MICCAI 2015 partI 论文简单总结

      最近有一些调研的任务,就把MICCAI 2015 partI 的88篇论文简单过了一下,总结成了一个表格,方便自己以及有需要的朋友查阅大笑

序号 标题 发病部位/疾病  诊疗方法 深度学习(1有,0没有) 迁移学习(1有,0没有) 多源异构(1有,0没有)
Advanced MRI: Diffusion, fMRI, DCE
1 Automatic Segmentation of Renal Compartments in DCE-MRI Images 肾脏
MRI 0 0 0
2 Harmonizing Diffusion MRI Data Across Multiple Sites and Scanners 大脑
MRI 0 0 0
3 Track Filtering via Iterative Correction of TDI Topology 大脑
纤维束成像 0 0 0
4 Novel Single and Multiple Shell Uniform Sampling Schemes for Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Codes 大脑
MRI 0 0 0
5 q-Space Deep Learning for Twelve-Fold Shorter and Model-Free Diffusion MRI Scans 大脑
MRI 1 0 0
6 A Machine Learning Based Approach to Fiber Tractography Using Classifier Voting 大脑
纤维束成像 0 0 0
7 Symmetric Wiener Processes for Probabilistic Tractography and Connectivity Estimation 大脑
MRI 0 0 0
8 An Iterated Complex Matrix Approach for Simulation and Analysis of Diffusion MRI Processes —— MRI 0 0 0
9 Prediction of Motor Function in Very Preterm Infants Using Connectome Features and Local Synthetic Instances 大脑
0 0 0
10 Segmenting Kidney DCE-MRI Using 1st-Order Shape and 5th-Order Appearance Priors 肾脏
MRI 0 0 0
11 Comparison of Stochastic and Variational Solutions to ASL fMRI Data Analysis 大脑
MRI 0 0 0
12 Prediction of CT Substitutes from MR Images Based on Local Sparse Correspondence Combination 大脑
MRI/CT 0 0 0
13 Robust Automated White Matter Pathway Reconstruction for Large Studies 大脑
MRI 0 0 0
14 Exploiting the Phase in Diffusion MRI for Microstructure Recovery: Towards Axonal Tortuosity via Asymmetric Diffusion Processes —— MRI 0 0 0
15 Sparse Bayesian Inference of White Matter Fiber Orientations from Compressed Multi-resolution Diffusion MRI 大脑
MRI 0 0 0
16 Classification of MRI under the Presence of Disease Heterogeneity using Multi-Task Learning: Application to Bipolar Disorder 大脑
MRI 0 0 0
17 Fiber Connection Pattern-Guided Structured Sparse Representation of Whole-Brain fMRI Signals for Functional Network Inference 大脑
MRI 0 1 0
18 Joint Estimation of Hemodynamic Response Function and Voxel Activation in Functional MRI Data 大脑 MRI 0 0 0
19 Quantifying Microstructure in Fiber Crossings with Diffusional Kurtosis 大脑 扩散峰度成像DKI 0 0 0
20 Which Manifold Should be Used for Group Comparison in Diffusion Tensor Imaging? 大脑
扩散张量成像DT-MRI 0 0 0
21 Convex Non-negative Spherical Factorization of Multi-Shell Diffusion-Weighted Images 大脑
0 0 0
22 Tensorial Spherical Polar Fourier Diffusion MRI with Optimal Dictionary Learning 大脑
高角分辨率扩散成像HARDI 0 0 0
23 Diffusion Compartmentalization Using Response Function Groups with Cardinality Penalization 大脑 扩散加权成像
0 0 0
24 V–Bundles: Clustering Fiber Trajectories from Diffusion MRI in Linear Time 大脑
扩散MRI 0 0 0
25 Assessment of Mean Apparent Propagator-Based Indices as Biomarkers of Axonal Remodeling after Stroke 大脑
扩散MRI 0 0 0
26 Integrating Multimodal Priors in Predictive Models for the Functional Characterization of Alzheimer’s Disease 大脑
fMRI 0 0 0
27 Simultaneous Denoising and Registration for Accurate Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Reconstruction from MRI 心脏
扩散张量成像DT-MRI 0 0 0
28 Iterative Subspace Screening for Rapid Sparse Estimation of Brain Tissue Microstructural Properties 大脑
扩散MRI 0 0 0
29 Elucidating Intravoxel Geometry in Diffusion-MRI: Asymmetric Orientation Distribution Functions (AODFs) Revealed by a Cone Model 大脑 扩散MRI 0 0 0
