An Enterprise Resource Planning is built upon a commercial software package that promises the seamless integration of all the information flowing through the company-financial,accounting,human resource,supply chain and customer information.
In implementation,all ERP systems include several features.The system is installed on a typical database management system.
It requires initial setup according to the organization’s process,but it may be customized according to the organization’s unique process requirements through a tool set contained within the ERP applications.
Using ERP,workflows can be prescribed to automate to automate approval processes though established chains of command.One of the methods used to effect rapid implementation of the ERP system is to conduct concurrent BRP sessions during the early stages of ERP implementation.
MRP---Material Requimment Planning 物料需求计划
SRP---Space Rewse Protocol 利润分配奖励计划
BRP---Business Process Reengineering 就是在运行MRP或SRP计算时,如果只考虑需求,不考虑供应的计算。
在ERP软件中,如用友软件 U8 t6中,生产会存在这些运算方式,按照所需的销售订单或预测单,分配或单独运算需求计划。