接primsense 用rqt订阅发现rgb图和depth图巨卡



"To get the device working I used OpenNI Unstable (https://github.com/OpenNI/OpenNI.git) and PrimeSense Sensor Unstable (https://github.com/PrimeSense/Sensor.git)"

"After installing the driver it is necessary to change the "USB interface" that is used to BULK endpoints by uncommenting UsbInterface=2 in GlobalDefaults.ini (/usr/etc/primesense/GlobalDefaults.ini). I've also found it works when the interface is set to 0. The following comment from the file explains the meaning of the parameters: ; USB interface to be used. 0 - FW Default, 1 - ISO endpoints, 2 - BULK endpoints. Default: Arm - 2, other platforms - 1"

装完重启后,问题基本解决,不过还是会出现:Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might cause loss of data...


解决办法:卸载ros-indigo-openni-camera, 卸载完会提示你会自动装freenect驱动,安装完后用 roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch启动kinect正常。然后又install ros-indigo-openni-camera,但还是无法启动。。。从此弃用。。。

你可能感兴趣的:(接primsense 用rqt订阅发现rgb图和depth图巨卡)