


实验环境:VS2010 + OpenCV2.4.9.0

#include <iostream>
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc,char** argv)
	RNG rng;
	// always produces 0
	double a = rng.uniform(0,1);
	//produces double from[0,1)
	double a1 = rng.uniform((double)0,(double)1);

	//produces float from[0,1)
	double b = rng.uniform(0.f,1.f);

	//produces double from[0,1)
	double c = rng.uniform(0.,1.);

	//may cause compiler error because of ambiguity:
	//RNG:: uniform(0,(int)0.999999) ? or RNG::unigorm((double)0,0.999999)
	//double d = rng.uniform(0,0.999999);所以先注释起来吧 O(∩_∩)O
	cout << "a = " << a << endl;
	cout << "a1 = " << a1 << endl;
	cout << "b = " << b << endl;
	cout << "c = " << c << endl;
	//cout << "d = " << d << endl;

	/*-------- returns the next random number sampled from the Gaussian distribution-------
	*	double RNG:: gaussian( double sigma)
	*	sigma – standard deviation(标准差) of the distribution
	double g = rng.gaussian(2);
	cout << "g = " << g << endl;

	/*-------- returns the next random number(还不理解这个“下一个”是指什么?) -------------------
	*	unsigned int RNG:: next()
	*	The method updates the state using the MWC algorithm and
		returns the next 32-bit random number
	int n =;
	cout << "n = " << n << endl;

	/*-------- RNG::operator T returns the next random number of the specified type ---------
	*	RNG:: operator uchar()
	*	RNG:: operator schar()
	*	RNG:: operator ushort()
	*	RNG:: operator short int()
	*	RNG:: operator int()
	*	RNG:: operator unsigned int()
	*	RNG:: operator float()
	*	RNG:: operator double()
	*	返回指定类型的下一个随机数。对于int型,返回可用数据类型范围内的随机数,对于float型,
	int n1 = rng.operator int();
	cout << "n1 = " << n1 << endl;

	float f = rng.operator float();
	cout << "f = " << f << endl;

	/*-------- RNG::operator () returns the next random number -----------------------
	*	unsigned int RNG:: operator() ()  == RNG::next() 两个函数相同
	*	unsigned int RNG:: operator() (unsigned int N) 注意括号
	*	return the result in the range [0,N)
	int o = rng.operator ()();
	int o1 = rng.operator() (50);
	cout << "o = " << o << endl << "o1 = " << o1 << endl;

	/*---------------------- fills arrays with random numbers.------------------------
	*	 void RNG:: fill( InputOutputArray mat, int distType, InputArray a,
							InputArray b, bool saturateRange=false )函数原型
	*	mat – 2D or N-dimensional matrix; currently matrices with more than 4 channels 
		are not supported by the methods, use Mat::reshape() as a possible workaround
	*	distribution type, RNG::UNIFORM or RNG::NORMAL 分布的类型(均匀或高斯)
	*	a – first distribution parameter; in case of the uniform distribution, this is an
		inclusive lower boundary, in case of the normal distribution, this is a mean value
	*	b – second distribution parameter; in case of the uniform distribution, this is a 
		non-inclusive upper boundary, in case of the normal distribution, this is a standard deviation 
		(diagonal of the standard deviation matrix or the full standard deviation matrix)
	*	saturateRange – pre-saturation flag; for uniform distribution only; if true, the method will
		first convert a and b to the acceptable value range (according to the mat datatype) and
		then will generate uniformly distributed random numbers within the range [saturate(a),
		saturate(b)) , if saturateRange=false, the method will generate uniformly distributed
		random numbers in the original range [a, b) and then will saturate them, it means, for example, 
		that theRNG().fill(mat_8u, RNG::UNIFORM, -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX) will likely produce array mostly
		filled with 0’s and 255’s, since the range (0, 255) is significantly smaller than [-DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX)
	cout << "filM = " << fillM << endl << endl;

	Mat fillM1(3,3,CV_8U);
	cout << "filM1 = " << fillM1 << endl << endl;

	Mat fillM2(3,3,CV_8U);
	cout << "filM2 = " << fillM2 << endl << endl;

	/*------- uniformly-distributed random number or an array of random numbers----
	*	randu(dst, low, high) 
	*	dst – output array of random numbers; 
	*	low – inclusive lower boundary of the generated random numbers;
	*	high - exclusive upper boundary of the generated random numbers;
	cout << "randuM = " << randuM << endl << endl;

