.xib could't be opend. Cound not read archive

当我的ProjectXcode5打开过后,然后又用Xcode4.x打开,选中XXXX.xib/storyboard文件时,有时会弹出 "The document “XXXX.xib/storyboard" could not be opened. Could not read archive" Xcode已给出解决方式 "Please use a newer version of Xcode. Consider changing the document's Development Target to preserve compatibility." 所以步骤如下:

1、用 Xcode5 打开 Project 

2、选中问题所在的 XXXX.xib/storyboard 文件,打开 "Show File Inspector"

3、找到 "Interface Builder Document" ,编辑 "Open in" Xcode4.x 保存即可。

Xcode4.x 下没有 "Open in" , "Document Versioning" 

4、再次用 Xcode4.x 打开,就会发现原来不能打开的 XXXX.xib/storyboard 已恢复正常。

你可能感兴趣的:(.xib could't be opend. Cound not read archive)