CMMF Project Description

   扩展:object-oriented   reflect  ploymorphic   Java,formerly known as oak,is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun
    it shares many similarites with C,C++ and objective-c,but it is not based on any of those languages,nor have efforts been made to make it compatible with them.
   It added a few things C++ doesn't have like garbage collection and multithreading,they threw away C++ features like multiple inheritance and operator overloading
   Even more importantly Java was designed from the ground up to allow for secure execution of code across a network
   Furthermore Java was designed for cross-platform.
   Finally Java was designed to make it a lot easier to write bug free code,for example,strong typing,

   cmmf is a CBB,a common building is responsible for generating menus for network management system.
It is a weak coupling comstructure.We created some tables to define menus and actions,inculding module table,action group table,action table,main menu table,popup menu table,toolbar table and some relationship tables.It not only is flexible and easy to extend,but also integrate with securtity filter.

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