android binder机制中的BN跟BP

android binder机制中的BN和BP
看到android的binder机制,有点不太理解。BP(binder proxy)和BN(binder native)是通过binder来通信的。Bp主要是用来处理java层传下来的服务请求。然后通过transact将处理请求传给bn(通过binder)。


Q:What do "Bn*" and "Bp*" stand for in frameworks/base/include/utils/IInterface.h ?

I understand that "B" is for binder but what about "n" and "p"?

It seems like "p" may stand for "remote" and "n" for "native" but I would love a clarification.  

A:"n" is native, that is the class you inherit from to implement the interface; "p" is proxy, that is the class that is created to perform interface calls through IPC.
