Spring MVC provides several complimentary approaches to exception handling but, when teaching Spring MVC, I often find that my students are confused or not comfortable with them.
Today I'm going to show you thevarious options available. Our goal is to not handle exceptions explicitly in Controller methodswhere possible. They are a cross-cutting concern better handled separately in dedicated code.
There are three options: per exception, per controller or globally.
A demonstration application that shows the points discussed here can be found athttp://github.com/paulc4/mvc-exceptions.See Sample Application and Spring Boot below for details.
Normally any unhandled exception thrown when processing a web-request causes the server to return anHTTP 500 response. However, any exception that you write yourself can be annotated with the@ResponseStatus
annotation (which supports all the HTTP status codes defined by the HTTPspecification). When an annotated exception is thrown from a controller method, and not handled elsewhere,it will automatically cause the appropriate HTTP response to be returned with the specified status-code.
For example, here is an exception for a missing order.
@ResponseStatus(value=HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason="No such Order") // 404
public class OrderNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
// ...
And here is a controller method using it:
@RequestMapping(value="/orders/{id}", method=GET)
public String showOrder(@PathVariable("id") long id, Model model) {
Order order = orderRepository.findOrderById(id);
if (order == null) throw new OrderNotFoundException(id);
return "orderDetail";
A familiar HTTP 404 response will be returned if the URL handled by this method includes an unknown order id.
You can add extra (@ExceptionHandler
) methods to any controller to specifically handle exceptionsthrown by request handling (@RequestMapping
) methods in the same controller. Such methods can:
annotation (typically predefined exceptionsthat you didn't write)The following controller demonstrates these three options:
public class ExceptionHandlingController {
// @RequestHandler methods
// Exception handling methods
// Convert a predefined exception to an HTTP Status code
@ResponseStatus(value=HttpStatus.CONFLICT, reason="Data integrity violation") // 409
public void conflict() {
// Nothing to do
// Specify the name of a specific view that will be used to display the error:
public String databaseError() {
// Nothing to do. Returns the logical view name of an error page, passed to
// the view-resolver(s) in usual way.
// Note that the exception is _not_ available to this view (it is not added to
// the model) but see "Extending ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver" below.
return "databaseError";
// Total control - setup a model and return the view name yourself. Or consider
// subclassing ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver (see below).
public ModelAndView handleError(HttpServletRequest req, Exception exception) {
logger.error("Request: " + req.getRequestURL() + " raised " + exception);
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
mav.addObject("exception", exception);
mav.addObject("url", req.getRequestURL());
return mav;
In any of these methods you might choose to do additional processing - the most common example is to log theexception.
Handler methods have flexible signatures so you can pass in obvious servlet-related objects suchas HttpServletRequest
, HttpServletResponse
, HttpSession
and/or Principle
. Important Note: theModel
may not be a parameter of any @ExceptionHandler
method. Instead, setup a model inside the methodusing a ModelAndView
as shown by handleError()
Be careful when adding exceptions to the model. Your users do not want to seeweb-pages containing Java exception details and stack-traces. However, it can be useful to put exceptiondetails in the page source as a comment, to assist your support people. If using JSP, you coulddo something like this to output the exception and the corresponding stack-trace (using a hidden<div>
is another option).
<h1>Error Page</h1>
<p>Application has encountered an error. Please contact support on ...</p>
Failed URL: ${url}
Exception: ${exception.message}
<c:forEach items="${exception.stackTrace}" var="ste"> ${ste}
The result looks like this (see alsosupport.jspin the demo application):
A controller advice allows you to use exactly the same exception handling techniques but apply themacross the whole application, not just to an individual controller. You can think of them as an annotationdriven interceptor.
Any class annotated with @ControllerAdvice
becomes a controller-advice and three types of methodare supported:
. Note that these attributes are not available to the exception handling views.@InitBinder
.We are only going to look at exception handling - see the online manual for more on@ControllerAdvice
Any of the exception handlers you saw above can be defined on a controller-advice class - but now theyapply to exceptions thrown from any controller. Here is a simple example:
class GlobalControllerExceptionHandler {
@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CONFLICT) // 409
public void handleConflict() {
// Nothing to do
If you want to have a default handler for any exception, there is a slight wrinkle. You need to ensureannotated exceptions are handled by the framework. The code looks like this:
class GlobalDefaultExceptionHandler {
public static final String DEFAULT_ERROR_VIEW = "error";
@ExceptionHandler(value = Exception.class)
public ModelAndView defaultErrorHandler(HttpServletRequest req, Exception e) throws Exception {
// If the exception is annotated with @ResponseStatus rethrow it and let
// the framework handle it - like the OrderNotFoundException example
// at the start of this post.
