
1.Install Open LDAP to C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenLDAP, default install
2.Add include  ./schema/cosine.schema
      include  ./schema/inetorgperson.schema
      include  ./schema/dyngroup.schema
      include  ./schema/corba.schema
      include  ./schema/java.schema
      include  ./schema/misc.schema
      include  ./schema/nis.schema
      include  ./schema/openldap.schema
  to the file of C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenLDAP/slapd.conf
3.Update suffix "o=tcl,c=cn"
  rootdn "cn=Manager,o=tcl,c=cn"
  rootpw admin
  in the file of C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenLDAP/slapd.conf, click save
4.Run the comand Line, enter C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenLDAP, run "slapd.exe -d 1" for start

the server of OpenLDAP
5.Create a file of test.ldif in C:/Program Files (x86)/OpenLDAP, following is the content:
dn: o=tcl,c=cn
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
o: tcl
dc: com

dn: uid=user, o=tcl,c=cn
uid: user
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
userPassword:: MTIzNDU2
sn: Qiu
cn: hello
6.Run the command of "ldapadd -x -D "cn=manager,o=tcl,c=cn" -w admin -f test.ldif", then new

entry "uid=user,o=tcl,c=cn" has bean created.
7.Use the client tool of LDAPBrowser to view LDAP, Run "C:/Program Files (x86)

