

  1. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

  2. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

  3. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

  4. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

  5. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

  6. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

  7. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics


  1. IET Electric Power Applications

  2. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversions

  3. IET Renewable Power Generation

  4. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

  5. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

  6. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution

  7. Automatica

  8. IEEE Transactions on Robotics

  9. IET Control Theory and Applications

  10. IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems

  11. International Journal of Control

  12. Systems & Control Letters

  13. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

  14. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

  15. IEEE Electron Device Letters

  16. IEEE Transactions on Computers

  17. IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems I&II

  18. IEEE Transactions on VLSI System

  19. Electronics Letters

  20. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier

  21. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
