Padding Oracle攻击(POODLE)技术分析

SSLv3降级加密协议Padding Oracle攻击(POODLE)技术分析 漏洞概述:

  SSL 3.0的历史非常久远,已经有将近15年了,现今几乎所有的浏览器都支持该协议。今天该协议爆出了一个漏洞,该漏洞由谷歌公司率先发现,下面是此漏洞的大致描述。 
  攻击者可利用该漏洞获取安全连接当中某些是SSLv3加密后的明文内容。因为兼容性问题,当浏览器进行HTTPS连接失败的时候,将会尝试使用旧的协议版本,这其中就包括SSL 3.0,于是加密协议由更加安全的协议(比如:TLS 1.0)降级成SSL 3.0。 


以下是一个会受到Padding Oracle影响的信道: 
4、B可以截获并修改A发送到C的SSL记录(如果B本身既是代理也是A的出口网关)。目标是通过Padding Oracle攻击拿到SSLv3所加密的敏感信息的明文,下面给出一个不安全的web请求场景并对其做技术分析。


  假定A要访问C并且通过B,而B是一个基于JavaScript的代理请求引擎,B可以指定JavaScript的内容但B绝对不会收集任何敏感信息。但B的脚本可以让A使用SSL3.0发送多个HTTPS请求到C并且B可以截获并修改由A发送到C的SSL记录。在SSLv3工作在CBC(cipher­block chaining密文块串联)加密模式的情况下会受到Padding Oracle攻击方式的影响而还原加密包中的明文例如web cookie。


Padding Oracle攻击(POODLE)技术分析_第1张图片

  为了保证数据流按加密块粒度对齐,CBC模式下的SSLv3采用末尾填充机制,填充数据长度为1到L中的任意一个值,L为块粒度,以字节为单位,一般是8或者16。在填充数据长度为L时攻击最易于实现,其中填充数据为含有L-1个字节的任意数据加上最后一个字节其值一定为L-1。处理这样一个由n+1个密文块组成的加密请求C0C1 ... Cn(其中C0是起始块)的过程是首先依据解密算法Pi = Dk(Ci) ⊕ Ci-1(Dk是使用连接key解密的函数)算出P1 ... Pn然后检测Pn末尾字节是否为L-1,然后去除该填充验证并移除MAC(Message Authentication Code信息授权码)后接受数据。 
  问题出现在SSLv3协议只验证填充块Pn最后一个字节的值是否为填充块长度减1。在填充块大小为L时Pn[L-1]的值如果为L-1则授权通过。这为攻击者提供了一个窥探C1 ... Cn中Ci的一个明文字节即Ci[L-1]的方法那就是强行将Cn块替换为Ci然后发给目标服务器,有1/256的可能性会通过服务器的验证。只要通过服务器验证,则可以通过以下公式反推明文块中Pi[L-1]的值: 
  Pi[L-1] = (L-1) ⊕ Cn-1[L-1] ⊕ Ci-1 
  可以看到L和C0C1 ... Cn都为已知值。如此一来黑客通过发送大量请求(平均256*n个包)并且改变数据包数据的相对位置可以通过密文块逐字节推断出数据包中长度为n的明文,以上提到的基于JavaScript的网关可以实现上述攻击。




  目前解决该问题可以禁用SSL3.0,或者SSL3.0中使用的CBC模式加密,但是有可能造成兼容性问题。建议支持TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV,这可以解决重试连接失败的问题,从而防止攻击者强制浏览器使用SSL3.0。 它还可以防止降级到TLS1.2至1.1或1.0,可能有助于防止未来的攻击。


Padding Oracle攻击(POODLE)技术分析_第2张图片


Padding Oracle攻击(POODLE)技术分析_第3张图片

(3).普通用户 1.Firefox用户:


将Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %U修改为:Exec=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --ssl-version-min=tls1 %U 


Internet选项->高级->使用SSL 3.0 (去除多选框) 

Padding Oracle攻击(POODLE)技术分析_第4张图片


The SSLv2 (Secure Socket Layer version 2) and/or SSLv3 service is running.

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol allows for secure communication between a client and a server.

There are known flaws in the SSLv2 protocol. A man-in-the-middle attacker can force the communication to a less secure level and then attempt to break the weak encryption. The attacker can also truncate encrypted messages.

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to read secure communications or maliciously modify messages.

NIST has determined SSL v3.0 is no longer acceptable for secure communications, in large part due to 2014's POODLE vulnerability. As of the date of enforcement found in PCI DSS v3.1, any version of SSL will not meet the PCI SSC's definition of "strong cryptography."

See also :

General Fix:
Configure the server to disable SSLv2 and SSLv3 and enable TLS (preferably v1.2).  As usual with configuration changes, it will likely be necessary to restart the affected services once the changes are implemented.

While no official tools are provided by IBM, you can use the following openssl command to verify if an SSLv2 connection is successful (change to -ssl3 for SSLv3):

$ openssl s_client -connect <IP Address>:<port> -ssl2

SMTP services will need to add the relevant STARTTLS options:

# openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect <ip address>:<port> -ssl2

There are also websites that enable users to test servers on the Internet, such as  Server owners can also use ScanOnDemand.

NOTE:  This finding is rarely, if ever, a false positive.


