创建数据库用 .open seen.db3 //seen.db3是自己改的
创建表用create table(…这里面输入各种键值,用来接数据);
.separator “,” 这个里面的逗号是定义txt文件里面的那个分隔符,利用这个分隔符读取文件
11,select sID,sName,GPA from Student where GPA>3.6;
12,select sID,sName from Student where GPA>3.6;
13,select sName,cName from Student,Apply where Student.sID = Apply.sID;
14,select distinct sName,cName from Student,Apply where Student.sID = Apply.sID;
15,select sName,GPA,decision from Student,Apply where Student.sID=Apply.sID and cName='Stanford' and major='CS' and sizeHS<1000;
16,select distinct College.cName from College,Apply where College.cName=Apply.cName and major='CS' and enrollment>20000;
17,select sName,College.cName,GPA,state,enrollment from Apply,Student,College where Apply.sID = Student.sID and Apply.cName = College.cName order by GPA desc;
在满足上述条件下想让次要条件按enrollment降序就可以在后面加一句enrollment desc;
19,select sID,major from Apply where major like '%bio%';
20,select * from College,Student;
22,select s1.sName,s2.sName from Student s1,Student s2 where s1.sID!=s2.sID and s1.GPA=s2.GPA;(去除重复元素似乎不管用) ----------有点问题
22,23 同
24,select cName from College union all select sName from Student;(含重复)
select distinct cName from College union all select distinct sName from Student;
25,select distinct cName as name from College union all select distinct sName as name from Student order by name;
27,select sID from Apply where major=='CS' intersect select sID from Apply where major = 'EE';
28,select sID from Apply where major=='CS' except select sID from Apply where major = 'EE';
29,select sName,sID from Student where sID in (select sID from Apply where major='CS');
30,select distinct sName from Student,Apply where Student.sID= Apply.sID and major='CS';
或者:select distinct sName from Student where sID in(select sID from Apply where major='CS');
31,select distinct sID from Apply where sID in (select sID from Apply where major = 'CS') and sID not in (select sID from Apply where major = 'EE');
32,select cName from College s1 where not exists (select * from College s2 where s1.enrollment<s2.enrollment);
33,select distinct sName,GPA from Student s1 where not exists (select * from Student s2 where s1.GPA<s2.GPA);
33,select distinct sName,GPA from Student s1 where not exists (select * from Student s2 where s1.GPA<s2.GPA) ;
35,select sName major from Student,Apply where Student.sID=Apply.sID;
36,select sName,GPA from Student natural join Apply where sizeHS<1000 and cName='Stanford' and major='CS';
select sName,GPA from Student join Apply using (sID) where sizeHS<1000 and cName='Stanford' and major='CS';
select sName,GPA from Student join Apply where Student.sID= Apply.sID and sizeHS<1000 and cName='Stanford' and major='CS';
37,select * from Student natural join Apply natural join College;
39,select avg(GPA) from Student ;
40,select min(GPA) from Student natural join Apply where major='cs'; //聚集查询
// select distinct s1.GPA from Student s1 natural join Apply where not exists (select * from Student s2 where s1.GPA>s2.GPA ) and major='CS';
41,select avg(GPA) from Student natural join Apply where major='CS';
42,select count(*) from College where enrollment>15000;
43,select count(*) from Apply where cName='Cornell' and sID in (select distinct sID from Apply); //这个有问题,牛逼牛逼
44,select CS.avgGPA-NonCS.avgGPA from (select avg(GPA) as avgGPA from Student natural join Apply where major='CS') as CS,(select avg(GPA) as avgGPA from Student where sID not in(select sID from Apply where major='CS')) as NonCS;
45,select cName,count(*) from Apply group by cName;
46,select state,sum(enrollment) from College group by state;
47,select cName,major,max(GPA),min(GPA) from Student natural join Apply group by cName,major; //group by 可以循环使用
48,select sID,sName,count(*) from Apply natural join Student group by Apply.sID;
50,select cName from Apply group by cName having count(*)<5;