VTK/Tutorials/New Pipeline文档翻译


1. 前言:




2. VTK管道机制

This section will introduce the classes and concepts used in the new VTK pipeline. You should be familiar with the very basic design of the old pipeline before delving into this. The new pipeline was designed to reduce complexity while at the same time provide more flexibility. In the old pipeline the pipeline functionality and mechanics were contained in the data object and filters. In the new pipeline this functionality is contained in a new class (and its subclasses) called vtkExecutive.


  • Introduction

  • Typical Pipeline Execution
    Request Information
    Request Update Extent
    Request Data

  • Executives

  • Converting an Existing Filter to the New Pipeline

2.1 Introduction

There are four key classes that make up the new pipeline. They are:
vtkInformation, vtkDataObject, vtkAlgorithm和vtkExecutive.

provides the flexibility to grow. Most of the methods and meta information storage make use of this class. vtkInformation is a map-based data structure that supports heterogeneous key-value operations with compile time type checking. There is also a vtkInformationVector class for storing vectors of information objects. When passing information up or down the pipeline (or from the executive to the algorithm) this is the class to use.

in the past this class both stored data and handled some of the pipeline logic. In the new pipeline this class is only supposed to store data. In practice there are some pipeline methods in the class for backwards compatibility so that all of VTK doesn’t break, but the goal is that vtkDataObject should only be about storing data. vtkDataObject has an instance of vtkInformation that can be used to store key-value pairs in. For example the current extent of the data object is stored in there but the whole extent is not, because that is a pipeline attribute containing information about a specific pipeline topology .

an algorithm is the new superclass for all filters/sources/sinks in VTK. It is basically the replacement for vtkSource. Like vtkDataObject, vtkAlgorithm should know nothing about the pipeline and should only be an algorithm/function/filter. Call it with the correct arguments and it will produce results. It also has a vtkInformation instance that describes the properties of the algorithm and it has information objects that describe its input and output port characteristics. The main method of an algorithm is ProcessRequest.

contains the logic of how to connect and execute a pipeline. This class is the superclass of all executives. Executives are distributed (as opposed to centralized) and each filter/algorithm has its own executive that communicates with other executives. vtkExecutive has a subclass called vtkDemandDrivenPipeline which in turn has a subclass called vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline. vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline provides most of the functionality that was found in the old VTK pipeline and is the default executive for all algorithms if you do not specify one.

2.2 Typical Pipeline Execution

2.3 Executives

2.4 Converting an Existing Filter to the New Pipeline
