安装intel wifi link 5100 AG无线网卡驱动程序,mac80211-10.0.4子系统的readme文件翻译


README for external mac80211 subsystem package

Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation
version: mac80211-10.0.4

date   : Mon Jan  7 18:42:07 PST 2008

/*这个mac80211子系统包可以在大多数2.6.18版本以上内核安装,你可以通过 uname -r确定你linux的内核版本*/

This archive provides a package for the mac80211 subsystem, 
installable into most kernels with a version of 2.6.18 or
later.  You can determine your kernel version by running:

% uname -r


NOTE:  The mac80211 subsystem is being developed by a group of
community developers.  Intel put together this packaging system
in order to better facilitate the widespread availability and
adoption of the subsystem.

This file provides an overview of why the mac80211 package exists,
what it does, and how it does it.

Quick steps
What is in a release?
Makefile targets
Updating compatiblity
Version numbering

Quick steps

If you're a user that just wants to try and get up and running
as quickly as possible, here are the simplest steps we have so


% make patch_kernel

/*上面这一步,如果运行成功的话,你的当前内核源码树应该已经包含 mac80211 子系统了。接着你应该配置你的内核,加载mac80211 子系统模块*/

/*本人注:我是linux2.6.20版本的内核,在运行这一命令时,提示 “兼容性”问题。*/

The above, if it succeeds, should patch your current running 
kernel source tree to contain the mac80211 subsystem sources.  Now
you need to configure your kernel build to build the mac80211

% cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
% make menuconfig

You will want to set the following to <M>:

        Networking --->
  Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (dscape)

You can turn on the sub-options for that subsystem if you want.

Select 'Exit' until it prompts to save your kernel configuration
and select 'Yes'.  Now you can build the module:

% make modules
% make modules_install

NOTE:  As of mac80211-2.0.0 you must also enable CONFIG_CFG80211 and 
rebuild your main kernel image.  This is because the latest mac80211 
changes re-implement the kernel built-in from net/core/wireless.c as 
part of the net/wireless/ sources.

% make all
% make install

You will then need to reboot into the new kernel (vs. just loading the 
new 80211 modules)

The network community for the Linux kernel typically has an 
approach of focusing purely on the 'tip'.  To the average 
user that means that bug fixes, patches, and enhancements will
only be available to you if you can upgrade to the latest
development kernel.  For some, this is acceptable.  For others,
it is not.

This package is created in order to try and provide the user (you)
with fixes and enhancements that affect *just* the wireless 
subsystem required for use with your hardware.  

As with any software, new changes may introduce new bugs.  
Upgrading from one version of the mac80211 subsystem to the 
next might regress a problem, or even introduce a new one -- 
if it does, and you find it, please file a bug at 
http://bughost.org under the project 'mac80211'.


So what does this package contain?  It represents the latest
version of the mac80211 as available via the GIT repository 
hosted at:


In addition to the above, any patches submitted by the mac80211 subsystem 
developers which are deemed to be bug fixes or improve existing 
functionality which have not been made available in the GIT repository.

When you run make on your system, the build scripts will examine your 
target kernel to determine which backward compatibility changes are 
required to compile on your system.  A side effect of the mac80211 
developers using the latest kernel tip as their baseline is that the 
subsystem itself emerges to use whichever new features or APIs may have 
been made available in the rest of the kernel.  This will typically 
break building and running on kernels released prior to those changes.  
The build system for this package attempts to correct that behavior.


When you run the build, it runs a series of scripts against the 
target kernel. The target is specified via KSRC=/patch/to/kernel.
If no KSRC is provided, it will default to looking in:

/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build

Each of the scripts attempts to determine if a given set of
kernel functionality is present.  In the good old days, a module
could do something simple like:

/* some code */
/* some other code */

Over the last few years, however, this approach has broken due
to a number of reasons.  The two most prominent causes are:

* Kernel API and structure changes occurring within
 an -rc update (which can not be checked with the 

* Distributions backporting new kernel features into
 older kernels such that the older vanilla kernel 
 (as originally provided by Linus) does not have the
 feature but the distributor does.

An example of what a script might do is perform a grep operation
on a particular header file to determine if the parameters
passed to a function have changed, or if a particular definition

What is in a release?

The details of how a typical release cycle is as follows:

1.  Latest files are obtained from Jiri's GIT
    repository into a local GIT tree (eg., /repos/jbenc)

2.  mac80211 subsystem files are copied from the GIT tree into
    the 'origin' directory via:

% make BASE=/repos/jbenc origin

3.  The patches in the 'pending' directory are applied to the
    'origin' in numerical sequence to build a new tree stored
    in the 'modified' directory.

