芒果iOS开发之Apple Pay Programming Guide part1




3.About Apple Pay(关于苹果支付)

4.Working with Apple Pay(和Apple Pay一起工作)





最近,苹果公司在中国大陆开放了Apple Pay,也就是苹果支付功能。作为用户来说可能仅仅关注如果使用Apple Pay就可以了。但是做为开发者我们更应该第一时间去学习如何让自己的App支持Apple Pay。从以往的经验来看如果苹果发布新技术新知识,如果你不学,到最后肯定会被行业需求和市场方向逼的被迫学习新技术。有了前车之鉴所以大家需要第一时间去学习Apple Pay。


任何的技术博客和文章都不如苹果自己的开发文档全面详细,因为他人的文章里边肯定都带有自己的理解。所以如果有英文基础还是推荐大家看原汁原味的Apple Pay Programming Guide 。肯定会有英文不太好的所以这次我打算为大家先翻译苹果关于Apple Pay的开发文档,然后在后续的文章中介绍Apple Pay的详细集成步骤。

三、About Apple Pay(关于苹果支付)

苹果支付是一个移动支付技术,可以让用户给你他们的真实的商品和服务的支付信息。 这样既方便又安全的。


四、Working with Apple Pay(和Apple Pay一起工作)









About Apple Pay
Apple Pay is a mobile payment technology that lets users give you their payment information for real-world goods and services in a way that is both convenient and secure.
For digital goods and services delivered within the app, see In-App Purchase Programming Guide.

About Apple Pay
Apple Pay is a mobile payment technology that lets users give you their payment information for real-world goods and services in a way that is both convenient and secure.
For digital goods and services delivered within the app, see In-App Purchase Programming Guide.
Apps that use Apple Pay need to enable the Apple Pay capabilities in Xcode. You also register a merchant identifier and set up cryptographic keys, which are used to securely send payment data to your server.
To initiate a payment, your app creates a payment request. This request includes the subtotal for the services and goods purchased, as well as any additional charges for tax, shipping, or discounts. Pass this request to a payment authorization view controller, which displays the request to the user and prompts for any needed information, such as a shipping or billing address. Your delegate is called to update the request as the user interacts with the view controller.
As soon as the user authorizes the payment, Apple Pay encrypts payment information to prevent an unauthorized third party from accessing it. On the device, Apple Pay sends the payment request to the Secure Element, which is a dedicated chip on the user’s device. The Secure Element adds the payment data for the specified card and merchant, creating an encrypted payment token. It then passes this token to Apple’s servers, where it is reencrypted using your Merchant Identifier certificate. Finally, the servers pass the token back to your app for processing.

The payment token is never accessed or stored on Apple’s servers. The servers simply reencrypt the token using your certificate. This process lets your app securely encrypt the payment information without it having to distribute your Merchant Identifier certificate as part of the app.
For more information about Apple Pay’s security, see iOS Security Guide.
In most cases, your app passes the encrypted payment token to a third-party payment platform to decrypt and process the payment. However, if your team has an existing payment infrastructure, you can decrypt and process the payment on your own server.
For information about payment platforms that support Apple Pay, see developer.apple.com/apple-pay/.




Configuring Your Environment  --- 配置你的环境
