1. 定时任务例子
from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler schedudler = Scheduler(daemonic = False) @schedudler.cron_schedule(second='*', day_of_week='0-4', hour='9-12,13-15') def quote_send_sh_job(): print 'a simple cron job start at', datetime.datetime.now() schedudler.start()
上面通过装饰器定义了cron job,可以通过函数scheduler.add_cron_job添加,用装饰器更方便。Scheduler构造函数中传入daemonic参数,表示执行线程是非守护的,在Schduler的文档中推荐使用非守护线程:(Jobs are always executed in non-daemonic threads. )
(1)simple date-based scheduling(定时任务,时间固定,执行一次)
from datetime import date from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler # Start the scheduler sched = Scheduler() sched.start() # example: 需求:在 2013-1-4 13:14:21 打印 i love you</span> def my_job(text): print text # Store the job in a variable in case we want to cancel it # 方法的第一个参数是需要执行的方法名,第二个参数是时间,第三个参数是需要执行的方法的参数列表 job = sched.add_date_job(my_job, '2013-01-04 13:14:21', ['i love you'])</span>
(2)Interval-based scheduling(每隔多长时间执行一次)
# example: 需求:每隔一个小时打印一次hello world</span> job = sched.add_interval_job(my_job,hour=1,['hellow world'])
(3)cron-style scheduling(定时循环执行,比如每个月的几号,或者每周几,或者一年中的第几周执行)
# 没有设置时分秒默认为0,example: 需求: 每周一,三,五打印hello world(周日是0,周六是6) job = sched.add_cron_job(my_job,day-of-week='0,2,4',['hellow world'])
2. 存储任务执行信息
import pymongo from apscheduler.scheduler import Scheduler from apscheduler.jobstores.mongodb_store import MongoDBJobStore import time sched = Scheduler(daemonic = False) mongo = pymongo.Connection(host='', port=27017) store = MongoDBJobStore(connection=mongo) sched.add_jobstore(store, 'mongo') # 别名是mongo @sched.cron_schedule(second='*', day_of_week='0-4', hour='9-12,13-15', jobstore='mongo') # 向别名为mongo的jobstore添加job def job(): print 'a job' time.sleep(1) sched.start()
> db.jobs.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("502202d1443c1557fa8b8d66"), "runs" : 20, "name" : "job", "misfire_grace_time" : 1, "coalesce" : true, "args" : BinData(0,"gAJdcQEu"), "next_run_time" : ISODate("2012-08-08T14:10:46Z"), "max_instances" : 1, "max_runs" : null, "trigger" : BinData(0,"xxx..."), "func_ref" : "__main__:job", "kwargs" : BinData(0,"gAJ9cQEu") }上面就是存储的具体信息。
def err_listener(ev): err_logger = logging.getLogger('schedErrJob') if ev.exception: err_logger.exception('%s error.', str(ev.job)) else: err_logger.info('%s miss', str(ev.job)) schedudler.add_listener(err_listener, apscheduler.events.EVENT_JOB_ERROR | apscheduler.events.EVENT_JOB_MISSED)
job – the job instance in question scheduled_run_time – the time when the job was scheduled to be run retval – the return value of the successfully executed job exception – the exception raised by the job traceback – the traceback object associated with the exception
最后,需要注意一点当job不以daemon模式运行时,并且APScheduler也不是daemon的,那么在关闭脚本时,Ctrl + C是不奏效的,必须kill才可以。可以通过命令实现关闭脚本:
ps axu | grep {脚本名} | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2;}' | xargs kill