// AnnotationUtils is a Spring Framework utility class.
if (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(e.getClass(), ResponseStatus.class) != null)
throw e;
// Otherwise setup and send the user to a default error-view.
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
mav.addObject("exception", e);
mav.addObject("url", req.getRequestURL());
return mav;
Any Spring bean declared in the DispatcherServlet
's application context that implementsHandlerExceptionResolver
will be used to intercept and process any exception raisedin the MVC system and not handled by a Controller. The interface looks like this:
public interface HandlerExceptionResolver {
ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, Exception ex);
The handler
refers to the controller that generated the exception (remember that@Controller
instances are only one type of handler supported by Spring MVC.For example: HttpInvokerExporter
and the WebFlow Executor are also types of handler).
Behind the scenes, MVC creates three such resolvers by default. It is these resolvers that implement thebehaviours discussed above:
matches uncaught exceptions against forsuitable @ExceptionHandler
methods on both the handler (controller) and on any controller-advices.ResponseStatusExceptionResolver
looks for uncaught exceptionsannotated by @ResponseStatus
(as described in Section 1)DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver
converts standard Spring exceptions and converts themto HTTP Status Codes (I have not mentioned this above as it is internal to Spring MVC).These are chained and processed in the order listed (internally Spring creates a dedicated bean - theHandlerExceptionResolverComposite to do this).
Notice that the method signature of resolveException
does not include the Model
. This is why@ExceptionHandler
methods cannot be injected with the model.
You can, if you wish, implement your own HandlerExceptionResolver
to setup your own customexception handling system. Handlers typically implement Spring's Ordered
interface so you can define theorder that the handlers run in.
Spring has long provided a simple but convenient implementation of HandlerExceptionResolver
that you may well find being used in your appication already - the SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
.It provides options to:
attribute to add to the Model so it can be used inside a View(such as a JSP). By default this attribute is named exception
. Set to null
to disable. Rememberthat views returned from @ExceptionHandler
methods do not have access to the exception but viewsdefined to SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
do.Here is a typical configuration using XML:
<bean id="simpleMappingExceptionResolver"
<property name="exceptionMappings">
<entry key="DatabaseException" value="databaseError"/>
<entry key="InvalidCreditCardException" value="creditCardError"/>
<!-- See note below on how this interacts with Spring Boot -->
<property name="defaultErrorView" value="error"/>
<property name="exceptionAttribute" value="ex"/>
<!-- Name of logger to use to log exceptions. Unset by default, so logging disabled -->
<property name="warnLogCategory" value="example.MvcLogger"/>
Or using Java Configuration:
@EnableWebMvc // Optionally setup Spring MVC defaults if you aren't doing so elsewhere
public class MvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public SimpleMappingExceptionResolver createSimpleMappingExceptionResolver() {
SimpleMappingExceptionResolver r =
new SimpleMappingExceptionResolver();
Properties mappings = new Properties();
mappings.setProperty("DatabaseException", "databaseError");
mappings.setProperty("InvalidCreditCardException", "creditCardError");
r.setExceptionMappings(mappings); // None by default
r.setDefaultErrorView("error"); // No default
r.setExceptionAttribute("ex"); // Default is "exception"
r.setWarnLogCategory("example.MvcLogger"); // No default
return r;
The defaultErrorView property is especially useful as it ensures any uncaught exception generatesa suitable application defined error page. (The default for most application servers is to display a Javastack-trace - something your users should never see).
It is quite common to extend SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
for several reasons:
. The default implementationalways returns this fixed text:
For example:
public class MyMappingExceptionResolver extends SimpleMappingExceptionResolver {
public MyMappingExceptionResolver() {
// Enable logging by providing the name of the logger to use
public String buildLogMessage(Exception e, HttpServletRequest req) {
return "MVC exception: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
protected ModelAndView doResolveException(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, Exception exception) {
// Call super method to get the ModelAndView
ModelAndView mav = super.doResolveException(request, response, handler, exception);
// Make the full URL available to the view - note ModelAndView uses addObject()
// but Model uses addAttribute(). They work the same.
mav.addObject("url", request.getRequestURL());
return mav;
This code is in the demo application asExampleSimpleMappingExceptionResolver
It is also possible to extend ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver
and override itsdoResolveHandlerMethodException
method in the same way. It has almost the same signature(it just takes the new HandlerMethod
instead of a Handler
To make sure it gets used, also set the inherited order property (for example in the constructor ofyour new class) to a value less than MAX_INT
so it runs before the defaultExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver instance (it is easier to create your own handler instance than try tomodify/replace the one created by Spring). SeeExampleExceptionHandlerExceptionResolverin the demo app for more.
