[概念] 冲突解决方法(Confilct Resolution)

PMBOK 2004 项目团队管理中提到了冲突, 但是没有详细说明冲突的解决办法,"强书"中虽然列举了这几种方法,但是解释的很简单,并不容易理解其真正含义,下面的解释清晰了很多


Five methods of managing conflict:
          o Withdrawal:
                + Retreating from actual or potential disagreements and conflict situations.
                + Appropriate only in certain situations such as when a cooling-off period is needed.
                + A temporary tactic: does not resolve the conflict, only delays it.
          o Smoothing:
                + De-emphasizes differences and emphasizes commonalities.
                + Keeps the atmosphere friendly.
                + A temporary tactic: does not resolve the conflict, only delays it.
                + Should be used in conjunction with another method.
          o Compromising:
                + Considers various issues and searches for solutions which bring some degree of satisfaction to the conflicting parties.
                + This method is considered to be a lose-lose. Both parties must give up something that is important to them; however, this method usually provides some acceptable form of resolution.
          o Forcing:
                + Exerts one's viewpoint at the potential expense of another party.
                + This method provides resolution but is considered to be a win-lose.
          o Problem Solving: (confrontation)
                + Directly addresses disagreements.
                + Conflict is treated as a problem. The problem is defined; information is collected; alternatives are identified and analyzed, and the most appropriate alternative is selected.
                + Theoretically considered the best because both parties can be satisfied if they work together to solve the problem.
                + Both parties must want to solve the problem and be willing to work together.
                + Time-consuming method.
                + This method is considered to be a win-win.

看过上面的解释后才算真正明白了这几个概念,Withdraw和Smoothing并没有解决冲突而是Delay了冲突;Compromising、Forcing和Problem Solving均解决了冲突但是分别为Lose-Lose,Win-Lose,Win-Win的解决办法

那么在什么情况下使用哪种冲突解决方法呢?这个问卷调查评分也许会帮助你选择一个合适的方法: http://www.hs.ttu.edu/rhim5200/htm_files/0016.htm

类似的解释 - http://ipro.iit.edu/home/losg/communication4.html