30 Modeling Task FMRI Data via Supervised Stochastic Coordinate Coding 大脑
fMRI 0 0 0
Computer Assisted and Image-guided Interventions
31 Autonomous Ultrasound-Guided Tissue Dissection 微创肿瘤切除
超声 0 0 0
32 A Compact Retinal-Surgery Telemanipulator that Uses Disposable Instruments 视网膜手术
器械系统 0 0 0
33 Surgical Tool Tracking and Pose Estimation in Retinal Microsurgery 视网膜
显微镜 0 0 0
34 Direct Calibration of a Laser Ablation System in the Projective Voltage Space 骨科手术
—— 0 0 0
35 Surrogate-Driven Estimation of Respiratory Motion and Layers in X-Ray Fluoroscopy 估计X射线荧光检查中的密集运动
X射线荧光检查 0 0 0
36 Robust 5DOF Transesophageal Echo Probe Tracking at Fluoroscopic Frame Rates 心脏
超声/X射线 0 0 1
37 Rigid Motion Compensation in Interventional C-arm CT Using Consistency Measure on Projection Data 脑出血、中风
 C-arm CT  0 0 0
38 Hough Forests for Real-Time, Automatic Device Localization in Fluoroscopic Images: Application to TAVR 心脏
X射线荧光检查 0 0 0
39 Hybrid Utrasound and MRI Acquisitions for High-Speed Imaging of Respiratory Organ Motion 呼吸器官运动的高帧率成像 超声/MRI 0 0 0
40 A Portable Intra-Operative Framework Applied to Distal Radius Fracture Surgery 桡骨远端骨折手术中,辅助确定螺钉位置 器械系统 0 0 0
41 Image Based Surgical Instrument Pose Estimation with Multi-class Labelling and Optical Flow 前列腺
器械系统 0 0 0
42 Adaption of 3D Models to 2D X-Ray Images during Endovascular Abdominal Aneurysm Repair 腹主动脉瘤腔内修复
CT/X射线 0 0 0
43 Projection-Based Phase Features for Localization of a Needle Tip in 2D Curvilinear Ultrasound 超声成像探头定位 超声 0 0 0
44 Inertial Measurement Unit for Radiation-Free Navigated Screw Placement in Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Surgery 股骨头骨骺滑脱手术
X射线 0 0 0
45 Pictorial Structures on RGB-D Images for Human Pose Estimation in the Operating Room 利用RGB-D图像对手术室中的人体姿态进行估计 RGB-D图像 0 0 0
46 Interventional Photoacoustic Imaging of the Human Placenta with Ultrasonic Tracking for Minimally Invasive Fetal Surgeries 在微创胎儿手术中检测胎盘血管 光声成像/超声 0 0 0
47 Automated Segmentation of Surgical Motion for Performance Analysis and Feedback 通过运动捕捉系统等对外科手术的质量进行评估 —— 0 0 0
48 Vision-Based Intraoperative Cone-Beam CT Stitching for Non-overlapping Volumes 结合X射线减少锥形束CT在图像拼接过程中的辐射剂量 锥形束CT 0 0 0
49 Visibility Map: A New Method in Evaluation Quality of Optical Colonoscopy 光学结肠镜检查
光学结肠镜 0 0 0
50 Tissue Surface Reconstruction Aided by Local Normal Information Using a Self-calibrated Endoscopic Structured Light System  检测组织表面形状 结构光 0 0 0
51 Surgical Augmented Reality with Topological Changes 一种用于微创手术中的可处理拓补结构的奇异性的增强现实方法 腹腔镜 0 0 0
52 Towards an Efficient Computational Framework for Guiding Surgical Resection through Intra-operative Endo-microscopic Pathology 大脑
体内成像技术,如激光共聚焦显微内镜 0 0 0
53 Automated Assessment of Surgical Skills Using Frequency Analysis 利用频率分析对手术技巧进行自动评估 —— 0 0 0
54 Robust Live Tracking of Mitral Valve Annulus for Minimally-Invasive Intervention Guidance 心脏二尖瓣 超声 0 0 0
55 Motion-Aware Mosaicing for Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy 一种可以提供激光共聚焦显微内镜诊断中的动态信息的算法 激光共聚焦显微内镜 0 0 0
56 A Registration Approach to Endoscopic Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging for Intrauterine Visualisation of Placental Vessels 胎盘血管可视化 激光散斑对比成像 0 0 0
57 Marker-Less AR in the Hybrid Room Using Equipment Detection for Camera Relocalization 增强现实
—— 0 0 0
58 Hybrid Retargeting for High-Speed Targeted Optical Biopsies 肠胃
光学活检如激光共聚焦显微内镜 0 0 0
