
Information Codes 

100 - Continue
101 - Switching Protocols
Success Codes 

200 - OK
201 - Created
202 - Accepted
203 - Non-Authoritative Information (for DNS)
204 - No Content
205 - Reset Content
206 - Partial Content
Redirection Codes 

300 - Multiple Choices
301 - Moved Permanently
302 - Moved Temporarily
303 - See Other
304 - Not Modified
305 - Use Proxy
307 - Redirect Keep Verb
Failure Codes 数据挖掘研究院 

500 - Internal Server Error
501 - Not Implemented
502 - Bad Gateway
503 - Server Unavailable
504 - Gateway Timed-Out
505 - HTTP Version not supported
Internet API Error Codes 

12001 - Out of Handles 数据挖掘研究院 
12002 - Timeout
12003 - Extended Error
12004 - Internal Error
12005 - Invalid URL
12006 - Unrecognized Scheme
12007 - Name Not Resolved
12008 - Protocol Not Found
12009 - Invalid Option
12010 - Bad Option Length
12011 - Option not Settable
12012 - Shutdown
12013 - Incorrect User Name
12014 - Incorrect Password
12015 - Login Failure
12016 - Invalid Option
12017 - Operation Cancelled
12018 - Incorrect Handle Type
12019 - Inccorect Handle State
12020 - Not Proxy Request
12021 - Registry Value Not Found
12022 - Bad Registry Parameter
12023 - No Direct Access
12024 - No Content
12025 - No Callback
12026 - Request Pending
12027 - Incorrect Format
12028 - Item Not Found
12029 - Cannot Connect
12030 - Connection Aborted
12031 - Connection Reset
12032 - Force Retry
12033 - Invalid Proxy Request
12034 - Need UI
12035 - Not Defined in WinInet
12036 - Handle Exists
12037 - See Cert Date Invalid
12038 - See Cert CN Invalid 数据挖掘研究院
12039 - HTTP to HTTPS on Redir
12040 - HTTPs to HTTP on Redir
12041 - Mixed Security
12042 - Chg Post is Non Secure
12043 - Post is Non Secure
12044 - Client Auth Cert Needed
12045 - Invalid CA (Cert)
12046 - Client Auth Not Setup
12047 - Async Thread Failed
12048 - Redirect Scheme Changed
12049 - Dialog Pending
12050 - Retry Dialog
12052 - Https Http Submit Redir
12053 - Insert Cdrom
12171 - Failed DueToSecurityCheck
FTP API Error Codes 

12110 - Transfer in Progress
12111 - FTP Dropped
Gopher API Error Codes 

12130 - Protocol Error
12131 - Not File
12132 - Data Error
12133 - End of Data 

12134 - Invalid Locator
12135 - Invalid Locator Type
12136 - Not Gopher Plus
12137 - Attribute Not Found
12138 - Unknown Locator
HTTP API Error Codes 

12150 - Header Not Found
12151 - Downlevel Server
12152 - Invalid Server Response
12153 - Invalid Header
12154 - Invalid Query Request
12155 - Header Already Exists
12156 - Redirect Failed
12157 - Security Channel Error
12158 - Unable to Cache File
12159 - TCP/IP not installed
12160 - Not Redirected
12161 - Cookie Needs Confirmation
12162 - Cookie Declined
12168 - Redirect Needs Confirmation
Additional Internet API Error Codes 数据挖掘研究院

12157 - Security Channel Error
12158 - Unable To Cache File
12159 - Tcpip Not Installed
12163 - Disconnected
12164 - Server Unreachable
12165 - Proxy Server Unreachable
12166 - Bad Auto Proxy Script
12167 - Unable To Download Script
12169 - Sec Invalid Cert
12170 - Sec Cert Revoked

400 - Bad Request
401 - Unauthorized
402 - Payment Required
403 - Forbidden
404 - Not Found
405 - Bad Request
406 - Not Acceptable
407 - Proxy Authentication Required
408 - Request Timed-Out
409 - Conflict
410 - Gone
411 - Length Required
412 - Precondition Failed
413 - Request Entity Too Large
414 - Request, URI Too Large
415 - Unsupported Media Type
