setOffset: function( elem, options, i ) { var curPosition, curLeft, curCSSTop, curTop, curOffset, curCSSLeft, calculatePosition, //获取该元素的position属性 position = jQuery.css( elem, "position" ), //把当前元素包装为jQuery元素! curElem = jQuery( elem ), props = {}; //如果当前元素是static类型,那么把这个DOM元素的position设置为relative! //以防把top,left属性设置到static元素上面?static没有left?top? // set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem if ( position === "static" ) { elem.style.position = "relative"; } //调用当前jQuery对象的offset方法获取到offset属性!也就是设置和文档的偏移之前首先获取到文档的偏移! curOffset = curElem.offset(); //获取DOM的top,left属性,但是这个top,left不是options中left和top属性! curCSSTop = jQuery.css( elem, "top" ); curCSSLeft = jQuery.css( elem, "left" ); //如果元素的postion是absolute或者fixed,同时top或者left是auto! calculatePosition = ( position === "absolute" || position === "fixed" ) && jQuery.inArray("auto", [ curCSSTop, curCSSLeft ] ) > -1; // need to be able to calculate position if either top or left is auto and position is either absolute or fixed if ( calculatePosition ) { //获取当前元素的position属性!也就是相对于被定位的祖辈元素的位置!也就是如果postion是absolute或者fixed,同时left,right是auto //那么就是相对于被定位的父元素来说的!(因为如果本身的position是static那么已经被转为relative了,relative是相对于absolute定位的!) curPosition = curElem.position(); curTop = curPosition.top; curLeft = curPosition.left; } else { //否则直接把DOM元素已经具有的left和top属性解析为浮点类型,如果没有就是0! curTop = parseFloat( curCSSTop ) || 0; curLeft = parseFloat( curCSSLeft ) || 0; } //如果是函数,直接调用函数,函数中context是DOM元素,第一个参数是DOM下标,第二个参数是当前DOM元素的offset的值! if ( jQuery.isFunction( options ) ) { options = options.call( elem, i, curOffset ); } //如果传入的参数有top属性,那么把props的top属性设置为 if ( options.top != null ) { props.top = ( options.top - curOffset.top ) + curTop; } //如果传入的参数有left属性,那么把props的left属性设置为 if ( options.left != null ) { props.left = ( options.left - curOffset.left ) + curLeft; } //如果 if ( "using" in options ) { options.using.call( elem, props ); } else { curElem.css( props ); } }测试总结:
(2)static默认值。没有定位,元素出现在正常的流中(忽略 top, bottom, left, right 或者 z-index 声明),如果设置的时候元素是static那么首先把它变成relative定位!
(3)代码props.top = ( options.top - curOffset.top ) + curTop;我当时就纳闷了,为什么要这么写代码?看下面的例子:
<div id="content" style="top:10px;"></div>
//获取当前元素相对于文档的偏移量 offset: function( options ) { //如果有参数表示设置调用对象的相应属性! if ( arguments.length ) { return options === undefined ? this : this.each(function( i ) { jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i ); }); } var docElem, win, box = { top: 0, left: 0 }, //获取调用对象的第一个元素 elem = this[ 0 ], //获取第一个元素的document对象 doc = elem && elem.ownerDocument; //如果document对象不存在直接返回 if ( !doc ) { return; } //否则获取documentElement对象 docElem = doc.documentElement; //如果不再文档中表示elem是一个脱离文档的DOM节点 // Make sure it's not a disconnected DOM node if ( !jQuery.contains( docElem, elem ) ) { return box; } // If we don't have gBCR, just use 0,0 rather than error // BlackBerry 5, iOS 3 (original iPhone) //这个方法返回一个矩形对象,包含四个属性:left、top、right和bottom。分别表示元素各边与页面上边和左边的距离。 if ( typeof elem.getBoundingClientRect !== strundefined ) { box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); } //获取window对象 win = getWindow( doc ); //返回的对象的top属性是elem.getBoundingClientRect+window.pageYoffset||documentElement.scrollTop-documentElement.clientTop return { top: box.top + ( win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop ) - ( docElem.clientTop || 0 ), left: box.left + ( win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft ) - ( docElem.clientLeft || 0 ) }; }总结:
(5)要想弄懂offset方法必须要立即offsetParent,他返回距离当前元素最近的并且进行过定位的容器元素,如果没有定位的元素那么返回跟元素,标准模式下为html,怪异模式下是body元素,当容器的display设为none时,offsetParent是null(IE Opera除外)
