Error Handling
Observable.just("Hello, world!") .map(s -> potentialException(s)) .map(s -> anotherPotentialException(s)) .subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() { @Override public void onNext(String s) { System.out.println(s); } @Override public void onCompleted() { System.out.println("Completed!"); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { System.out.println("Ouch!"); } });
1 在整个数据流的任何地方一旦抛出异常,onError()方法就会被调用。这会令异常处理变得轻松多了,我完全可以在每个方法后面添加异常处理方法。
2 操作符可以不用处理异常。你可以将异常交给Subscriber,让它决定如何处理。
3 你明确知道Subscriber会在何时结束接收数据项。
myObservableServices.retrieveImage(url) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(bitmap -> myImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap));
Subscription subscription = Observable.just("Hello, World!") .subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s));
subscription.unsubscribe(); System.out.println("Unsubscribed=" + subscription.isUnsubscribed()); // Outputs "Unsubscribed=true"
Keep in mind that these articles are an introduction to RxJava. There's a lot more to learn than what I presented and it's not all sunshine and daisies (for example, read up on backpressure). Nor would I use reactive code for everything - I reserve it for the more complex parts of the code that I want to break into simpler logic.
Originally, I had planned for this post to be the conclusion of the series, but a common request has been for some practical RxJava examples in Android, so you can now continue onwards to part 4. I hope that this introduction is enough to get you started on a fun framework. If you want to learn more, I suggest reading the official RxJava wiki. And remember: the infinite is possible.
Many thanks to all the people who took the time to proofread these articles: Matthias Käppler, Matthew Wear, Ulysses Popple, Hamid Palo and Joel Drotos (worth the click for the beard alone).
1 This is one reason why I try to keep my Subscriber
as lightweight as possible; I want to minimize how much I block the main thread.
2 Deferring calls to observeOn()
and subscribeOn()
is good practice because it gives the Subscriber
more flexibility to handle processing as it wants. For instance, an Observable
might take a while, but if the Subscriber
is already in an I/O thread you wouldn't need to observe it on a new thread.
3 In part 1 I noted that Observable.just()
is a little more complex than just calling onNext()
and onComplete()
. The reason is subscriptions; it actually checks if the Subscriber
is still subscribed before calling onNext()