
   * in {@link #start()} prevents re-entrancy.
   * @throws Exception if needed -these will be caught,
   * wrapped, and trigger a service stop
  protected void serviceStart() throws Exception {


   * Actions called during the transition to the STOPPED state.
   * This method will only ever be called once during the lifecycle of
   * a specific service instance.
   * Implementations do not need to be synchronized as the logic
   * in {@link #stop()} prevents re-entrancy.
   * Implementations MUST write this to be robust against failures, including
   * checks for null references -and for the first failure to not stop other
   * attempts to shut down parts of the service.
   * @throws Exception if needed -these will be caught and logged.
  protected void serviceStop() throws Exception {


  public void registerServiceListener(ServiceStateChangeListener l) {

  public void unregisterServiceListener(ServiceStateChangeListener l) {

   * Register a global listener, which receives notifications
   * from the state change events of all services in the JVM
   * @param l listener
  public static void registerGlobalListener(ServiceStateChangeListener l) {

   * unregister a global listener.
   * @param l listener to unregister
   * @return true if the listener was found (and then deleted)
  public static boolean unregisterGlobalListener(ServiceStateChangeListener l) {
    return globalListeners.remove(l);

   * Package-scoped method for testing -resets the global listener list
  static void resetGlobalListeners() {

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  public synchronized Configuration getConfig() {
    return config;

  public long getStartTime() {
    return startTime;

   * Notify local and global listeners of state changes.
   * Exceptions raised by listeners are NOT passed up.
  private void notifyListeners() {
    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      LOG.warn("Exception while notifying listeners of " + this + ": " + e,

   * Add a state change event to the lifecycle history
  private void recordLifecycleEvent() {
    LifecycleEvent event = new LifecycleEvent();
    event.time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    event.state = getServiceState();

  public synchronized List<LifecycleEvent> getLifecycleHistory() {
    return new ArrayList<LifecycleEvent>(lifecycleHistory);

   * Enter a state; record this via {@link #recordLifecycleEvent}
   * and log at the info level.
   * @param newState the proposed new state
   * @return the original state
   * it wasn't already in that state, and the state model permits state re-entrancy.
  private STATE enterState(STATE newState) {
    assert stateModel != null : "null state in " + name + " " + this.getClass();
    STATE oldState = stateModel.enterState(newState);
    if (oldState != newState) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "Service: " + getName() + " entered state " + getServiceState());
    return oldState;

  public final boolean isInState(Service.STATE expected) {
    return stateModel.isInState(expected);

  public String toString() {
    return "Service " + name + " in state " + stateModel;

   * Put a blocker to the blocker map -replacing any
   * with the same name.
   * @param name blocker name
   * @param details any specifics on the block. This must be non-null.
  protected void putBlocker(String name, String details) {
    synchronized (blockerMap) {
      blockerMap.put(name, details);

   * Remove a blocker from the blocker map -
   * this is a no-op if the blocker is not present
   * @param name the name of the blocker
  public void removeBlocker(String name) {
    synchronized (blockerMap) {

  public Map<String, String> getBlockers() {
    synchronized (blockerMap) {
      Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(blockerMap);
      return map;

public interface Dispatcher {

  // Configuration to make sure dispatcher crashes but doesn't do system-exit in
  // case of errors. By default, it should be false, so that tests are not
  // affected. For all daemons it should be explicitly set to true so that
  // daemons can crash instead of hanging around.
  public static final String DISPATCHER_EXIT_ON_ERROR_KEY =

  public static final boolean DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_EXIT_ON_ERROR = false;

  EventHandler getEventHandler();

  void register(Class<? extends Enum> eventType, EventHandler handler);


public interface EventHandler<T extends Event> {

  void handle(T event);


   * Multiplexing an event. Sending it to different handlers that
   * are interested in the event.
   * @param <T> the type of event these multiple handlers are interested in.
  static class MultiListenerHandler implements EventHandler<Event> {
    List<EventHandler<Event>> listofHandlers;

    public MultiListenerHandler() {
      listofHandlers = new ArrayList<EventHandler<Event>>();

    public void handle(Event event) {
      for (EventHandler<Event> handler: listofHandlers) {

    void addHandler(EventHandler<Event> handler) {


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