position: function() { //如果调用者第一个元素不存在,那么直接返回! if ( !this[ 0 ] ) { return; } var offsetParent, offset, parentOffset = { top: 0, left: 0 }, //获取第一个调用对象 elem = this[ 0 ]; //如果第0个元素的position是fixed,那么offset就是调用该对象的getBoundingClientRect方法 //fixed定位的元素的offset是相对于window来说的,因为window是唯一一个offsetParent // fixed elements are offset from window (parentOffset = {top:0, left: 0}, because it is its only offset parent if ( jQuery.css( elem, "position" ) === "fixed" ) { // we assume that getBoundingClientRect is available when computed position is fixed offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); } else { // Get *real* offsetParent //查找距离当前元素最近的被定位的父元素 offsetParent = this.offsetParent(); //获取当前元素相对于文档的偏移量 // Get correct offsets offset = this.offset(); //如果最近的被定位的元素的不是html元素,那么获取该元素也就是当前元素的父元素相对于文档的偏移量! if ( !jQuery.nodeName( offsetParent[ 0 ], "html" ) ) { parentOffset = offsetParent.offset(); } // Add offsetParent borders //加上offsetParent的borderTopWidth和borderLeftWidth属性!要记住border也是有宽度的! parentOffset.top += jQuery.css( offsetParent[ 0 ], "borderTopWidth", true ); parentOffset.left += jQuery.css( offsetParent[ 0 ], "borderLeftWidth", true ); } // Subtract parent offsets and element margins // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0 return { //返回值为当前元素的top属性减去有定位的父元素的top属性(包括被定位的父元素的borderTopWidth属性),同时还要减去当前元素的marginTop属性 top: offset.top - parentOffset.top - jQuery.css( elem, "marginTop", true ), left: offset.left - parentOffset.left - jQuery.css( elem, "marginLeft", true) }; }position测试总结:
if ( !jQuery.nodeName( offsetParent[ 0 ], "html" ) ) { parentOffset = offsetParent.offset(); } // Add offsetParent borders //加上offsetParent的borderTopWidth和borderLeftWidth属性!要记住border也是有宽度的! parentOffset.top += jQuery.css( offsetParent[ 0 ], "borderTopWidth", true ); parentOffset.left += jQuery.css( offsetParent[ 0 ], "borderLeftWidth", true );
offsetParent: function() { return this.map(function() { //this指向DOM元素,首先获取到DOM元素的offsetParent对象 var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || docElem; //如果offsetParent存在,同时offsetParent的nodeName不是html,同时该offsetParent对象的position是static //那么不断获取到offsetParent对象,jQuery.css调用的是curCss因为<span style="font-family: Consolas, 'Courier New', Courier, mono, serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);">jQuery.cssHooks["position"]不存在!</span> while ( offsetParent && ( !jQuery.nodeName( offsetParent, "html" ) && jQuery.css( offsetParent, "position" ) === "static" ) ) { offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; } //最后返回offsetParent对象放入数组集合! return offsetParent || docElem; }); } });
cssHooks有的属性见下面几段源码:( 可以直接打印jQuery.cssHooks["xxx"]得到函数)top,left所在的Hooks如下:
jQuery.each( [ "top", "left" ], function( i, prop ) { jQuery.cssHooks[ prop ] = addGetHookIf( support.pixelPosition, function( elem, computed ) { if ( computed ) { computed = curCSS( elem, prop ); // if curCSS returns percentage, fallback to offset return rnumnonpx.test( computed ) ? jQuery( elem ).position()[ prop ] + "px" : computed; } } ); });
cssHooks: { opacity: { get: function( elem, computed ) { if ( computed ) { // We should always get a number back from opacity var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity" ); return ret === "" ? "1" : ret; } } }
var rdisplayswap = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/; //打印true //alert(rdisplayswap.test("none")); //打印true,table后面不是-ca和-ce //alert(rdisplayswap.test("table-name"));如果在获取属性height/width时候,该元素的display不是table-cell/table-caption,同时该元素的offsetWidth是0。那么我们首先把该元素的position变成absolute,visibility变成hidden,display变成block
实例css方法中有一句代码为: jQuery.css( elem, name[ i ], false, styles ),他继续调用了jQuery.css,而jQueyr.css中代码为