Upgrade to the latest versions of IBM HTTP Server, which disable SSLv2 and SSLv3 by default.  If by some means they are re-enabled, add the following to each server context (every instance of “SSLEnable”):

SSLProtocolDisable SSLv3 SSLv2

For more information, see


For Apache/mod_ssl, ensure that httpd.conf or ssl.conf has the following directive for each SSL enabled server:

You can either explicitly disable both SSL versions:

SSLProtocol ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3

Or explicitly disable everything and enable TLS versions:

SSLProtocol -ALL +TLSv1 (TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 are also options if available).

The old style Apache/apache_ssl is very outdated and should no longer be in use.

Apache Tomcat

For Tomcat, update the server.xml configuration to use the SSLProtocol directive:

sslProtocol="TLS" sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1"

Websphere Edge Proxy

For Websphere Edge Proxy, edit ibmproxy.conf to include the following directive:


For more information, see

IBM iSeries

For iSeries, configure the QSSLPCL setting as described in to only use *TLSV1.

Microsoft IIS

For IIS, refer to the following Knowledgebase entry:

Microsoft Security Advisory 3009008

Lotus Domino

For Domino, refer to the following IBM reference:

ITM - Tivoli Monitoring

Add the following lines to each agent configuration.  You can do it with the ITM mTEMS, Advanced, Edit Variables, or script it.


For more information, see


For WebSEAL, update the disable-ssl-v2 and disable-ssl-v3 directives in webseald.conf to "yes" instead of "no."


Upgrade to version 11.3.2821 or later to eliminate SSLv3 usage.

Note:  RemotelyAnywhere has some denial of service prevention capabilities that can be enabled/disabled.  When enabled, RemotelyAnywhere has been known to drop scanner traffic and cause false negatives, leading users to believe their findings have been resolved, only to have them appear again in a later scan.


While the Java Control Panel general affects client-side settings, it's possible that it may also affect server instances in rare cases where the server has no fix of its own.

In the Java Control Panel,  click the Advanced tab.
Under Advanced Security Settings, uncheck SSL 3.0.
Click Apply/Okay and restart the service.  In some cases a full reboot may be necessary.

In Windows, the Java control panel can generally be found in the following locations:
Windows 32-bit OS: c:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javacpl.exe
Windows 64-bit OS: c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javacpl.exe


Other webservers may have different configuration methods.

It is possible to obtain sensitive information from the remote host with SSL/TLS-enabled services.

The remote host is affected by a man-in-the-middle (MitM) information disclosure vulnerability known as POODLE. The vulnerability is due to the way SSL 3.0 handles padding bytes when decrypting messages encrypted using block ciphers in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. A MitM attacker can decrypt a selected byte of a cipher text in as few as 256 tries if they are able to force a victim application to repeatedly send the same data over newly created SSL 3.0 connections.

As long as a client and service both support SSLv3, a connection can be 'rolled back' to SSLv3, even if TLSv1 or newer is supported by the client and service.

The TLS Fallback SCSV extension prevents 'version rollback' attacks without impacting legacy clients however, it can only protect connections when the client and service support the extension. Sites that cannot disable SSLv3 immediately should enable this extension.

This is a vulnerability in the SSLv3 specification, not in a particular SSL implementation. Disabling SSLv3 is the only way to completely mitigate the vulnerability.

See also :

General Fix:
Disable SSLv3.

Services that must support SSLv3 should enable the TLS Fallback SCSV extension until SSLv3 can be disabled.

While no official tools are provided by IBM, you can use the following openssl command to verify if an SSLv3 connection is successful:

$ openssl s_client -connect <IP Address>:<port> -ssl3

SMTP services will need to add the relevant STARTTLS options:

# openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect <ip address>:<port> -ssl3

Server owners can also use ScanOnDemand.


Add the following directive to the httpd.conf file to disable SSLv3 and SSLv2 for each context that contains "SSLEnable":

SSLProtocolDisable SSLv3 SSLv2

Stop and restart IHS for the changes to take affect.

Alternatively, SSLv3 is disabled implicitly when no SSLv3 ciphers are enabled.

Use the SSLCipherSpec directive to remove any SSL ciphers:

Also, these directives must be placed in each SSL enabled container configuration (typically <VirtualHost *:443>).

Please refer to the following list of TLS cipher configurations which are all 128-bit or greater:


Alternative configuration using shortnames:

SSLCipherSpec 35b
SSLCipherSpec 2F

Any SSL ciphers should be removed or commented out.

For additional cipher information, visit:


For Apache/mod_ssl, ensure that httpd.conf or ssl.conf has the following directive for each SSL enabled server:

SSLProtocol -ALL +TLSv1


SSLProtocol ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3

Apache Tomcat

For Tomcat, update the server.xml configuration to use the SSLProtocol directive.  Currently, the only acceptable value is TLSv1.

Microsoft IIS

For IIS, refer to the following Knowledgebase entry:

Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 187498


While the Java Control Panel general affects client-side settings, it's possible that it may also affect server instances in rare cases where the server has no fix of its own.

In the Java Control Panel,  click the Advanced tab.
Under Advanced Security Settings, uncheck SSL 3.0.
Click Apply/Okay and restart the service.  In some cases a full reboot may be necessary.

In Windows, the Java control panel can generally be found in the following locations:
Windows 32-bit OS: c:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javacpl.exe
Windows 64-bit OS: c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javacpl.exe
