
DDMSch3  DBMSch52  DBMSch53 为重点  6,7,8,是重点

select sID,sName,GPA from Student where GPA>3.6

对   的含义就是 相同,表示某个键值相同
无重复  distinct   or  或
select distinct sName,major from  Student,Apply where Student.sID = Apply.sID

select sName ,GPA,decision

from Student,Apply   where Student.sID = Apply.sID and sizeHS<1000 and major = 'cs' and

cName = 'Standford';

select sName,GPA,decision from Student,Apply where Student.sID = Apply.sID and(sizeHS<1000 or cName=‘Standford’)

字符匹配:like ,not like
逻辑运算: and ,or ,not

select distict sID,sName,GPA from Student where sID between 123 and 567

查询所有学生中学号是123567 的学生信息
select distict sID,sName,GPA   from Student whose sID in123,567select sID,major  from Apply  where major like '%bio%'

输出Student 和 College的所有组合信息
select * from Student,Apply where Student.sID= Apply.sID;

select Student.* from Student,Apply  where Student.sID = Apply.sID;

select sID,sName,GPA,sizeHS,GPA*(sizeHS/1000)  from student;

select sID,sName,GPA,sizeHS,GPA*(sizeHS/1000) as scaledGPA from student;


select Student.sID,sName,GPA,Apply.cName,enrollment from Student ,College,Apply where Apply.sID = Student.sID and Apply.cName = College.cName order by GPA desc;


//// union 或

          select sID from Apply where major ='cs'  union select sID from Apply  where major = 'ee';

      select sID from Apply  where major='cs' union all select sID from Apply where major = 'ee';

//// except 且没

          select sID from Apply where major = 'cs' except select sID from Apply where major ='ee'

      select sID from Apply  where major ='cs'  except all select sID from Apply  where major = 'ee'; 

//// intersect 和

       select sID from Apply where major = 'cs' intersect select sID from Apply where major ='ee'

      select sID from Apply  where major ='cs'  intersect all select sID from Apply  where major = 'ee'; 

//// 嵌套查询

     嵌套查询的作用是去除了 前面的复杂的对的操作


    select sID,sName from Student  where sID in (select sID from apply where major='cs')


    select sID,sName from Student  where sID not in (select sID from apply where major='cs')

//// where 中比较集合的方式

       =  比较   <>不等于

    select sID,sName from Student where sID = any(select sID from apply where major='cs')  and sID<>any(select sID from apply where major='ee')


    select sName,sID from student s1  where not exists  (select * from student s2 where s1.GPA<s2.GPA)


    select sName,sID from student s1 where exists (select * from student s2  where s2.GPA>s1.GPA)

//// Join(连接)系列操作

    join 后面加using 表示以using 后面的为准

 inner join = join  笛卡尔乘积

 natural join  自然连接   先做连接,找到有重复列的行,去掉重复列

 join 后面接个on  相当于是 where

 outerjoin / left outjoin  /right outerjoin / 

//// 聚集操作

    select avg(GPA) from student


    select min(GPA)  from Student,Apply where Student.sID = Apply.sID and major = 'CS';



    select avg(GPA) from Student  where sID in (select sID from Apply where major='CS');   //嵌套查询


    select count(*)  from College  where enrollment>15000


    select CS.avgGPA - NonCS.avgGPA  from (select avg(GPA) as avgGPA from Student where sID in(select sID from Apply where major = 'cs')) as CS,(select avg(GPA) as avgGPA from Student where sID  not in(select sID from Apply where major = 'cs')) as NonCS;

//// 一个牛逼的东西,group by 聚集操作,牛逼的不行不行的

   select sum(enrollment) from college ;

  select state,sum(enrollment) from College group by state;

  select cName,count(*) from Apply group by cName;


  select cName,major,max(GPA),min(GPA)  from  Apply,Student where Apply.sID = Student.sID group by cName,major;

//// 牛逼的东西,having 


    select cName from Apply  group by cName having count(*)<5;


    select cName from Apply group by cName having count(distinct sID)<5;

// 找出专业学生最好的成绩小于平均分的专业

    select major from Student where Student.sID = Apply.sID group by major having max(GPA)<(select avg(GPA) from student)

//// 空值null的处理

    select * from student where GPA is not null

    select * from Student where GPA>3.5

    select * from Student where GPA<=3.5

    select * from student where GPA<=3.5 or GPA>3.5 or GPA is null


删除,添加,更新元祖操作  delete from /insert into /update 

    delete from student

    delete from student where GPA>3

    delete from Student where sID in(select Apply.sID from Apply)

    delete from Student where sID in(select sID from Apply group by sID having count(distinct major)>2)

    delete  from College where cName not in(select cName from  Apply where major='CS');

    delete from  Student where GPA<(select avg(GPA) from Student);

    insert into college values('')

    insert into Apply select sID,'CMU','PA',11500 from student where sID not in (select sID from apply);


  .separator ","
  .import  文件名  表名

实验    11,select sID,sName,GPA from Student where GPA>3.6;

        12,select sID,sName from Student where GPA>3.6;

        13,select sName,cName from Student,Apply where Student.sID = Apply.sID;

    14,select distinct sName,cName from Student,Apply where Student.sID = Apply.sID;

    15,select sName,GPA,decision from Student,Apply where Student.sID=Apply.sID and cName='Stanford' and major='CS' and sizeHS<1000;

    16,select distinct College.cName from College,Apply where College.cName=Apply.cName and major='CS' and enrollment>20000;

    17,select sName,College.cName,GPA,state,enrollment from Apply,Student,College where Apply.sID = Student.sID and Apply.cName = College.cName order by GPA desc;