if ( hooks && "get" in hooks ) { val = hooks.get( elem, true, extra ); }在结合我们下面获取height/width的用法,知道传入get方法的computed为true,extra为false,所以调用getWidthOrHeight方法传入的extra是false,在getWidthOrHeight方法中对box-sizing进行判断,首先获取到offsetWidth。如果是content-box那么我们获取到的offsetWidth=width+2padding+2borderWidth,但是我们只是获取width所以需要减去padding!因此传入argumentWidthOrHeight第三个参数是content,第四个参数是true,所以在argumentWidthOrHeigth中就相当于用offsetWidth-paddingLeft-paddingRight-borderLeftWidth-borderRightWidth。如果是border-box,那么我们获取到的offsetwidth就已经包含了padding和border了,所以我们在argumentWithOrHeightt中什么也不做,直接返回offsetWidth值!
// Get and set the style property on a DOM Node style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) { // Don't set styles on text and comment nodes if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style ) { return; } // Make sure that we're working with the right name var ret, type, hooks, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ), style = elem.style; name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || ( jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] = vendorPropName( style, origName ) ); // gets hook for the prefixed version // followed by the unprefixed version //获取到width/height对于的cssHooks! hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] || jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ]; // Check if we're setting a value //我们在设置值! if ( value !== undefined ) { type = typeof value; // convert relative number strings (+= or -=) to relative numbers. #7345 if ( type === "string" && (ret = rrelNum.exec( value )) ) { value = ( ret[1] + 1 ) * ret[2] + parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, name ) ); // Fixes bug #9237 type = "number"; } // Make sure that null and NaN values aren't set. See: #7116 if ( value == null || value !== value ) { return; } //为我们的值添加px! // If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties) if ( type === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) { value += "px"; } // Fixes #8908, it can be done more correctly by specifing setters in cssHooks, // but it would mean to define eight (for every problematic property) identical functions if ( !support.clearCloneStyle && value === "" && name.indexOf("background") === 0 ) { style[ name ] = "inherit"; } //我们在设置值的时候,如果hooks不存在,同时hooks中没有set方法,同时set方法返回的是undefind //那么我们直接调用style["name"]进行设置。如果有hook,同时有set,那么就调用set方法! // If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value, extra )) !== undefined ) { // Support: IE // Swallow errors from 'invalid' CSS values (#5509) try { style[ name ] = value; } catch(e) {} } } else { // If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) { return ret; } // Otherwise just get the value from the style object return style[ name ]; } },width/height所在的cssHooks,这种调用方式是css("height/width")
jQuery.each([ "height", "width" ], function( i, name ) { //获取jQuery.cssHooks["height"],jQuery.cssHooks["width"] jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = { get: function( elem, computed, extra ) { //传入了computed的cssStyleDeclaration if ( computed ) { // certain elements can have dimension info if we invisibly show them // however, it must have a current display style that would benefit from this //获取width,height时候要检测相应的Element的display,并且进行检测,不能是display-cell,display-caption //如果display满足的时候,同时offSetWidth是0那么调用swap函数,否则调用getWidthOrHeight return rdisplayswap.test( jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) ) && elem.offsetWidth === 0 ? // cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() { return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ); }) : //elem元素,name getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ); } }, set: function( elem, value, extra ) { var styles = extra && getStyles( elem ); return setPositiveNumber( elem, value, extra ? //调用set方法操作height/width时候,extra是false,所以调用setPositiveNumber(elem,value,0) augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra, support.boxSizing && jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box", styles ) : 0 ); } }; });
