
create or replace trigger WS_档号生成

before insert or update on S3_MAIN_WSDA

for each row



pragma autonomous_transaction;

maxstjjh s3_main_wsda .s3_jjh%type;

you number;

zbm number;

fl s3_wsfl.s3_fl%type;

coun number;

a number;

gdbm nvarchar2(50);

bmid nvarchar2(50);

qzdw nvarchar2(100);


:new.s3_tm :=translate(:new.s3_tm,chr(13)||chr(10),' ');



if :new.s3_wj_cwrq is not null and :new.s3_nd is null and :new.s3_sjly<>'历史资料' and :new.s3_sjly<>'历史档案' then


end if;


select count(id) into coun from s3_wsfl where s3_jgid=:new.s3_jgid;

if coun>0 then 

select s3_fl into fl from s3_wsfl where s3_jgid=:new.s3_jgid;



end if;



when updating then


if :new.s3_bgqx is not null and :new.s3_tjsh='档案管理员通过审核' and :new.s3_gdyjbs='已归档' and (:new.s3_isdelete =0 or :new.s3_isdelete is null) and :new.s3_sjly<>'历史资料' and :new.s3_sjly<>'资料' and :new.s3_sjly<>'部门资料' and :new.s3_jyzt='在库' then

if(:new.s3_fl='二级分类') then 

if :new.s3_jjh is null then

select nvl(max(to_number(S3_JJH))+1,1) into maxstjjh from S3_MAIN_WSDA where s3_jgid=:new.s3_jgid and s3_nd=:new.s3_nd and s3_bgqx=:new.s3_bgqx and (s3_isdelete=0 or s3_isdelete is null);


end if;

if :new.s3_dh is null or (:new.s3_dh is not null and :new.s3_jjh<>:old.s3_jjh) then 



end if;

end if;

if(:new.s3_fl='三级分类') then

if :new.s3_jjh is null then

select nvl(max(to_number(S3_JJH))+1,1) into maxstjjh from S3_MAIN_WSDA where s3_jgid=:new.s3_jgid and s3_nd=:new.s3_nd and s3_gdbm=:new.s3_gdbm and s3_bgqx=:new.s3_bgqx and (s3_isdelete=0 or s3_isdelete is null);


end if;

if :new.s3_dh is null or (:new.s3_dh is not null and :new.s3_jjh<>:old.s3_jjh) then



end if;

end if;

end if;
