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 1016: Degrees of separation

Result TIME Limit MEMORY Limit Run Times AC Times JUDGE
3s 8192K 1178 494 Standard

Find out how many people separate one person from another.
The number of people will be no more than 20.


A positive integer representing the number of people in the following list. Each line in the list contains the name of a person, followed by the number of people that person knows, followed by the names of those people. Following this list is a positive integer denoting the number of cases. Each case consists of a starting name and a goal name. Names will not contain any blanks or non-alphabetic characters.


The phrase “<start> has no connection to <goal>.” or the phrase “<start> is separated from <goal> by <num> degrees.”, where <start> is the starting name, <goal> is the goal name, and <num> is the number of degrees of separation between the two.

Sample Input

Bob 3 Tom John Jim
Sam 2 Bob John
John 2 Tom Bob
Tom 1 Sam
Jim 0
Jim Sam
Sam John
John Sam

Sample Output

Jim has no connection to Sam.
Sam is separated from John by 0 degrees.
John is separated from Sam by 1 degrees.

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