function setPositiveNumber( elem, value, subtract ) { var matches = rnumsplit.exec( value ); //rnumsplit = new RegExp( "^(" + pnum + ")(.*)$", "i" ) //var pnum = (/[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/).source; return matches ? // Guard against undefined "subtract", e.g., when used as in cssHooks Math.max( 0, matches[ 1 ] - ( subtract || 0 ) ) + ( matches[ 2 ] || "px" ) : value; }
function getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ) { // Start with offset property, which is equivalent to the border-box value var valueIsBorderBox = true, val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight, styles = getStyles( elem ), isBorderBox = support.boxSizing && jQuery.css( elem, "boxSizing", false, styles ) === "border-box"; // some non-html elements return undefined for offsetWidth, so check for null/undefined // svg - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649285 // MathML - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=491668 if ( val <= 0 || val == null ) { // Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary val = curCSS( elem, name, styles ); //如果getComputedStyle没有获取到那么用style获取! if ( val < 0 || val == null ) { val = elem.style[ name ]; } // Computed unit is not pixels. Stop here and return. if ( rnumnonpx.test(val) ) { return val; } // we need the check for style in case a browser which returns unreliable values // for getComputedStyle silently falls back to the reliable elem.style valueIsBorderBox = isBorderBox && ( support.boxSizingReliable() || val === elem.style[ name ] ); val = parseFloat( val ) || 0; } // use the active box-sizing model to add/subtract irrelevant styles return ( val + augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra || ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ), valueIsBorderBox, styles ) ) + "px"; }argumentWidthOrHigth方法:
function augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra, isBorderBox, styles ) { var i = extra === ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ) ? // If we already have the right measurement, avoid augmentation 4 : // Otherwise initialize for horizontal or vertical properties name === "width" ? 1 : 0, val = 0; for ( ; i < 4; i += 2 ) { // both box models exclude margin, so add it if we want it if ( extra === "margin" ) { val += jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); } //var cssExpand = [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ]; if ( isBorderBox ) { // border-box includes padding, so remove it if we want content //如果是content-box那么直接减去两个padding! if ( extra === "content" ) { val -= jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); } // at this point, extra isn't border nor margin, so remove border if ( extra !== "margin" ) { val -= jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles ); } } else { //如果不是border-box,那么添加padding值! // at this point, extra isn't content, so add padding val += jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); // at this point, extra isn't content nor padding, so add border if ( extra !== "padding" ) { val += jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width", true, styles ); } } } return val; }注意:这两个方法的作用在于根据box-sizing的值获取到元素的相应属性!
看完上面通过css获取和设置height/width的方法以后,我们来仔细看看实例方法width/height,innerWidth/innerHeight,outerWidth/outerHeigth的源码:同时这一篇博客我们可以知道,获取值用的是jQuery.css( elem, type, extra )而设置值的时候用的是jQuery.style( elem, type, value, extra ); 其中extra = defaultExtra || ( margin === true || value === true ? "margin" : "border" ); efaultExtra是padding,content,""也就是说对于outerWidth/outerHeight来说,如果调用的时候如$("xx").outerWidth(true);或者是$("xxx").outerWidth("xx",true)那么就会是extrea=margin,如果没有传入任何一个true,那么extra就是border!