    在满足上述条件下想让次要条件按enrollment降序就可以在后面加一句enrollment desc;


    19,select sID,major from Apply where  major like '%bio%';

    20,select * from College,Student;


    22,select s1.sName,s2.sName from Student s1,Student s2 where s1.sID!=s2.sID and s1.GPA=s2.GPA;(去除重复元素似乎不管用) ----------有点问题

    222324select cName from College union all select sName from Student;(含重复)

       select distinct cName from College union all select distinct sName from Student;

    25,select distinct cName as name from College union all select distinct sName  as name from Student order by name;


    27select sID from Apply where major=='CS' intersect select sID from Apply where major = 'EE'; 

    28,select sID from Apply where major=='CS' except select sID from Apply where major = 'EE'; 

    29,select sName,sID from Student where sID in (select sID from Apply where major='CS');

    30,select distinct sName from Student,Apply where Student.sID= Apply.sID and major='CS';

    或者:select distinct sName from Student where sID in(select sID from Apply where major='CS');

    31,select distinct sID from Apply where sID in (select sID from Apply where major = 'CS') and sID not in (select sID from Apply where major = 'EE');

    32,select cName from College s1 where  not exists (select * from College s2 where s1.enrollment<s2.enrollment);

    33,select distinct sName,GPA from Student s1 where not exists (select * from Student s2 where s1.GPA<s2.GPA);

    33,select distinct sName,GPA from Student s1 where not exists (select * from Student s2 where s1.GPA<s2.GPA) ;


    35,select sName major from Student,Apply where Student.sID=Apply.sID;

    36select sName,GPA from Student natural join Apply where sizeHS<1000 and cName='Stanford' and major='CS';

        select sName,GPA from Student  join Apply using (sID) where sizeHS<1000 and cName='Stanford' and major='CS';

        select sName,GPA from Student  join Apply  where Student.sID= Apply.sID and sizeHS<1000 and cName='Stanford' and major='CS';

    37,select * from Student natural join Apply natural join College;


    39,select avg(GPA) from Student ;

    40,select min(GPA) from Student natural join Apply where major='cs';   //聚集查询

    // select distinct s1.GPA from Student s1 natural join Apply where not exists (select * from Student s2 where s1.GPA>s2.GPA ) and major='CS';

    41select avg(GPA)  from Student natural join Apply where major='CS';

    42,select count(*) from College where enrollment>15000;

    43,select count(*)  from Apply  where  cName='Cornell' and sID in (select distinct sID from Apply); //这个有问题,牛逼牛逼

    44select CS.avgGPA-NonCS.avgGPA from (select avg(GPA) as avgGPA from Student natural join Apply where major='CS') as CS,(select avg(GPA) as avgGPA from Student  where sID not in(select sID from Apply where major='CS')) as NonCS;

    45,select cName,count(*) from Apply group by cName;

    46,select state,sum(enrollment) from College group by state;

    47,select cName,major,max(GPA),min(GPA) from Student natural join Apply group by cName,major;   //group by 可以循环使用

    48,select sID,sName,count(*) from Apply natural join Student group  by Apply.sID;

    50,select cName from Apply group by cName having count(*)<5;


    select distinct sID,sName,GPA from Student where sID between 123 and 567;


    select distinct sID,sName,GPA from Student where sID in (123,567);

学生申请学校的信息  //报错了 0.0

    select cName,state(select distinct sName from Apply,Student where College.cName=Apply.cName and Apply.sID=Student.sID) as sName from College;

    select distinct cName,state,sName from College natural join Apply natural join Student;     //这个故事告诉我们,distinct只能放在前面



delete from 

insert into 

update  table  set  ...


  .open seen.db3

  create table Student(Sno int,Sname text,Ssex text,Sage int,Sdept text);
  create table Course(Cno int,Cname text,Cpno int,Ccredit int);
  create table SC(Sno int,Cno int,Grade int);

    .separator ","   //这个表示分割字符
    .import Course.txt Course
    .import SC.txt SC
    .import Student.txt Student








    select Sno,Sname,Sage from Student where Ssex = '男'and Sdept='IS';


    select distinct Sno from SC;    


    select Sname,Ssex,Sage from Student where Sage between 25 and 30;


    select * from Student where Sname like '欧阳%';


    select * from Student where Sdept in ('IS','MA','CS');

//////// 想要让其不重复 ,对count里面的内容进行修正即可


    select Cno count(Sno) from SC group by Cno;


    select Sno,Sname from SC natural join Student group by Sno having count(Cno)>2;


    select Sno,avg(Grade),Sname from SC natural join Student group by Sno;

体人数, 并按年龄从小到大的顺序排列.

    select Sage,count(Sage) from Student where Ssex='男' group by Sage having count(*)>1 order by Sage;

    Select Student.Sno, Sname, Cname, Grade From Student natural join SC natural join Course;

查询与‘刘晨’在同一个系学习的学生  (问题是如何去掉刘晨呢)

    select * from Student where Sdept in (select Sdept from Student where Sname like'%刘晨%' and Sdept not in (select Sdept from Student where Sname like '%刘晨%'));


    select Sno,Sname from Student natural join SC natural join Course where Cname like '%代数%';

    select Sno,Sname from Student where Sno in (select Sno from SC where Cno in (select Cno from Course where Cname like '%数学%'));  //这种方法就是一层一层的找

    select Sno,Sname from Student natural join SC where Cno in (select Cno from Course where Cname like '%数学%');




//// 选择操作符

//// 集合并 A并B 把A和B的所有元素并在一起

      集合交 A交B  从A中减去A和B都有的元素