	/*---------------normally distributed random numbers-------------------
	*	randn(dst, mean, stddev)(也叫高斯分布)
	*	dst – output array of random numbers; 
		the array must be pre-allocated and have 1 to 4 channels;
	*	mean(均值) – mean value (expectation) of the generated random numbers
	*	stddev - standard deviation(标准差) of the generated random numbers; it can be either a vector
		(in which case a diagonal standard deviation matrix is assumed) or a square matrix
	cout << "randnM = " << randnM << endl << endl;

	/*-----------------Shuffles the array elements randomly(产生随机打乱的矩阵)---------------
	*	randShuffle( InputOutputArray dst, double iterFactor=1., RNG* rng=0 )
	*	dst -  input/output numerical 1D array;
	*	iterFactor - scale factor that determines the number of random swap operations;
	*	rng -  optional random number generator used for shuffling; if it is zero, 
		theRNG()() is used instead;
	*	The function randShuffle shuffles the specified 1D array by randomly choosing 
		pairs of elements and swapping them. The number of such swap operations will be
	cout << "randShufM = " << randShufM << endl << endl;


	/*------- initializes a random number generator state(初始化随机数生成器状态)-----
	*	 CvRNG cvRNG( int64 seed=-1) 函数原型
	*	seed – 64-bit value used to initiate a random sequence
		函数 cvRNG 初始化随机数生成器并返回其状态。
		指向这个状态的指针可以传递给函数 cvRandInt, cvRandReal 和 cvRandArr;
		在通常的实现中使用一个 multiply-with-carry generator
	//CvRNG rng1 = cvRNG(-1);

	/*------- fills an array with random numbers and updates the RNG state-------
	*	 void cvRandArr( CvRNG* rng, CvArr* arr, int dist_type, 
						CvScalar param1, CvScalar param2)函数原型
	*	rng – CvRNG state initialized by RNG()被 cvRNG 初始化的 RNG 状态
	*	arr – The destination array
	*	dist_type – Distribution type
		- CV_RAND_UNI uniform distribution
		- CV_RAND_NORMAL normal or Gaussian distribution
	*	param1 – The first parameter of the distribution. In the case of a uniform distribution it
		is the inclusive lower boundary of the random numbers range. In the case of a normal
		distribution it is the mean value of the random numbers
	*	param2 – The second parameter of the distribution. In the case of a uniform distribution
		it is the exclusive upper boundary of the random numbers range. In the case of a normal
		distribution it is the standard deviation of the random numbers
	CvMat* cvM = cvCreateMat(3,3,CV_16U);
	cout << "cvM = " << cvM << endl << endl;

	/*------- returns a 32-bit unsigned integer and updates RNG-------
	*	unsigned int cvRandInt( CvRNG* rng)函数原型 
	*	rng – CvRNG state initialized by RNG()
		函数 cvRandInt 返回均匀分布的随机 32-bit 无符号整型值并更新 RNG 状态;
		它和 C 运行库里面的 rand() 函数十分相似,但是它产生的总是一个 32-bit 数而 rand()
		返回一个 0 到 RAND_MAX(它是 2**16 或者 2**32, 依赖于操作平台)之间的数
	int cvInt = cvRandInt(&cvRNG);
	cout << "cvInt = " << cvInt << endl;

	/*------- returns a floating-point random number and updates RNG.-------
	*	double cvRandReal( CvRNG* rng)函数原型 
	*	rng – RNG state initialized by RNG()
		函数 cvRandReal 返回均匀分布的随机浮点数,范围在 0~1 之间 (不包括1)
	double cvDouble = cvRandReal(&cvRNG);
	cout << "cvDouble = " << cvDouble << endl;

	return 0;



   Random Number Generator
   The class implements RNG using Multiply-with-Carry algorithm
    enum { UNIFORM=0, NORMAL=1 };

// inline RNG::RNG() { state = 0xffffffff; }

RNG(uint64 state);//带参数的构造函数,接受一个64位无符号的值。
//inline RNG::RNG(uint64 _state) { state = _state ? _state : 0xffffffff; }

//! updates the state and returns the next 32-bit unsigned integer random number
    unsigned next();
inline unsigned RNG::next()
    state = (uint64)(unsigned)state*CV_RNG_COEFF + (unsigned)(state >> 32);
    return (unsigned)state;
#define CV_RNG_COEFF 4164903690U

operator uchar();//返回一个8位无符号类型的随机数,把next返回的数截断
//inline RNG::operator uchar() { return (uchar)next(); }

operator schar();//返回一个8为有符号类型的随机数。???会产生负数吗,返回的也是截断的next返回值。莫非是截断后得到的最高位作为符号位,这样也可能是随机的。???
//inline RNG::operator schar() { return (schar)next(); }

operator ushort();//返回一个无符号16为整数
//inline RNG::operator ushort() { return (ushort)next(); }

operator short();//返回一个有符号16为整数
// inline RNG::operator short() { return (short)next(); }

operator unsigned();//返回一个无符号32为整数
// inline RNG::operator unsigned() { return next(); }