(1)如果是innerWidth/width那么调用的就是jQuery.css(elem,"width","padding/content"),其中padding/content表示如果是innerWidth那么就是padding否则就是content!因为这里的第二个参数是width,所以会获取到width对应的cssHooks,进而调用 hooks.get( elem, true, extra ),而extra就是padding/content->调用getWidthOrHeight(elem,name,"padding/content"),在这个方法中因为width明确有值,所以传入augmentWidthOrHeight就是"padding/content",如innerWidth传入的就是padding,最后就是减去borderLeftWith/boderRightWidth!对于width来说,那么传入的就是"content",最后就是减去border和padding两者!
content-box | border-box |
innerWidth() width+2padding | width-2border |
width() width | width-2border-2padding |
outerWidth(true) width+2padding+2border+margin | width+margin |
style.width width | width |
jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = { get: function( elem, computed ) { // IE uses filters for opacity return ropacity.test( (computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : elem.style.filter) || "" ) ? ( 0.01 * parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) ) + "" : computed ? "1" : ""; }, set: function( elem, value ) { var style = elem.style, currentStyle = elem.currentStyle, opacity = jQuery.isNumeric( value ) ? "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")" : "", filter = currentStyle && currentStyle.filter || style.filter || ""; // IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout // Force it by setting the zoom level style.zoom = 1; // if setting opacity to 1, and no other filters exist - attempt to remove filter attribute #6652 // if value === "", then remove inline opacity #12685 if ( ( value >= 1 || value === "" ) && jQuery.trim( filter.replace( ralpha, "" ) ) === "" && style.removeAttribute ) { // Setting style.filter to null, "" & " " still leave "filter:" in the cssText // if "filter:" is present at all, clearType is disabled, we want to avoid this // style.removeAttribute is IE Only, but so apparently is this code path... style.removeAttribute( "filter" ); // if there is no filter style applied in a css rule or unset inline opacity, we are done if ( value === "" || currentStyle && !currentStyle.filter ) { return; } } // otherwise, set new filter values style.filter = ralpha.test( filter ) ? filter.replace( ralpha, opacity ) : filter + " " + opacity; } }; }
jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = addGetHookIf( support.reliableMarginRight, function( elem, computed ) { if ( computed ) { // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right // Work around by temporarily setting element display to inline-block return jQuery.swap( elem, { "display": "inline-block" }, curCSS, [ elem, "marginRight" ] ); } } );
function addGetHookIf( conditionFn, hookFn ) { // Define the hook, we'll check on the first run if it's really needed. return { get: function() { var condition = conditionFn(); if ( condition == null ) { // The test was not ready at this point; screw the hook this time // but check again when needed next time. return; } if ( condition ) { // Hook not needed (or it's not possible to use it due to missing dependency), // remove it. // Since there are no other hooks for marginRight, remove the whole object. delete this.get; return; } // Hook needed; redefine it so that the support test is not executed again. return (this.get = hookFn).apply( this, arguments ); } }; }
jQuery.each({ margin: "", padding: "", border: "Width" }, function( prefix, suffix ) { jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ] = { expand: function( value ) { var i = 0, expanded = {}, // assumes a single number if not a string parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [ value ]; for ( ; i < 4; i++ ) { expanded[ prefix + cssExpand[ i ] + suffix ] = parts[ i ] || parts[ i - 2 ] || parts[ 0 ]; } return expanded; } }; if ( !rmargin.test( prefix ) ) { jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ].set = setPositiveNumber; } });swap函数源码:
jQuery.swap = function( elem, options, callback, args ) { var ret, name, old = {}; // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones for ( name in options ) { old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ]; elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ]; } //把该元素的position设为absolute,visibility设为hidden,把display设为block //然后再次获取到这个table-cell,table-caption同时offsetWidth为0的元素额参数 ret = callback.apply( elem, args || [] ); //然后给该元素恢复原来的值 // Revert the old values for ( name in options ) { elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ]; } return ret; };swap函数总结:
<body style="background-color:yellow;"> <div style="margin:10px;width:100px;border:1px solid red;height:100px;"> </div> </body>JS部分
//打印18=8(body默认的margin是8px)+10 alert($("div")[0].getBoundingClientRect().left); //打印8+10+1+100+1=120不算右边的margin,只是到了border-right就结束了! alert($("div")[0].getBoundingClientRect().right); //打印10px alert($("div")[0].getBoundingClientRect().top); //打印112=10(上下margin被合并了,8和10选择10px)+1×2+100=112 alert($("div")[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom);总结:
(2)文章中牵涉到一个重要的概念BFC,也就是块级格式化上下文,如果给body设置一个border:1px solid red;那么border的margin和div的margin就不会合并,那么top的值就是8+1+10=19px。这里你要弄懂上下margin合并的概念!