4.  Miscellaneous testing is performed (build iwlwifi, associate, 

5.  The files in 'stubs' are sourced with the following 
    environment variables defined:
    with the output of that sourcing going into the base
    directory as a file with the same name (eg., stubs/README
    creates README).  This is used to update the documentation
    to contain the latest version fields.

6.  The package is tarballed up with a version stamp named:

7*. A test system performs a tinderbox build of the package 
* Linus' vanilla kernels > 2.6.18
* Latest kernel sources version available as a 'stable' 
 package from the following distributions (alphabetical):

Fedora Core

  * This is not yet done.  Currently I have to do the smoke test
    build by hand, which means I'm only building against the latest
    Gentoo kernel and a couple other random kernel images I have on
    my system.

/*Makefile 的目标*/
Makefile targets

The build supports multiple targets depending on what you 
are trying to do.  This section provides an overview of each
of those targets.

Removes *.ko, *.o, and *.mod.c from the tree.  This
also deletes the compat directory (built with the 
source target)

See Makefile

Updates the tip sources.  Specify the source repository
via BASE= on the make command line.  

NOTE:  The script will not perform any GIT fetching 
from the Internet and will only copy the mac80211 related 
files from the directory specified.  If you want to 
update to the latest GIT version you would need to 
first obtain Jiri Benc's GIT repository and then direct
the make to that directory via BASE.  By default,
the script will look in /home/repos/mac80211/

Once the tip files are copied, the patches in 'pending'
are applied in sequential order.

See scripts/generate_origin
/*从 'pending' 目录创建一个 'tip' 应用所有的补丁文件*/
Creates a modified 'tip' applying all of the patches
from the 'pending' directory.

See scripts/generate_modified
/*检查目标内核跟mac80211源程序是否兼容, 并且从 'modified' 目录到'compatitble'目录,创建一个源程序兼容版本。*/
Examines if the target kernel can be used without
any changes to the modified mac80211 sources provided in the
tip directory and creates a compatible version of the
sources from 'modified' in the 'compatitble' directory.

See scripts/generate_source

/*检查目标内核跟mac80211源程序是否兼容,并且从 'origin' 目录到'compatitble'目录,创建一个源程序兼容版本。 */
Examines if the target kernel can be used without
any changes to the modified mac80211 sources provided in the
tip directory and creates a compatible version of the
sources from 'origin' in the 'compatitble' directory.

/*如果你想要一个纯正的与你内核兼容的 mac80211版本,你通常要用到这个。*/
You would typically use this if you want a "pure" version
of mac80211 compatible with your kernel.

See scripts/generate_source

/*转移生成的或者顶端源码到目标内核。为了把mac80211子系统加进配置文件,这个命令也会给内核配置文件(Makefile, Kconfig, etc.)打补丁。*/
Transfers the generated or tip sources into the target
kernel.  This will also patch the required kernel
build files (Makefile, Kconfig, etc.) as needed in order
to add the mac80211 subsystem to the build.

See scripts/patch_kernel

Builds a distribution tarball and places it in the
distros directory.  The filename for the tarball is

NOTE:  MAC80211_VERSION defaults to 'test'.

See Makefile

Updating compatibility

Ok -- you're developing, or you just moved to a new kernel and
*WHAM* the kernel build breaks.  Once the root cause of the
build failure is determined, a patch is required in order
to support making that kernel 'just work' for everyone else.

The following are the typical steps performed:

% make source
% mv compatible old
% make source

Now, edit the sources in the compatible/ directory.  You can test
your sources by running:

% make patch_kernel
% cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
% make menuconfig <-- If you haven't already enabled mac80211
% make modules 

Once you are satisfied the build problems are fixed, create 
the patch:
% diff -Nupr old compatible > compatible-$(uname -r).patch

The work to this point is a huge help to others in the community
so go ahead and send the patch to the mac80211-devel mailing list.

/*如果你想知道怎样修改你的 mac80211包以便它自动应用你的补丁,请看下面的脚本。*/
If you want to figure out how to modify the mac80211 package so
that it will automatically apply your patch if needed, look
in the following scripts:


Version numbering

The mac80211 package uses a three field versioning scheme:


X will increase whenever a new base/tip is taken from the kernel.
You can see tip/GIT for the commit ID head cached when the
'make update' target was used.

Y will increase as snapshots are made available in the external
package that may contain code which has not yet been merged into
the kernel itself.

Z will increase only as bug or compatibility patches are made
available against a given snapshot.  Z increases will not contain
new functionality and are intended to only provide stability
