Base class for items on the plot canvas.
A plot item is "something", that can be painted on the plot canvas, or only affects the scales of the plot widget. They can be categorized as:
Depending on the QwtPlotItem::ItemAttribute flags, an item is included into autoscaling or has an entry on the legnd.
Before misusing the existing item classes it might be better to implement a new type of plot item ( don't implement a watermark as spectrogram ). Deriving a new type of QwtPlotItemprimarily means to implement the YourPlotItem::draw() method.
QwtPlotItem继承自QwtLegendItemManager类,其目的是为了绑定QwtPlotItem到QwtLegend。即QwtLegendItemManager类主要是被当作接口使用。【Abstract API to bind plot items to the legend.】 继承关系示例图如下:
/*! \brief Abstract API to bind plot items to the legend */ class QWT_EXPORT QwtLegendItemManager { public: //! Constructor QwtLegendItemManager() { } //! Destructor virtual ~QwtLegendItemManager() { } /*! Update the widget that represents the item on the legend \param legend Legend \sa legendItem() */ virtual void updateLegend( QwtLegend *legend ) const = 0; /*! Allocate the widget that represents the item on the legend \return Allocated widget \sa updateLegend() QwtLegend() */ virtual QWidget *legendItem() const = 0; /*! QwtLegendItem can display an icon-identifier followed by a text. The icon helps to identify a plot item on the plot canvas and depends on the type of information, that is displayed. The default implementation paints nothing. */ virtual void drawLegendIdentifier( QPainter *, const QRectF & ) const { } };
class QwtPlotItem::PrivateData { public: PrivateData(): plot( NULL ), isVisible( true ), attributes( 0 ), renderHints( 0 ), z( 0.0 ), xAxis( QwtPlot::xBottom ), yAxis( QwtPlot::yLeft ) { } mutable QwtPlot *plot; bool isVisible; QwtPlotItem::ItemAttributes attributes; QwtPlotItem::RenderHints renderHints; double z; int xAxis; int yAxis; QwtText title; };1、关于mutable:mutable关键词的作用是可以在常函数中修改被mutable修饰的成员变量的值。但从代码的实现来看,没见过这种需求的必要?
virtual int rtti() const; // 运行时类型信息
/*! \brief Set the z value Plot items are painted in increasing z-order. \param z Z-value \sa z(), QwtPlotDict::itemList() */ void QwtPlotItem::setZ( double z ) { if ( d_data->z != z ) { if ( d_data->plot ) // update the z order d_data->plot->attachItem( this, false ); d_data->z = z; if ( d_data->plot ) d_data->plot->attachItem( this, true ); // 重新排列Items的顺序 itemChanged(); } }3、需要在派生类重新实现的几个虚函数:
virtual void itemChanged(); // 更新legend并会调用QwtPlot的自动更新功能 /*! \brief Draw the item \param painter Painter \param xMap Maps x-values into pixel coordinates. \param yMap Maps y-values into pixel coordinates. \param canvasRect Contents rect of the canvas in painter coordinates */ virtual void draw( QPainter *painter, const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap, const QRectF &canvasRect ) const = 0; // 纯虚函数,绘制Item,会在各派生类中实现 virtual QRectF boundingRect() const; // Item 的外围边界框,默认实现返回一个无效的矩形,会在各派生类中重新实现 virtual void updateLegend( QwtLegend *legend ) const; // 更新(还不存在的话则创建)QwtLegendItem, 并绘制相应的标识图示(drawLegendIdentifier()) virtual void updateScaleDiv( const QwtScaleDiv&, const QwtScaleDiv& ); // 该接口的默认的实现是:什么都不做。只是对某些特定的派生类需要重新实现(like QwtPlotGrid()) virtual QWidget *legendItem() const; // Allocate the widget that represents the item on the legend4、禁用拷贝和赋值:
private: // Disabled copy constructor and operator= QwtPlotItem( const QwtPlotItem & ); QwtPlotItem &operator=( const QwtPlotItem & );