Solaris DT消息系统不能被启动


Thu Apr 17 04:42:17 CDT 2003

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Ok Mr Silver try the follwing commands
Step one
vi /etc/inet/inetd.conf
# Sun ToolTalk Database Server
#100083/1        tli     rpc/tcp wait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd
(usually you may find the above line un-commented) comment them (disabling
the service)
You must comment them
Step Two.
pgrep rpc.ttdbserverd; kill  the process
pgrep inetd ; kill the process  (do not use HUP) ; pkill pid # number or
kill -9 pid# number
Step Three
df -kF ufs |awk '{if (NR>1) print $6 "/TT_DB"}'
use the above command and delete all the TT_DB directories from the server
 do not worry about anything delete them rm -rf  TT_DB this process is fro
tool talk database clearance)
rm -f {mount point}/TT_DB/*
Step four
vi /etc/inet/inetd.conf
#100083/1        tli     rpc/tcp wait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd
uncomment the above line (100083/1        tli     rpc/tcp wait root
/usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd)
Step five
restart the  inet service (/usr/sbin/inetd -s)
Step Six
ps -ef |grep inet and rpc
if you donot get the desired results
Step Sever
/etc/rc2.d/ S99dtlogin stop
wait for 10 counts (technically approved)
/etc/rc2.d/S99dtlogin start
Your system shall be up and running

All the best....


----- Original Message -----
From: "maserati silver" <maserati_silver at>
To: <sunhelp at>
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 9:25 AM
Subject: [SunHELP] The DT Messaging system could not be started

> dear  gurus,
> i recently  copy  all users  from  one server to another server,  until i
try to login with one of the user,  i got the screen "blink" in arround  3
minutes and then after that i  found error like this:
> The DT  Messaging system could not be started
> To correct the problem :
> 1.  choose (ok)  to return to the login screen.   2. Select failsafe
session from the login screen's option menu & log in     3. Check to see
that the hostname is correct in these locations :  -  /etc/   -
/etc/hosts   - /usr/adm/inetd.sec
> for addtional information see the DT User's guide
> thank's  in advance
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> _______________________________________________
> SunHELP maillist  -  SunHELP at
