ROLLUp的功能和Order by功能是互斥的。
mysql> SELECT year,SUM(profit) FROM sales GROUP BY year;
| year | SUM(profit) |
| 2000 | 4525 |
| 2001 | 3010|
mysql> SELECT year,SUM(profit) FROM sales GROUP BY year WITH ROLLUP;
| year | SUM(profit) |
| 2000 | 4525 |
| 2001 | 3010 |
| NULL | 7535 |
mysql> SELECT year,country, product, SUM(profit)
-> FROM sales
-> GROUP BY year, country, product;
| year | country | product |SUM(profit) |
| 2000 | Finland | Computer | 1500 |
| 2000 | Finland | Phone | 100 |
| 2000 | India | Calculator | 150 |
| 2000 | India | Computer | 1200 |
| 2000 | USA | Calculator | 75 |
| 2000 | USA | Computer | 1500 |
| 2001 | Finland | Phone | 10 |
| 2001 | USA | Calculator | 50 |
| 2001 | USA | Computer | 2700 |
| 2001 | USA | TV | 250|
mysql> SELECT year,country, product, SUM(profit)
-> FROM sales
-> GROUP BY year, country, product WITH ROLLUP;
| year | country | product |SUM(profit) |
| 2000 | Finland | Computer | 1500 |
| 2000 | Finland | Phone | 100 |
| 2000 |Finland | NULL | 1600 |
| 2000 | India | Calculator | 150 |
| 2000 | India | Computer | 1200 |
| 2000 |India | NULL | 1350 |
| 2000 | USA | Calculator | 75 |
| 2000 | USA | Computer | 1500 |
| 2000 | USA | NULL | 1575 |
| 2000 | NULL | NULL | 4525 |
| 2001 | Finland | Phone | 10 |
| 2001 | Finland | NULL | 10 |
| 2001 | USA | Calculator | 50 |
| 2001 | USA | Computer | 2700 |
| 2001 | USA | TV | 250 |
| 2001 | USA | NULL | 3000 |
| 2001 | NULL | NULL | 3010 |
| NULL | NULL | NULL | 7535 |