概要:创建一个JSF page,和一个managed bean,然后将MBean的method注册到page的button上,相应事件处理。当创建好页面的元素后,选中该页面,然后在菜单栏,Design->Page Properties。就可以为该页面创建managed bean啦。然后,通过双击页面上的button,就可以将mbean的button注册到button上了。在相应的method里面填写事件处理code即可。
The JSF pages you create for your application using JavaServer Faces can be Facelets documents (which have file extension .jsf) or JSP documents written in XML syntax (which have file extension .jspx).
2.Java EE Web module 目录结构
(1)Web Content folder: Contains the pages you create, along with other files that must be visible to the client browser (such as stylesheet files and images) for your application.
(2)/WEB-INF/ folder: Contains the required Web Application Deployment Descriptor (web.xml) and the JSF configuration file (faces-config.xml).
(3)web.xml file: The web application deployment descriptor for your application. This is an XML file describing the components that make up your application, along with any initialization parameters and container-managed security constraints that you want the server to enforce for you.
(4)faces-config.xml file: Where you register the JSF application's configuration resources, such as validators, converters, managed beans, and navigation rules.
3. 对于添加到页面上的JSF component tag,我们可以通过Property Inspector修改下面5类属性。
(1)ommon: Commonly used attributes, which varies from component to component. Also includes the attributes id and binding. The id is the unique identifier of a component, which must be a valid XML name; you cannot use leading numeric values or spaces in the id name. The binding is the EL expression that binds a component instance to a property in a bean.
(2)Appearance: Basic attributes that control the visible parts, including title and accessKey.
(3)Style: HTML style and presentation attributes such as background, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, font, margin, style, and outline. Most of the attributes that the HTML 4.01 specification declares for corresponding HTML elements are supported.
(4)Behavior: Basic attributes that control the component's behavior, including HTML pass-through attributes such as disabled
and readOnly. Also includes an Internationalization section for HTML language translation attributes such as lang and dir.
(5)JavaScript: HTML event attributes (for associating client-side scripts with events) such as onclick, onkeypress, and onmouseover.
4. 创建页面之间的navigation。打开文件WEB-INF/faces-config.xml,以Diagram显示。将JSP Page拖放到面板上(从Components panel拖放或者将已经创建好的页面拖放过来均可)。

【2】Building a Simple JSF Application
【3】Creating JSF Page Navigation
【4】Binding a JSF Page to a Managed Bean