RESTful GET requests may also generate exceptions and we have already seen how we can return standard HTTPError response codes. However, what if you want to return information about the error? This is very easy to do.Firstly define an error class:
public class ErrorInfo {
public final String url;
public final String ex;
public ErrorInfo(String url, Exception ex) {
this.url = url;
this.ex = ex.getLocalizedMessage();
Now we can return an instance from a handler as the @ResponseBody
like this:
@ResponseBody ErrorInfo handleBadRequest(HttpServletRequest req, Exception ex) {
return new ErrorInfo(req.getRequestURL(), ex);
As usual, Spring likes to offer you choice, so what should you do? Here are some rules of thumb.However if you have a preference for XML configuration or Annotations, that's fine too.
to them.@ExceptionHandler
method on a@ControllerAdvice
class or use an instance of SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
.You may well have SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
configured for your application already,in which case it may be easier to add new exception classes to it than implement a @ControllerAdvice
methods to your controller.@ExceptionHandler
methods on the Controllerare always selected before those on any @ControllerAdvice
instance. It is undefinedwhat order controller-advices are processed.A demonstration application can be found at github.It uses Spring Boot and Thymeleaf to build a simple web application. Some explanation is needed ...
The demo runs in one of two modes: controller or global. This is set via a boolean property in classMainwhich in turn enables a corresponding Spring Bean profile.
In addition, a SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
may optionally be defined. Class Main
has asecond property called smerConfig
which can take one of three enumerated values:
: No resolver defined. Unhandled exceptions processed by the container. Since we are using Tomcatthe familiar Tomcat error page with a full Java exception stack-trace is produced.XML
: A SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
is configured using XML - seemvc-configuration.xml.A Spring bean profile xml-config
makes this happen. If you prefer XML, this is the way to go.JAVA
: Also sets up a SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
by enabling a different Spring profile, java-config
,using Java configuration. SeeExceptionConfigurationA description of the most important files in the application is in the project'sREADME.md.
The one and only web-page isindex.htmlwhich:
Thanks to Spring Boot, you can run this demo as a Java application or as a WAR in your favourite container.Your choice. The home page URL is http://localhost:8080 when running asan application, or http://localhost:8080/mvc-exceptionswhen running in a container.
and/or Java code if necessary.Spring Boot allows a Spring project to be setup withminimal configuration. Spring Boot creates sensible defaults automatically when it detectscertain key classes and packages on the classpath. For example if it sees that you are using a Servletenvironment, it sets up Spring MVC with the most commonly used view-resolvers, hander mappings and so forth.If it sees JSP and/or Thymeleaf, it sets up these view-layers.
Spring MVC offers no default (fall-back) error page out-of-the-box. The most common way to set a default errorpage has always been the SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
(since Spring V1 in fact). HoweverSpring Boot also provides for a fallback error-handling page.
At start-up, Spring Boot tries to find a mapping for /error
. By convention, a URL ending in /error
maps toa logical view of the same name: error
. In the demo application this view maps in turn to the error.html
Thymeleaf template. If using JSP, it would map to error.jsp
according to the setup of yourInternalResourceViewResolver
If no /error
mapping can be found, Spring Boot defines its own fall-back error page - the so-called"Whitelabel Error Page" (a minimal page with just the HTTP status information and any error details, such asthe message from an uncaught exception). If you rename the error.html
template to, say, error2.html
then restart, you will see it being used.
By defining a Java configuration @Bean
method called defaultErrorView()
you can return your ownerror View
instance. (see Spring Boot's ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration
class for more information).
What if you are already using SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
to setup a defaulterror view? Simple, make sure the defaultErrorView
defines the same view that Spring Boot uses: error
.(Make sure you are using Spring Boot version 0.5.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
or later. This does not work withmilestone 0.5.0.M5
or earlier). You can disable Spring boot's error page by setting the propertyerror.whitelabel.enabled
to false
. Your container's default error page is used instead.There are examples of setting this and other Spring Boot properties in the constructor ofMain
Note that in the demo, the defaultErrorView
property of the SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
isdeliberately set to defaultErrorPage
so you can see when the handler is generating the error page and whenSpring Boot is responsible. Normally both would be set to error
Also in the demo application I show how to create a support-ready error page with a stack-trace hidden in theHTML source (as a comment). Turns out you cannot currently do this with Thymeleaf (next release they say)so I have used JSP instead for just that page. There is some additional configuration in the demo code toallow JSP and Thymeleaf to work side by side (Spring Boot cannot set this up automatically - it needs applicationspecific information. See Javadoc inExtraThymeleafConfigurerfor details).