59 Visual Force Feedback for Hand-Held Microsurgical Instruments 对手持式显微手术器械进行视觉反馈 —— 0 0 0
60 Automated Three-Piece Digital Dental Articulation 颅颌面外科
—— 0 0 0
61 A System for MR-Ultrasound Guidance during Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy 前列腺癌
机器人辅助腹腔镜 0 0 0
Computer Aided Diagnosis: Machine Learning
62 Automatic Fetal Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using Knowledge Transferred Recurrent Neural Networks 胎儿超声检测
超声 0 1 0
63 Automatic Localization and Identification of Vertebrae in Spine CT via a Joint Learning Model with Deep Neural Networks 精确定位和识别三维脊柱图像中的脊椎 3D-CT 1 0 0
64 Identification of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Using Multiple Instance Learning 脑小血管疾病  CT 0 0 0
65 Why Does Synthesized Data Improve Multi-sequence Classification? 处理多序列磁共振成像缺失序列问题
MRI 0 0 0
66 Label Stability in Multiple Instance Learning 解决多例学习中实例标签稳定性的问题 —— 0 0 0
67 Spectral Forests: Learning of Surface Data, Application to Cortical Parcellation 皮质分割 光谱 0 0 0
68 3D Deep Learning for Efficient and Robust Landmark Detection in Volumetric Data 颈动脉分叉检测
CT 1 0 0
69 A Hybrid of Deep Network and Hidden Markov Model for MCI Identification with Resting-State fMRI 轻度认知障碍
静态fMRI 1 0 0
70 Combining Unsupervised Feature Learning and Riesz Wavelets for Histopathology Image Representation: Application to Identifying Anaplastic Medulloblastoma 脑肿瘤
组织病理学 0 0 0
71 Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Cardiac CT Angiography Using Convolutional Neural Networks 利用CT血管造影对冠状动脉钙化情况进行量化 CT血管造影 1 0 0
72 A Random Riemannian Metric for Probabilistic Shortest-Path Tractography 大脑 扩散MRI 0 0 0
73 Deep Learning and Structured Prediction for the Segmentation of Mass in Mammograms 乳腺
X射线 1 0 0
74 Learning Tensor-Based Features for Whole-Brain fMRI Classification 大脑
fMRI 0 0 0
75 Prediction of Trabecular Bone Anisotropy from Quantitative Computed Tomography Using Supervised Learning and a Novel Morphometric Feature Descriptor 骨小梁
CT 0 0 0
76 Automatic Diagnosis of Ovarian Carcinomas via Sparse Multiresolution Tissue Representation 卵巢癌
组织病理学 0 0 0
77 Scale-Adaptive Forest Training via an Efficient Feature Sampling Scheme 医学图像分割 —— 0 0 0
78 Multiple Instance Cancer Detection by Boosting Regularised Trees 乳腺、大肠息肉
组织病理学 0 0 0
79 DeepOrgan: Multi-level Deep Convolutional Networks for Automated Pancreas Segmentation 基于CNN的胰腺分割 CT 1 0 0
80 Uncertainty-Driven Forest Predictors for Vertebra Localization and Segmentation 脊椎定位与分割 CT 0 0 0
81 Who Is Talking to Whom: Synaptic Partner Detection in Anisotropic Volumes of Insect Brain 昆虫神经连接图自动重建 电子显微镜 0 0 0
82 Direct and Simultaneous Four-Chamber Volume Estimation by Multi-Output Regression 心脏
MRI 0 0 0
83 Cross-Domain Synthesis of Medical Images Using Efficient Location-Sensitive Deep Network 大脑
MRI 1 0 0
84 Grouping Total Variation and Sparsity: Statistical Learning with Segmenting Penalties 大脑
MRI 0 0 0
85 Scandent Tree: A Random Forest Learning Method for Incomplete Multimodal Datasets 在不完整的多模态数据集上训练随机森林 —— 0 0 0
86 Disentangling Disease Heterogeneity with Max-Margin Multiple Hyperplane Classifier 阿尔茨海默症
MRI 0 0 0
87 Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture for Detection in Volumetric Image Data 解决扫描大容量输入图像的效率问题以及人工选择特征问题 —— 1 0 0
88 Nonlinear Regression on Riemannian Manifolds and Its Applications to Neuro-Image Analysis 基于黎曼流形的非线性回归在神经影像学分析方面的应用 MRI 0 0 0

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