1057. Stack (30)
Stack is one of the most fundamental data structures, which is based on the principle of Last In First Out (LIFO). The basic operations include Push (inserting an element onto the top position) and Pop (deleting the top element). Now you are supposed to implement a stack with an extra operation: PeekMedian -- return the median value of all the elements in the stack. With N elements, the median value is defined to be the (N/2)-th smallest element if N is even, or ((N+1)/2)-th if N is odd.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains a positive integer N (<= 105). Then N lines follow, each contains a command in one of the following 3 formats:
Push keywhere key is a positive integer no more than 105.
Output Specification:
For each Push command, insert key into the stack and output nothing. For each Pop or PeekMedian command, print in a line the corresponding returned value. If the command is invalid, print "Invalid" instead.
Sample Input:17 Pop PeekMedian Push 3 PeekMedian Push 2 PeekMedian Push 1 PeekMedian Pop Pop Push 5 Push 4 PeekMedian Pop Pop Pop PopSample Output:
Invalid Invalid 3 2 2 1 2 4 4 5 3 Invalid
树状数组(Binary Indexed Tree(BIT))是一种能高效查找前缀和的数据结构,具体实现原理见鄙人还没写好的拙作《树状数组的复习》。使用树状数组是为了能进行二分查找,原先遍历Count数组,最多的时候能遍历10^5次,运用二分查找可以将查找次数优化为lg(10^5)/lg(2) < 15
# include <cstdio> # include <stack> using namespace std; class BIT { private: int *Elem; int Size; int lowbit(int n) { return n&(-n); } public: BIT(int size):Size(size+1) /*想想看还是+1好了,要不申请了100的空间只能用到99感觉太奇怪了*/ { Elem = new int[Size]; for (int i=0;i<Size;i++)/*还没试过用memset初始化,下次试试*/ Elem[i] = 0; } int GetSum(int right)/*[0,right]*/ { int sum = 0; while (right) { sum += Elem[right]; right -= lowbit(right); } return sum; } int GetSum(int left,int right)/*[left,right]*/ { return GetSum(left-1) - GetSum(right); } void Add(int value,int index) { while (index < Size) { Elem[index] += value; index += lowbit(index); } } ~BIT() { delete[] Elem; } }; BIT bit(100000); int getmid(int size) { int index = (size+1)/2; int left = 1,right = 100000,mid; while(left<right) { mid = (left+right)/2; if(bit.GetSum(mid)<index) left = mid+1; else right = mid; } return left; } int main() { int n,tmp; scanf("%d",&n); stack<int> s; char str[10]; while (n--) { scanf("%s",str); switch(str[1]) { case 'e': { if (s.empty()) printf("Invalid\n"); else printf("%d\n",getmid(s.size())); break; } case 'o': { if (s.empty()) printf("Invalid\n"); else { tmp = s.top();s.pop(); printf("%d\n",tmp); bit.Add(-1,tmp); } break; } case 'u': { scanf("%d",&tmp);s.push(tmp); bit.Add(1,tmp); } break; } } return 0; }</span>
分桶法的基本思路是分治,在一开始的暴力解法中,我们可以认为Count数组是一个大的桶,这个大的桶里有5*10^5个小桶,每个小桶能装一个数,在分桶法中,我们建立多个大桶,每个桶中又有小桶,比如,我们建立多个500个大桶,每个桶的容量是100,同时记录每个大桶中存放的数据的个数,在查找的时候我们可以通过每个大桶中元素的快速定位到放置中位数的那个小桶。当然你可以认为这是一种HASH,hash(key) = key/10。设每个大桶中含有k个小桶,共有m个大桶,m*k = n为定值。则一开始我们需要遍历大小为m的大桶数组,后来要遍历大小为k的单个大桶,时间复杂度为O(max(k,m))在n*k为定值的情况下,易知m = k = (m*k)^(1/2)的时候效率最高为n^(1/2)。