//! returns a random integer sampled uniformly from [0, N).
unsigned operator ()(unsigned N);//重载括号操作符,带参数。在(0,N)之间返回一个整数,调用uniform成员函数
//inline unsigned RNG::operator ()(unsigned N) {return (unsigned)uniform(0,N);}

unsigned operator ()();//重载括号操作符,无参数。直接返回next结果。
// inline unsigned RNG::operator ()() {return next();}

operator int();
// inline RNG::operator int() { return (int)next(); }

operator float();
// inline RNG::operator float() { return next()*2.3283064365386962890625e-10f; }

operator double();
inline RNG::operator double()
    unsigned t = next();
    return (((uint64)t << 32) | next())*5.4210108624275221700372640043497e-20;

//! returns uniformly distributed integer random number from [a,b) range
int uniform(int a, int b);//[a,b)内随机产生一个int型值,均匀分布
// inline int RNG::uniform(int a, int b) { return a == b ? a : (int)(next()%(b - a) + a); }

//! returns uniformly distributed floating-point random number from [a,b) range
float uniform(float a, float b); //[a,b)内随机产生一个float型值,均匀分布
// inline float RNG::uniform(float a, float b) { return ((float)*this)*(b - a) + a; }

//! returns uniformly distributed double-precision floating-point random number from [a,b) range
double uniform(double a, double b); //[a,b)内随机产生一个double型值,均匀分布
// inline double RNG::uniform(double a, double b) { return ((double)*this)*(b - a) + a; }

void fill( InputOutputArray mat, int distType, InputArray a, InputArray b, bool saturateRange=false );//这个函数实现很长,暂时略过。

//! returns Gaussian random variate with mean zero.
double gaussian(double sigma);//返回均值为0的高斯随机变量,
/*double RNG::gaussian(double sigma)
    float temp;
    randn_0_1_32f( &temp, 1, &state );
    return temp*sigma;

uint64 state;//种子,next中需要这样一个初始值


#include <iostream>
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

const char wndName[] = "randDraw";
const int randNumber = 100;

static Scalar randomColor(RNG& rng)
	int rColor = (unsigned)rng;
	return Scalar(rColor & 0xFF,(rColor >> 8) & 0xFF,(rColor >> 16) & 0xFF);

int main(int argc,char** argv)
	int lineType = CV_AA; 
	int width = 1000;
	int height = 700;
	int x1 = - width/2;
	int x2 = 3 * width/2;
	int y1 = - height/2;
	int y2 = 3 * height/2;
	const int DELAY = 10;

	//RNG rng(0xFFFFFFFF);
	RNG rng;
	Mat image = Mat::zeros(height,width,CV_8UC3);

	for(int i = 0;i < randNumber;i++)
		Point pt1;
		Point pt2;
		pt1.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt1.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		pt2.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt2.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		/*----------------------draws a line segment connecting two points-----------
		*	void line( Mat& img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar& color,
						int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0)函数原型
		*	lineType – Type of the line:
						– 8 (or omitted) - 8-connected line.
						– 4 - 4-connected line.
						– CV_AA - antialiased line.

	for(int i = 0;i < randNumber;i++)
		Point org;
		org.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		org.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);

		/*-------------------------draws a text string--------------------------------
		*	void putText(Mat& img, const string& text, Point org, int fontFace, 
						double fontScale, Scalar color,int thickness=1, 
							int lineType=8, bool bottomLeftOrigin=false )函数原型
		*	img – image
		*	text – Text string to be drawn
		*	org – Bottom-left corner of the text string in the image.
		*	font – CvFont structure initialized using InitFont() C版本的参数
		*	fontFace – Font type. One of FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,
						FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_COMPLEX, where each of the font ID’s can be 
						combined with FONT_HERSHEY_ITALIC to get the slanted letters
		*	fontScale – Font scale factor that is multiplied by the font-specific base size
		*	color – Text color
		*	thickness – Thickness of the lines used to draw a text
		*	lineType – Line type. See the line for details
		*	bottomLeftOrigin – When true, the image data origin is at the bottom-left corner;
			Otherwise, it is at the top-left corner.如果为真,图像原点在左下角,否则在左上角
		putText(image,"OpenCV",org,rng.uniform(0,8),rng.uniform(0,10)*0.5 + 0.1,

	return 0;




