V-Play 文档翻译 PullToRefreshHandler

V-Play 文档翻译 PullToRefreshHandler



VPlayApps 1.0

Inherits: Item


  • contentColor : color

  • listView : ListView

  • pullToRefreshEnabled : bool

  • refreshing : bool


  • refresh()


This item is a convenience item that can be added as header of an AppListView to implement a pull-to-refresh behavior.

作为 header 添加到 AppListView,用以实现下拉更新。

The item emits the refresh signal as soon as the user pulls the containing list view down until a certain pull threshold is reached.

当用户向下拉动列表时,然后释放时,就会触发 refresh 信号。

This reload pattern is often used in apps that display a time-sorted feed of content items.


As an example you can load the next 20 tweets in your Twitter app as soon as a user reaches the top of the feed, as shown in the following sample:

例如你在 Twitter 应用中,使用如下类似代码可以添加新的 20 条推文。

AppListView {
  PullToRefreshHandler {
    onRefresh: twitterClient.loadNextTweets()


contentColor : color

The color of the indicator icons displayed behind the list content while pulling or refreshing.


listView : ListView

The AppListView this item belongs to. This property is set automatically as soon as the item gets set as the header or footer of an AppListView.

在设置为 header 或者 footer 时,其依附的 AppListView

pullToRefreshEnabled : bool

Set to false to disable pull-to-refresh. By default this property is set to true and therefore visible on top of the list view.

是否允许下拉更新,设置为 false 就不可以使用这个功能。

refreshing : bool

Set this to true as long as your content is refreshing. The indicator will stay docked as long as refreshing is true.

设置为 true 时,表示还在加载,如果设置为 false,就不会显示加载指示器。

AppListView {
    emptyText.text: qsTr("下拉更新")

    pullToRefreshHandler.pullToRefreshEnabled: listView.contentY <= 0
    pullToRefreshHandler.onRefresh: {
        pullToRefreshHandler.refreshing = true;
        // async....
            pullToRefreshHandler.refreshing = false;



Emitted as soon as the item got pulled and released again. You can take appropriate actions to handle the data reload or load more items for your list.

当用户向下拉动列表时,然后释放时,就会触发 refresh 信号。
