FullNAT: A new packet forwarding method for IPVS, other than DR/NAT/TUNNEL
The main principle is as follows: the module introduces local ip address (IDC internal ip address, lip), IPVS translates cip-vip to/from lip-rip, in which lip and rip both are IDC internal ip address, so that LVS load balancer and real servers can be in different vlans, and real servers only need to access internal network. See Virtual Server via Full NAT for more information.
SYNPROXY: Defence module against synflooding attack
The main principle: based on tcp syncookies, please refer to;
This FullNAT and SYNPROXY code for IPVS in Linux kernel 2.6.32 was written by Jiaming Wu at, Jian Chen at, and Shunmin Zhu at, with some advising from Wensong Zhang at The code was affected by ideas of the source NAT and SYNPROXY version that was hard coded to IPVS in Linux kernel 2.6.9 by Wen Li, Yan Tian, Jian Chen, Yang Yi, Yaoguang Sun, Fang Han, Ying liu and Jiaming Wu at in 2009.
The FullNAT and SYNPROXY support were added to keepalived/ipvsadm by Jiajun Chen and Ziang Chen at
Please note that FullNAT and SYNPROXY only had limited testing.
1. LVS Kernel
1.1 get kernel rpm from redhat
1.2 get kernel source code from rpm
vim ~/.rpmmacros; add: %_topdir /home/pukong/rpms %_tmppath /home/pukong/rpms/tmp %_sourcedir /home/pukong/rpms/SOURCES %_specdir /home/pukong/rpms/SPECS %_srcrpmdir /home/pukong/rpms/SRPMS %_rpmdir /home/pukong/rpms/RPMS %_builddir /home/pukong/rpms/BUILD cd /home/pukong; mkdir rpms; mkdir rpms/tmp; mkdir rpms/SOURCES; mkdir rpms/SPECS; mkdir rpms/SRPMS; mkdir rpms/RPMS; mkdir rpms/BUILD; rpm -ivh kernel-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.src.rpm; cd /home/pukong/rpms/SPECS; rpmbuild -bp kernel.spec;
then you can find kernel source code in /home/pukong/rpms/BUILD.
1.3 add lvs patch
cd /home/pukong/rpms/BUILD/; cd kernel-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6/linux-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.x86_64/; cp lvs-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.patch ./; patch -p1<lvs-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.patch; // patch is in lvs-fullnat-synproxy.tar.gz
Or you can directly get source code from linux-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.x86_64.lvs.src.tar.gz;
1.4 compile and install
make -j16; make modules_install; make install;
2. RealServer Kernel (TOA)
2.1 get kernel source code, the same as step 1.1 and 1.2;
2.2 add toa patch
cd /home/pukong/rpms/BUILD/; cd kernel-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6/linux-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.x86_64/; cp toa-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.patch ./; patch -p1<toa-2.6.32-220.23.1.el6.patch; // patch is in lvs-fullnat-synproxy.tar.gz
Or you can get source code directly from;
2.3 compile and install
make -j16; make modules_install; make install;
3. LVS Tools (keepalived/ipvsadm/quaage)
cd /home/pukong; cp lvs-tools.tar.gz ./; // lvs-tools.tar.gz is in lvs-fullnat-synproxy.tar.gz tar xzf lvs-tools.tar.gz;
3.1 keepalived install
cd /home/pukong/tools/keepalived; ./configure --with-kernel-dir="/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build"; make; make install;
3.2 ipvsadm install
cd /home/pukong/tools/ipvsadm; make; make install;
3.3 quaage install
cd /home/pukong/tools/quagga; ./configure --disable-ripd --disable-ripngd --disable-bgpd --disable-watchquagga --disable-doc --enable-user=root --enable-vty-group=root --enable-group=root --enable-zebra --localstatedir=/var/run/quagga
make; make install;