#include <iostream>
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

static void help()
	cout << "This program demonstrates OpenCV drawing and text output functions" << endl 
		<< "Usage:" << endl
		<<"./drawing" << endl;

static Scalar randomColor(RNG& rng)
	int iColor = unsigned(rng);
	//255 = 0xFF
	return Scalar(iColor & 255,(iColor >> 8) & 255,(iColor >> 16) & 255);

int main(int argc,char** argv)
	char wndName[] = "Drawing Demo";
	const int randomNumber = 100;
	const int DELAY = 10;
	int lineType = CV_AA;
	int height = 700;
	int width = 1000;
	int x1 = - width/2;
	int x2 = 3 * width/2;
	int y1 = - height/2;
	int y2 = 3 * height/2;

	Mat image = Mat::zeros(height,width,CV_8UC3);

	//draw line
	for(int i = 0;i < randomNumber;i++)
		Point pt1,pt2;
		pt1.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt1.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		pt2.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt2.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		if(waitKey(DELAY) >= 0)
			return 0;

	//draw rectangle
	for(int i = 0;i < randomNumber;i++)
		Point pt1,pt2;
		pt1.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt1.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		pt2.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt2.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		int thickness = rng.uniform(-3,10);

		/*----------------------draws a simple, thick, or filled up-right rectangle-----------
		*	C++: void rectangle(Mat& img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar& color, 
								int thickness=1, int lineType=8,int shift=0)
		*	C++: void rectangle(Mat& img, Rect rec, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, 
								int lineType=8, int shift=0)
		*	img – image
		*	pt1 – Vertex of the rectangle
		*	pt2 – Vertex of the rectangle opposite to pt1 
		*	rec – Alternative specification of the drawn rectangle
		*	color – Rectangle color or brightness (grayscale image)
		*	thickness – Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values,
			like CV_FILLED, mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle
		*	lineType – Type of the line. See the line() description
		*	shift – Number of fractional bits in the point coordinates
		if(waitKey(DELAY) >= 0)
			return 0;

	//draw ellipse
	for(int i = 0; i < randomNumber;i++)
		Point center;
		center.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		center.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		Size axes;
		axes.width = rng.uniform(0,200);
		axes.height = rng.uniform(0,200);
		double angle = rng.uniform(0,180);

		/*---------draws a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector---------
		*	C++: void ellipse(Mat& img, Point center, Size axes, double angle, 
								double startAngle,double endAngle,const Scalar& color, 
								int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0)
		*	C++: void ellipse(Mat& img, const RotatedRect& box, const Scalar& color, 
								int thickness=1, int lineType=8)
		*	img – image 
		*	center – Center of the ellipse 椭圆中心
		*	axes – Half of the size of the ellipse main axes 椭圆长轴的一半
		*	angle – Ellipse rotation angle in degrees 椭圆旋转的角度
		*	startAngle – Starting angle of the elliptic arc in degrees 弧度开始的角度
		*	endAngle – Ending angle of the elliptic arc in degrees 弧度结束的角度
		*	box – Alternative ellipse representation via RotatedRect or CvBox2D
			This means that the function draws an ellipse inscribed in the rotated rectangle
		*	color – Ellipse color
		*	thickness – Thickness of the ellipse arc outline, if positive. Otherwise, this indicates that a
			filled ellipse sector is to be drawn
		*	lineType – Type of the ellipse boundary. See the line() description
		*	shift – Number of fractional bits in the coordinates of the center and values of axes
		ellipse(image,center,axes,angle,angle - 100,angle + 200,randomColor(rng),rng.uniform(1,8),lineType);
		if(waitKey(DELAY) >= 0)
			return 0;

	//draw polylines
	for(int i = 0;i < randomNumber;i++)
		Point pt[2][3];
		pt[0][0].x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt[0][0].y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		pt[0][1].x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt[0][1].y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		pt[0][2].x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt[0][2].y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		pt[1][0].x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt[1][0].y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		pt[1][1].x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt[1][1].y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		pt[1][2].x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		pt[1][2].y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		const Point* ppt[2] = {pt[0],pt[1]};
		int npt[] = {3,3};

