20080406-Loadrunner-Citrix ICA虚拟用户函数

Citrix products deliver applications across networks. Applications reside on the Citrix server; access to those applications is delivered to remote machines (the Citrix clients) via Citrix's ICA protocol. ICA supports a full GUI interface of the server application on the client side.

LoadRunner records GUI activity on the Citrix client and replays it to the Citrix server.

Currently, events are recorded in analog mode. That is, objects are identified by their coordinate position, and not by a context-sensitive name (e.g."OK_BUTTON"). For example, the parameters of the ctrx_mouse_click function, x_pos and y_pos, specify the pixel coordinates of the mouse click, found, say, within a window dialog's "OK" button.

ctrx_connect_server:  连接Citrix服务
ctrx_disconnect_server:  断开Citrix服务器连接
ctrx_set_connect_opt:  设置Citrix ICA服务器选项并连接 
ctrx_nfuse_connect:  Connects to a Citrix server via an NFUSE portal 

ctrx_mouse_click:  模拟Client的一个鼠标点击事件
ctrx_mouse_double_click:  模拟Client的一个鼠标双击事件 
ctrx_mouse_down:  模拟一个鼠标“点下”的事件
ctrx_mouse_up:  模拟一个鼠标“点击释放”的事件 

ctrx_key:  模拟一个输入非数字字符串的键盘事件 
ctrx_type:  模拟一个输入数字的键盘事件 

ctrx_list_select_item:  从列表中选择一项 
ctrx_menu_select_item:  从菜单中选择一项 

ctrx_set_waiting_time:  设置LoadRunner/Citrix ICA的等待事件 
ctrx_set_window:  Waits for a window to appear in the Citrix client 
ctrx_set_window_ex  Waits for a window to appear in the Citrix client for a specified amount of time 
ctrx_sync_on_bitmap  Waits until a bitmap appears 
ctrx_sync_on_bitmap_change  Waits until a bitmap changes 
ctrx_sync_on_obj_info  Wait until the specified object's attributes have the specified value 
ctrx_sync_on_window  Waits for a window to become created or active 
ctrx_unset_window  Waits for a window to close in the Citrix client 
ctrx_wait_for_event  Waits for a specified event to occur 
ctrx_win_exist  Checks if a window is visible on the screen 

ctrx_save_bitmap  Saves the demarcated bitmap in a buffer. 
ctrx_set_exception  Specifies exception handling. 

ctrx_button_get_info  Retrieves information about a push button. 
ctrx_edit_get_info  Retrieves information about a text edit field. 
ctrx_get_bitmap_value  Returns the value of a bitmap as a string 
ctrx_get_text  Retrieves the text in a rectangle. 
ctrx_get_window_name  Retrieves the name of the active window 
ctrx_get_window_position  Retrieves the position of a window 
ctrx_list_get_info  Retrieves information about a list box. 
ctrx_obj_get_info  Retrieves information about an object. 
ctrx_get_waiting_time  Gets current wait time.