# include <cstdio> # include <stack> using namespace std; const int _size = 100000; const int capi = 500; int bucket[_size/capi][capi]; int count[_size/capi]; int getmid(int size) { int ind = (size+1)/2,cnt=0,i,j; for (i=0;i<_size/capi;i++) { if (cnt + count[i]>=ind) break; cnt += count[i]; } for (j=0;j<capi;j++) { cnt += bucket[i][j]; if (cnt>=ind) return j+i*capi; } } char str[10]; int main() { int n,tmp; scanf("%d",&n); stack<int> s; while (n--) { scanf("%s",str); switch(str[1]) { case 'e': { if (s.empty()) printf("Invalid\n"); else printf("%d\n",getmid(s.size())+1); break; } case 'o': { if (s.empty()) printf("Invalid\n"); else { tmp = s.top();s.pop(); printf("%d\n",tmp); tmp--; bucket[tmp/capi][tmp%capi]--; count[tmp/capi]--; } break; } case 'u': { scanf("%d",&tmp);s.push(tmp); tmp--; bucket[tmp/capi][tmp%capi]++; count[tmp/capi]++; } break; } } return 0; }
# include <cstdio> # include <stack> using namespace std; typedef int Node; class zkw_segtree { private: Node *T; int size; public: zkw_segtree(int range) { for (size = 1;size < range+2;size<<=1); T = new Node[2*size]; for (int i=1;i<size+size;i++) T[i] = 0; } void Add(int value,int i) { for (i+=size;i;i>>=1) T[i] += value; } int Query(int s,int t) { int ret = 0; for (s+=size-1,t+=size+1;s^t^1;s>>=1,t>>=1) { if (~s^1) ret += T[s^1]; if (t^1) ret += T[t^1]; } return ret; } int Find_Kth(int k,int root = 1) { while (root<<1 < size<<1) { if (T[root<<1]>=k) root = root<<1; else { k -= T[root<<1]; root = (root<<1) + 1; } } return root - size; } ~zkw_segtree() { delete[] T; } }; zkw_segtree segtree(100000); int main() { int n,tmp; scanf("%d",&n); stack<int> s; char str[10]; while (n--) { scanf("%s",str); switch(str[1]) { case 'e': { if (s.empty()) printf("Invalid\n"); else printf("%d\n",segtree.Find_Kth((s.size()+1)/2)); break; } case 'o': { if (s.empty()) printf("Invalid\n"); else { tmp = s.top();s.pop(); printf("%d\n",tmp); segtree.Add(-1,tmp); } break; } case 'u': { scanf("%d",&tmp);s.push(tmp); segtree.Add(1,tmp); } break; } } return 0; }
# include <cstdio> # include <stack> # include <set> using namespace std; const int debug = 1; typedef int T; class Find_Median { private: multiset<T,greater<T> > maxheap; multiset<T,less<T> > minheap; public: void Push(T data) { if (maxheap.size() < minheap.size()) maxheap.insert(data); else minheap.insert(data); } bool Erase(T data) { multiset<T>::iterator it; if ((it=maxheap.find(data))!=maxheap.end()) maxheap.erase(it); else if ((it=minheap.find(data))!=minheap.end()) minheap.erase(it); else return false; return true; } T Query() { while (maxheap.size() < minheap.size()) { maxheap.insert(*minheap.begin()); minheap.erase(minheap.begin()); } while (minheap.size() < maxheap.size()) { minheap.insert(*maxheap.begin()); maxheap.erase(maxheap.begin()); } if (maxheap.size()==0) return *minheap.begin(); if (minheap.size()==0) return *maxheap.begin(); multiset<T>::iterator maxtop = maxheap.begin(); multiset<T>::iterator mintop = minheap.begin(); while (*maxtop > *mintop) { maxheap.insert(*mintop); minheap.insert(*maxtop); maxheap.erase(maxtop); minheap.erase(mintop); maxtop = maxheap.begin(); mintop = minheap.begin(); } return *(maxheap.size() >= minheap.size()?maxtop:mintop); } }; Find_Median FM; int main() { int n,tmp; scanf("%d",&n); stack<int> s; char str[10]; while (n--) { scanf("%s",str); switch(str[1]) { case 'e': { if (s.empty()) printf("Invalid\n"); else printf("%d\n",FM.Query()); break; } case 'o': { if (s.empty()) printf("Invalid\n"); else { tmp = s.top();s.pop(); printf("%d\n",tmp); FM.Erase(tmp); } break; } case 'u': { scanf("%d",&tmp);s.push(tmp); FM.Push(tmp); } break; } } return 0; }
/***************************************************************** > File Name: tmp.cpp > Author: Uncle_Sugar > Mail: [email protected] > Created Time: 2016年02月29日 星期一 13时28分28秒 *****************************************************************/ # include <cstdio> # include <cstring> # include <cmath> # include <cstdlib> # include <climits> # include <iostream> # include <iomanip> # include <set> # include <map> # include <vector> # include <stack> # include <queue> # include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int debug = 1; const int size = 5000 + 10; typedef long long ll; struct Treap_Node{ int value; int fix,cnt,size; Treap_Node *left,*right; Treap_Node():cnt(0),size(0),left(NULL),right(NULL){} Treap_Node(int _value):value(_value),cnt(0),size(0),left(NULL),right(NULL){} }*root = NULL; inline void Treap_SetSize(Treap_Node *&P){ if (P){ P->size = P->cnt; if (P->left) P->size += P->left->size; if (P->right) P->size += P->right->size; } } inline int lsize(Treap_Node *&P){ return P->left?P->left->size:0; } inline int rsize(Treap_Node *&P){ return P->right?P->right->size:0; } void Treap_Left_Rotate(Treap_Node *&a){ Treap_Node *b = a->right; a->right = b->left; b->left = a; a = b; Treap_SetSize(a->left); Treap_SetSize(a->right); Treap_SetSize(a); } void Treap_Right_Rotate(Treap_Node *&a){ Treap_Node *b = a->left; a->left = b->right; b->right = a; a = b; Treap_SetSize(a->left); Treap_SetSize(a->right); Treap_SetSize(a); } void Treap_Insert(Treap_Node *&P,int value){ if (!P){ P = new Treap_Node; P->value = value; P->fix = rand(); } if (value < P->value){ Treap_Insert(P->left,value); if (P->left->fix < P->fix) Treap_Right_Rotate(P); } else if (P->value < value){ Treap_Insert(P->right,value); if (P->right->fix < P->fix) Treap_Left_Rotate(P); } else { P->cnt++; } Treap_SetSize(P); } bool Treap_Delete(Treap_Node *&P,int value){ bool ret = false; if (!P) { ret = false; } else { if (value < P->value) Treap_Delete(P->left,value); else if (P->value < value) Treap_Delete(P->right,value); else { if (P->cnt==0||(--P->cnt)==0){ if (!P->left||!P->right){ Treap_Node *t = P; if (!P->right) P = P->left; else P = P->right; delete t; ret = true; } else if (P->left->fix < P->right->fix){ Treap_Right_Rotate(P); ret = Treap_Delete(P->right,value); } else { Treap_Left_Rotate(P); ret = Treap_Delete(P->left,value); } } } Treap_SetSize(P); } return ret; } Treap_Node* Treap_Findkth(Treap_Node *&P,int k){ if (k <= lsize(P)) return Treap_Findkth(P->left,k); else if (k > lsize(P)+P->cnt) return Treap_Findkth(P->right,k-(lsize(P)+P->cnt)); else return P; } void Treap_Clear(Treap_Node *&root){ if (root->left) Treap_Clear(root->left); if (root->right) Treap_Clear(root->right); delete root; root = NULL; } stack<int> stk; void push(){ int tmp; cin >> tmp; stk.push(tmp); Treap_Insert(root,tmp); } void pop(){ if (stk.empty()){ cout << "Invalid\n"; }else{ cout << stk.top() << '\n'; Treap_Delete(root,stk.top()); stk.pop(); } } void peekmedian(){ if (stk.empty()) cout << "Invalid\n"; else { Treap_Node *T = Treap_Findkth(root,(stk.size()+1)/2); cout << T->value << '\n'; } } void InOrderTravel(Treap_Node* root){ if (root->left) InOrderTravel(root->left); cout << root->value << ' ' << root->cnt << '\n'; if (root->right) InOrderTravel(root->right); } int main() { std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0); int i,j,k; int n; cin >> n; char cmd[100]; for (i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin >> cmd; switch (cmd[1]){ case 'u':push();break; case 'o':pop();break; case 'e':peekmedian();break; } } return 0; }