		/*-------------------draws several polygonal curves----------------------------
		*	C++: void polylines(Mat& img, const Point** pts, const int* npts, int ncontours, 
									bool isClosed, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1,
										int lineType=8, int shift=0 )
		*	C++: void polylines(InputOutputArray img, InputArrayOfArrays pts, bool isClosed, 
							const Scalar& color,int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0 )
		*	img – image
		*	pts – Array of polygonal curves 多边形曲线数组
		*	npts – Array of polygon vertex counters 顶点数组
		*	ncontours – Number of curves 曲线数量
		*	isClosed – Flag indicating whether the drawn polylines are closed or not
						If they are closed,the function draws a line from the last vertex 
						of each curve to its first vertex 标志曲线是否闭合
		*	color – Polyline color
		*	thickness – Thickness of the polyline edges
		*	lineType – Type of the line segments. See the line() description
		*	shift – Number of fractional bits in the vertex coordinates 
		if(waitKey(DELAY) >= 0)
			return 0;

	//draw polygons with filled area
	for(int i = 0;i < randomNumber;i++)
		Point pt[2][3];
		pt[0][0].x = rng.uniform(x1, x2);
		pt[0][0].y = rng.uniform(y1, y2);
		pt[0][1].x = rng.uniform(x1, x2);
		pt[0][1].y = rng.uniform(y1, y2);
		pt[0][2].x = rng.uniform(x1, x2);
		pt[0][2].y = rng.uniform(y1, y2);
		pt[1][0].x = rng.uniform(x1, x2);
		pt[1][0].y = rng.uniform(y1, y2);
		pt[1][1].x = rng.uniform(x1, x2);
		pt[1][1].y = rng.uniform(y1, y2);
		pt[1][2].x = rng.uniform(x1, x2);
		pt[1][2].y = rng.uniform(y1, y2);
		const Point* ppt[2] = {pt[0], pt[1]};
		int npt[] = {3, 3};

		/*--------------fills the area bounded by one or more polygons---------------
		*	C++: void fillPoly( Mat& img, const Point** pts, const int* npts, int ncontours,
						const Scalar& color, int lineType=8, int shift=0, Point offset=Point() )
		*	img – image
		*	pts – Array of polygons where each polygon is represented as an array of points
		*	npts – Array of polygon vertex counters
		*	ncontours – Number of contours that bind the filled region
		*	color – Polygon color
		*	lineType – Type of the polygon boundaries. See the line() description
		*	shift – Number of fractional bits in the vertex coordinates
		*	offset – Optional offset of all points of the contours
		fillPoly(image, ppt, npt, 2, randomColor(rng), lineType);
		imshow(wndName, image);
		if(waitKey(DELAY) >= 0)
			return 0;

	//draw circle
	for(int i = 0;i < randomNumber;i++)
		Point center;
		center.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		center.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);

		/*-----------------------------draw a circle----------------------------------
		*	C++: void circle(Mat& img, Point center, int radius, const Scalar& color,
								int thickness=1, int lineType=8,int shift=0)
		*	img – Image where the circle is drawn
		*	center – Center of the circle
		*	radius – Radius of the circle
		*	color – Circle color
		*	thickness – Thickness of the circle outline, if positive.
						Negative thickness means that a
		*	filled circle is to be drawn
		*	lineType – Type of the circle boundary. See the line() description
		*	shift – Number of fractional bits in the coordinates of the center and 
			in the radius value
		if(waitKey(DELAY) >= 0)
			return 0;

	//put text on the image
	for(int i = 0;i < randomNumber;i++)
		Point org;
		org.x = rng.uniform(x1,x2);
		org.y = rng.uniform(y1,y2);
		putText(image,"Testing text rendering",org,rng.uniform(0,8)/*font type*/,
				rng.uniform(0,100)*0.05 + 0.1/*font scale*/,
		if(waitKey(DELAY) >= 0)
			return 0;
	/*------------------calculates the width and height of a text string--------------
	*	C++: Size getTextSize( const string& text, int fontFace, double fontScale,
								int thickness, int* baseLine)
	*	text – Input text string
	*	fontFace – Font to use. See the putText() for details
	*	fontScale – Font scale. See the putText() for details
	*	thickness – Thickness of lines used to render the text
	*	baseLine – Output parameter - y-coordinate of the baseline relative 
					to the bottom-most text	point.
	//string text = " OpenCV Forever!" ;
	//int fontFace = FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX;
	//double fontScale = 2;
	//int thickness = 3;
	//int baseline=0;
	//baseline += thickness;
	//Size textSize = getTextSize(text, fontFace,
	//						fontScale, thickness, &baseline);

	Size textSize = getTextSize("OpenCV Forever!",FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,3,5,0);
	Point org((width - textSize.width)/2,(height - textSize.height)/2);

	Mat image2;
	for(int i = 0;i < 255;i += 2)
		image2 = image - Scalar::all(i);
		putText(image2,"OpenCV Forever!",org,FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,

		if(waitKey(DELAY) >= 0)
			return 0;

	return 0;



