
Welcometo Integrating the Health Enterprise

IHEis an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the waycomputer systems in healthcare share information. IHE promotes the coordinateduse of established standards such as DICOM and HL7 to address specific clinicalneed in support of optimal patient care. Systems developed in accordance withIHE communicate with one another better, are easier to implement, and enablecare providers to use information more effectively.

(译:-- 欢迎来到集成医疗环境– IHE是医护专家和行业为了改善电子系统在医护保健信息共享方式上的一个组织。IHE促进了如DICOM和HL7等既定标准的协调使用,以解决在支持最佳病人护理的具体临床需要。与IHE一致开发的系统,能够和其他系统更好的交流,更容易应用,以及让医疗提供者更有效地利用信息。)

About IHE

Optimalpatient care requires that care providers and patients be able to create,manage and access comprehensive electronic health records (EHRs) efficientlyand securely. Integrating the Health Enterprise (IHE) accelerates the adoptionof EHRs by improving the exchange of information among healthcare systems. Itsgoal is to improve the quality, efficiency and safety of clinical health careby making relevant health information conveniently accessible to patients andauthorized care providers.

(译:-- 关于IHE – 最佳的病人护理需要护理提供者和病人能够高效和安全地创建、管理和接触全面的电子健康记录。IHE通过提高医护保健系统间的信息交换,来促进HER的使用。它的目标是,通过促使相关健康信息能够快捷地被病人和授权护理提供者访问,来提高临床医护保健的质量、效率和安全。)

Engaging HIT Stakeholdersin Proven Process

IHEbrings together users and developers of healthcare information technology (HIT)in an annually recurring four-step process:

1.Clinical and technical experts define critical use cases for informationsharing.

2.Technical experts create detailed specifications for communication amongsystems to address use cases, selecting and optimizing established standards.

3.Industry implements these specifications called IHE Profiles in HIT systems.

4.IHE test venders’ systems at carefully planned and supervised events calledConnectathons.


IHEalso organizes demonstrations of IHE-compliant systems working in real-worldclinical scenarios at medical meetings and other venues.

(译:-- 从事HIT相关者参与验证过程 – IHE每年度聚集HIT的用户和开发者一起重复4个过程:






Domain Committees: MeetingCritical Interoperability Needs

 IHE committees follow the four-step annualprocess to address interoperability in variety of clinical domains:

l         Anatomic Pathology

l         Eye Care

l         IT Infrastructures

l         Laboratory

l         Patient Care Coordination

l         Patient Care Devices

l         Quality, Research and Public Health

l         Radiation Oncology

l         Radiology

IHEinvites clinical and technical domain experts to become leaders in this work byparticipating in IHE domain committee or reviewing the document they publishfor public comment.

Morethan 200 member organizations—professional societies, government agencies, providerorganizations, HIT companies and others-have joined IHE initiative worldwide.




Integration Profiles: A Framework for Interoperability


IHEProfiles provide a standards-based framework for sharing information withincare sites and across networks. They address critical interoperability issuesrelated to information access for care providers and patients, clinicalworkflow, security, administration and information infrastructure. Each profiledefines the actors, transactions and information content required to addressthe clinical use case by referencing appropriate standards.

(译:--集成技术:一个互操作性的框架– IHE技术在医疗网页和跨网络信息共享提供了一个标准基础的框架。这些技术处理包括医疗提供者、病人、临床工作流程、安全、管理和信息设施等设计到关键互操作性信息的访问。每个技术通过参考合适的标准来定义处理临床使用示例所需的操作者、交易和信息内容。)

Connectathons: TestingInteroperability and Conformance

IHEhas been testing the interoperability of HIT systems for more than a decade. AtIHE Connectathons held regularly in several locations internationally, trainingtechnical experts supervise testing of vendor systems, making use of advancedtesting software developed by IHE and several partner organizations. More than250 venders worldwide have implemented and tested products with IHEcapabilities.


Product Registry and UserHandbooks: Advice for Purchasers and Implementers

TheIHE Product Registry provides essential information for IT administrators andexecutives for purchasing and integrating systems at healthcare sites andhealth information exchange. Detailed results at HIE Connectathons over thepast years in Europe, North America and Asiaare made available in this easy-to-use online database. These results arecross-lined to IHE Integration Statements—conformance commitments of the IHE capabilitiesof commercial products—from dozens of vendors worldwide.

(译:-- 产品注册和用户手册:采购者和应用者的建议– IHE产品注册为IT管理者和主管在医护保健网站采购和集成系统和健康信息交换方面提供重要的信息。包括欧洲、北美和亚洲的过去几年的HIE认证的详细结果已提供易用在线的数据库。这些结果连接到了IHE集成声明,来自全球数十个提供商产品关于IHE性能的一致承诺。)

Supporting HealthInformation Networks Worldwide

Carefullyimplemented interoperability standards are the foundation of EHRs,PHRs(personal health records) health information exchanges being establishedaround the world. IHE has developed a foundational set of profiles for secureexchange of patient information across enterprises. IHE profiles support healthinformation networks in Canadaand U.S.A, as well as several Asian and European countries, and have beenaccepted as requirements by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services forfederal procurement of healthcare IT systems.

(译:-- 支持健康信息网络全球化– 周密应用互用性标准是正在全球建立的HER和PHR等医疗信息交流的基础。IHE已经为企业间病人信息的安全交流开发了一系列基础技术。IHE技术在加拿大、美国和亚洲、欧洲国家支持医疗信息网络,同时被美国卫生和人类服务部部长采纳作为联邦采购局取得医疗保健IT系统的必需要求。)