(3)可以通过window.getComputedStyle知道border的margin默认是8px,这是为什么以前老是用*{margin:0px;padding:0px;}来css reset!
</pre><pre name="code" class="html"><body style="width:1000px;"> <div id="parent" style="border:1px solid red;position:absolute;"> <div id="child" style="position:relative;padding-top:10px;"> <div id="grandChild" style="width:200px;padding:10px;border:1px solid red;margin:10px;"> 这里是孙子! </div> </div> </div> </body>JS部分:
//要知道offset的属性如offsetWidth,offsetHeight都是包括边框的!所以offsetTop也是从边框外开始计算的!所以这里的grandChild //元素要相对于offsetParent定位获取到offsetTop(这里的offsetParent是child元素),是不包括边框的,所以不管为grandChild的 //border是多少,结果打印都是0!如果你给grandChild添加一个margin-top为10px那么他的offsetTop还是0,因为offsetTop讲究的 //是整个盒子!但是如果你把child设置一个padding-top:10px那么就会变成10px,因为我的盒子和外面的offsetParent的距离就是10px了! alert($("#grandChild")[0].offsetTop); //就是border的宽度! alert($("#grandChild")[0].clientLeft); //所以body的margin默认会有8px,但是padding是0,这是为什么要css reset! alert(window.getComputedStyle($("body")[0],"")["margin"]); //默认是8 alert($("body")[0].getBoundingClientRect().top); //默认是8 alert($("body")[0].getBoundingClientRect().left); //打印29,(因为getBoundingClientRect会一直获取到元素的border,border才是元素的边界),8(border的margin)+1(parent的border)+10(child的paddingTop)+10(grandChild的marginTop) alert($("#grandChild")[0].getBoundingClientRect().top); //打印19px,(因为getBoundingClientRect会一直获取到元素的border,border才是元素的边界),8(border的margin)+1(parent的border)+10(grandChild的marginLeft) alert($("#grandChild")[0].getBoundingClientRect().left); //8(body的margin)+1(parent的border)+10(grandChild的marginLeft)+1(grandChild的borderLeft)+10(grandChild的paddingLeft)+200(grandChild的width)+10(grandChild的paddingRight)+1(grandChild的borderRight)打印241 alert($("#grandChild")[0].getBoundingClientRect().right); //通过最后上面两个left和right的值相减你应该有所体会,left为19,right为241,241-19=222=10(grandChild的marginLeft)+1(borerLeft)+200(width)+1(borderRight)+10(marginRight) //也就是整个盒子的大小!(包括margin等)总结:
$("#content").offset({top:100,using:function(prop) { //alert(this.id);这里面的this指向了前面的调用对象的DOM对象! //这里的prop表示我们要把前面的调用对象的DOM元素的style设置为多少! //alert(prop.top);根据上面我提供的html代码,这里打印92表示应该把 //把调用对象的DOM元素的top设置为920x!注意:这里我只是传入了top! //所以该对象的left为undefined! }})