<pre name="code" class="vb"><span style="font-size:18px;">Private Sub Command1_Click() date1 = DTPicker1.Value date2 = DTPicker2.Value '比較两个日期的大小 If DateDiff("n", CDate(date1), CDate(date2)) < 0 Then MsgBox "起始日期与结束日期有冲突,请又一次选择日期", , "提示" Exit Sub End If Dim i, iCols As Integer '让全部列的文字都居中显示 iCols = MSFlexGrid1.Cols For i = 0 To iCols - 1 MSFlexGrid1.ColAlignment(i) = flexAlignCenterCenter Next txtSQL = "select * from Recharge_Info where date between '" & date1 & "'" & " and '" & date2 & "'" Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, Msgtext) If mrc.EOF = True Then MsgBox "没有信息" Exit Sub End If With MSFlexGrid1 Do While mrc.EOF = False .Rows = .Rows + 1 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = mrc!cardno .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = mrc!addmoney .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = mrc!Date .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = mrc!Time .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = mrc!userID .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 5) = mrc!Status mrc.MoveNext Loop End With mrc.Close End Sub </span>
<pre name="code" class="vb">txtSQL = "select * from Recharge_Info where date between'" & Format$(date1, "yyyy - mm - dd") & "'" & " and'" & Format$(date2, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" txtSQL = "select * from Recharge_Info where date >='" & date1 & "' and date <='" & date2 & "'"上面的两句话写那句也行。看我们的不同须要了。