package org.archive.modules.seeds; import java.io.File; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.archive.modules.CrawlURI; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; public abstract class SeedModule implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Whether to tag seeds with their own URI as a heritable 'source' String, * which will be carried-forward to all URIs discovered on paths originating * from that seed. When present, such source tags appear in the * second-to-last crawl.log field. * * 是否把种子作为可继承的源字符串,如果是,这个源字符串将被添加到所有以这个种子开始的路径 * 上发现的URI。 */ protected boolean sourceTagSeeds = false; public boolean getSourceTagSeeds() { return sourceTagSeeds; } public void setSourceTagSeeds(boolean sourceTagSeeds) { this.sourceTagSeeds = sourceTagSeeds; } // 这个种子模块是一个主题,这里保存这个主题的所有观察者 protected Set<SeedListener> seedListeners = new HashSet<SeedListener>(); public Set<SeedListener> getSeedListeners() { return seedListeners; } @Autowired public void setSeedListeners(Set<SeedListener> seedListeners) { this.seedListeners.addAll(seedListeners); } /** * 通知所有观察者 * @param curi */ protected void publishAddedSeed(CrawlURI curi) { for (SeedListener l: seedListeners) { l.addedSeed(curi); } } protected void publishNonSeedLine(String line) { for (SeedListener l: seedListeners) { l.nonseedLine(line); } } protected void publishConcludedSeedBatch() { for (SeedListener l: seedListeners) { l.concludedSeedBatch(); } } public SeedModule() { super(); } public abstract void announceSeeds(); public abstract void actOn(File f); public abstract void addSeed(final CrawlURI curi); /** * 注册观察者 * @param sl */ public void addSeedListener(SeedListener sl) { seedListeners.add(sl); } }
import org.archive.modules.CrawlURI; /** * Implemented by components which want notifications of * seed list changes. * * 那些想在种子列表改变后获得通知的类实现这个接口(成为观察者)。 * @author gojomo */ public interface SeedListener { void addedSeed(final CrawlURI uuri); boolean nonseedLine(String line); void concludedSeedBatch(); }
package org.archive.modules.seeds; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.archive.io.ReadSource; import org.archive.modules.CrawlURI; import org.archive.modules.SchedulingConstants; import org.archive.net.UURI; import org.archive.net.UURIFactory; import org.archive.spring.WriteTarget; import org.archive.util.ArchiveUtils; import org.archive.util.DevUtils; import org.archive.util.iterator.LineReadingIterator; import org.archive.util.iterator.RegexLineIterator; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; /** * Module that announces a list of seeds from a text source (such * as a ConfigFile or ConfigString), and provides a mechanism for * adding seeds after a crawl has begun. * * 该模块从一个文本源获得种子,并且提供了在爬取开始之后添加种子的机制 * * @contributor gojomo */ public class TextSeedModule extends SeedModule implements ReadSource { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TextSeedModule.class.getName()); /** * Text from which to extract seeds * 从文本中抽取种子 */ protected ReadSource textSource = null; public ReadSource getTextSource() { return textSource; } @Required public void setTextSource(ReadSource seedsSource) { this.textSource = seedsSource; } /** * Number of lines of seeds-source to read on initial load before proceeding * with crawl. Default is -1, meaning all. Any other value will cause that * number of lines to be loaded before fetching begins, while all extra * lines continue to be processed in the background. Generally, this should * only be changed when working with very large seed lists, and scopes that * do *not* depend on reading all seeds. * * 在抓取之前,最初从seeds-source加载进来的行数。默认值是-1,意味着加载所有。任何其它值 * 将会导致那个数量的行在抓取开始之前被加载进来,然而其余的行在后台被处理。通常情况下,这个 * 值只有在有很多种子或者不依赖于读取所有种子的情况下才需要改变。 */ protected int blockAwaitingSeedLines = -1; public int getBlockAwaitingSeedLines() { return blockAwaitingSeedLines; } public void setBlockAwaitingSeedLines(int blockAwaitingSeedLines) { this.blockAwaitingSeedLines = blockAwaitingSeedLines; } public TextSeedModule() { } /** * Announce all seeds from configured source to SeedListeners * (including nonseed lines mixed in). * * 向所有种子观察者宣布来源于配置源的所有种子 * @see org.archive.modules.seeds.SeedModule#announceSeeds() */ public void announceSeeds() { if(getBlockAwaitingSeedLines()>-1) { final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(getBlockAwaitingSeedLines()); new Thread(){ @Override public void run() { announceSeeds(latch); while(latch.getCount()>0) { latch.countDown(); } } }.start(); try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } } else { announceSeeds(null); } } protected void announceSeeds(CountDownLatch latchOrNull) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(textSource.obtainReader()); try { announceSeedsFromReader(reader,latchOrNull); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } } /** * Announce all seeds (and nonseed possible-directive lines) from * the given Reader * @param reader source of seed/directive lines * @param latchOrNull if non-null, sent countDown after each line, allowing * another thread to proceed after a configurable number of lines processed */ protected void announceSeedsFromReader(BufferedReader reader, CountDownLatch latchOrNull) { String s; Iterator<String> iter = new RegexLineIterator( new LineReadingIterator(reader), RegexLineIterator.COMMENT_LINE, RegexLineIterator.NONWHITESPACE_ENTRY_TRAILING_COMMENT, RegexLineIterator.ENTRY); int count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { s = (String) iter.next(); if(Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(0))) { // consider a likely URI seedLine(s); count++; if(count%20000==0) { System.runFinalization(); } } else { // report just in case it's a useful directive nonseedLine(s); } if(latchOrNull!=null) { latchOrNull.countDown(); } } publishConcludedSeedBatch(); } /** * Handle a read line that is probably a seed. * * 处理可能是种子的读入行 * @param uri String seed-containing line */ protected void seedLine(String uri) { if (!uri.matches("[a-zA-Z][\\w+\\-]+:.*")) { // Rfc2396 s3.1 scheme, // minus '.' // Does not begin with scheme, so try http:// uri = "http://" + uri; } try { UURI uuri = UURIFactory.getInstance(uri); CrawlURI curi = new CrawlURI(uuri); curi.setSeed(true); curi.setSchedulingDirective(SchedulingConstants.MEDIUM); if (getSourceTagSeeds()) { curi.setSourceTag(curi.toString()); } publishAddedSeed(curi); } catch (URIException e) { // try as nonseed line as fallback nonseedLine(uri); } } /** * Handle a read line that is not a seed, but may still have * meaning to seed-consumers (such as scoping beans). * * 处理一个不是种子但是对种子消费者还是有意义的的读入行 * @param uri String seed-containing line */ protected void nonseedLine(String line) { publishNonSeedLine(line); } /** * Treat the given file as a source of additional seeds, * announcing to SeedListeners. * * 从一个给定文件读取种子,并告知给监听者 * @see org.archive.modules.seeds.SeedModule#actOn(java.io.File) */ public void actOn(File f) { BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = ArchiveUtils.getBufferedReader(f); announceSeedsFromReader(reader, null); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE,"problem reading seed file "+f,ioe); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } } /** * Add a new seed to scope. By default, simply appends * to seeds file, though subclasses may handle differently. * * <p>This method is *not* sufficient to get the new seed * scheduled in the Frontier for crawling -- it only * affects the Scope's seed record (and decisions which * flow from seeds). * * 添加一个新的种子。默认情况下,只是把种子放到种子文件后面,子类 * 可以有不同的处理方式。 * * 这个方法不能使新的种子被Frontier调度。也就是说,新的种子被当做普通 * 的种子对待。 * * @param curi CandidateUri to add * @return true if successful, false if add failed for any reason */ @Override public synchronized void addSeed(final CrawlURI curi) { if(!(textSource instanceof WriteTarget)) { // TODO: do something else to log seed update logger.warning("nowhere to log added seed: "+curi); } else { // TODO: determine if this modification to seeds file means // TextSeedModule should (again) be Checkpointable try { Writer fw = ((WriteTarget)textSource).obtainWriter(true); // Write to new (last) line the URL. fw.write("\n"); fw.write("# Heritrix added seed " + ((curi.getVia() != null) ? "redirect from " + curi.getVia(): "(JMX)") + ".\n"); fw.write(curi.toString()); fw.flush(); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { DevUtils.warnHandle(e, "problem writing new seed"); } } publishAddedSeed(curi); } public Reader obtainReader() { return textSource.obtainReader(); } }