Assertion failed: Unable to setup database devices

1、The issue :

During installation of  SAP Netweaver 7.4  for ASE 16.0  on window  2008 R2  ,   the installation  failed  at step "Configure Database Components"

The error  log is 

RROR      2015-03-13 07:32:46.471 [cinstallercallbackimpl.cpp:228]
CJS-00030  Assertion failed: Unable to setup database devices.

ERROR      2015-03-13 07:32:46.472 
MUT-03025  Caught ESAPinstException in module call: .

ERROR      2015-03-13 07:32:46.663 [csistepexecute.cpp:1158]
FCO-00011  The step syb_step_setup_preload with step key |NW_ABAP_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|onehost|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|createdbandload|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|createdb|0|NW_SYB_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|SYB_DB_CONTEXT|0|syb_step_setup_preload was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reported by the step: Assertion failed: Unable to setup database devices.)

2、The reason and solution 

Netweaver  安装时候,大概要50多G的硬盘和 4G 多的内存。    (具体值参见安装时候的显示,安装不同组件需要的大小不一样)。  虽然可以改小各种文件需要的空间大小,可以继续安装,但是后续会报各种错误。

解决办法:    找个16G内存,  200G  硬盘的机器      重新安装成功。
