function [FitResults,LowestError,BestStart,xi,yi]=peakfit(signal,center,window,NumPeaks,peakshape,extra,NumTrials,start,AUTOZERO) % Version 2.2: October, 2011. Adds exponential pulse and sigmoid models % A command-line peak fitting program for time-series signals, % written as a self-contained Matlab function in a single m-file. % Uses an non-linear optimization algorithm to decompose a complex, % overlapping-peak signal into its component parts. The objective % is to determine whether your signal can be represented as the sum of % fundamental underlying peaks shapes. Accepts signals of any length, % including those with non-integer and non-uniform x-values. Fits % Gaussian, equal-width Gaussians, exponentially-broadened Gaussian, % Lorentzian, equal-width Lorentzians, Pearson, Logistic, exponential % pulse, abd sigmoid shapes (expandable to other shapes). This is a command % line version, usable from a remote terminal. It is capable of making % multiple trial fits with sightly different starting values and taking % the one with the lowest mean fit error. Version 2.2: Sept, 2011. % % PEAKFIT(signal); % Performs an iterative least-squares fit of a single Gaussian % peak to the data matrix "signal", which has x values % in column 1 and Y values in column 2 (e.g. [x y]) % % PEAKFIT(signal,center,window); % Fits a single Gaussian peak to a portion of the % matrix "signal". The portion is centered on the % x-value "center" and has width "window" (in x units). % % PEAKFIT(signal,center,window,NumPeaks); % "NumPeaks" = number of peaks in the model (default is 1 if not % specified). % % PEAKFIT(signal,center,window,NumPeaks,peakshape); % Specifies the peak shape of the model: "peakshape" = 1-5. % (1=Gaussian (default), 2=Lorentzian, 3=logistic, 4=Pearson, % 5=exponentionally broadened Gaussian; 6=equal-width Gaussians; % 7=Equal-width Lorentzians; 8=exponentionally broadened equal-width % Gaussian, 9=exponential pulse, 10=sigmoid). % % PEAKFIT(signal,center,window,NumPeaks,peakshape,extra) % Specifies the value of 'extra', used in the Pearson and the % exponentionally broadened Gaussian shapes to fine-tune the peak shape. % % PEAKFIT(signal,center,window,NumPeaks,peakshape,extra,NumTrials); % Performs "NumTrials" trial fits and selects the best one (with lowest % fitting error). NumTrials can be any positive integer (default is 1). % % PEAKFIT(signal,center,window,NumPeaks,peakshape,extra,NumTrials,start) % Specifies the first guesses vector "firstguess" for the peak positions % and widths, e.g. start=[position1 width1 position2 width2 ...] % % [FitResults,MeanFitError]=PEAKFIT(signal,center,window...) % Returns the FitResults vector in the order peak number, peak % position, peak height, peak width, and peak area), and the MeanFitError % (the percent RMS difference between the data and the model in the % selected segment of that data) of the best fit. % % Optional output parameters % 1. FitResults: a table of model peak parameters, one row for each peak, % listing Peak number, Peak position, Height, Width, and Peak area. % 2. LowestError: The rms fitting error of the best trial fit. % 3. BestStart: the starting guesses that gave the best fit. % 4. xi: vector containing 100 interploated x-values for the model peaks. % 5. yi: matrix containing the y values of each model peak at each xi. % Type plot(xi,yi(1,:)) to plot peak 1 or plot(xi,yi) to plot all peaks % % T. C. O'Haver ([email protected]). Version 2.2 % % Example 1: % >> x=[0:.1:10]';y=exp(-(x-5).^2);peakfit([x y]) % Fits exp(-x)^2 with a single Gaussian peak model. % % Peak number Peak position Height Width Peak area % 1 5 1 1.665 1.7725 % % Example 2: % x=[0:.1:10]';y=exp(-(x-5).^2)+.1*randn(size(x));peakfit([x y]) % Like Example 1, except that random noise is added to the y data. % ans = % 1 5.0279 0.9272 1.7948 1.7716 % % Example 3: % x=[0:.1:10];y=exp(-(x-5).^2)+.5*exp(-(x-3).^2)+.1*randn(size(x)); % peakfit([x' y'],5,19,2,1,0,1) % Fits a noisy two-peak signal with a double Gaussian model (NumPeaks=2). % ans = % 1 3.0001 0.49489 1.642 0.86504 % 2 4.9927 1.0016 1.6597 1.7696 % % Example 4: % >> y=lorentzian(1:100,50,2);peakfit(y,50,100,1,2) % Create and fit Lorentzian located at x=50, height=1, width=2. % ans = % 1 50 0.99974 1.9971 3.1079 % Example 5: % >> x=[0:.005:1];y=humps(x);peakfit([x' y'],.3,.7,1,4,3); % Fits a portion of the humps function, 0.7 units wide and centered on % x=0.3, with a single (NumPeaks=1) Pearson function (peakshape=4) % with extra=3 (controls shape of Pearson function). % % Example 6: % >> x=[0:.005:1];y=(humps(x)+humps(x-.13)).^3;smatrix=[x' y']; % >> [FitResults,MeanFitError]=peakfit(smatrix,.4,.7,2,1,0,10) % Creates a data matrix 'smatrix', fits a portion to a two-peak Gaussian % model, takes the best of 10 trials. Returns FitResults and MeanFitError. % FitResults = % 1 0.31056 2.0125e+006 0.11057 2.3689e+005 % 2 0.41529 2.2403e+006 0.12033 2.8696e+005 % MeanFitError = % 1.1899 % % Example 7: % >> peakfit([x' y'],.4,.7,2,1,0,10,[.3 .1 .5 .1]); % As above, but specifies the first-guess position and width of the two % peaks, in the order [position1 width1 position2 width2] % % Example 8: % >> peakfit([x' y'],.4,.7,2,1,0,10,[.3 .1 .5 .1],0); % As above, but sets AUTOZERO mode in the last argument. % AUROZERO=0 does not subtract baseline from data segment. % AUROZERO=1 (default) subtracts linear baseline from data segment. % AUROZERO=2, subtracts quadratic baseline from data segment. % % For more details, see % http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~toh/spectrum/CurveFittingC.html and % http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~toh/spectrum/InteractivePeakFitter.htm % global AA xxx PEAKHEIGHTS format short g format compact warning off all datasize=size(signal); if datasize(1)<datasize(2),signal=signal';end datasize=size(signal); if datasize(2)==1, % Must be isignal(Y-vector) X=1:length(signal); % Create an independent variable vector Y=signal; else % Must be isignal(DataMatrix) X=signal(:,1); % Split matrix argument Y=signal(:,2); end X=reshape(X,1,length(X)); % Adjust X and Y vector shape to 1 x n (rather than n x 1) Y=reshape(Y,1,length(Y)); % If necessary, flip the data vectors so that X increases if X(1)>X(length(X)), disp('X-axis flipped.') X=fliplr(X); Y=fliplr(Y); end % Y=Y-min(Y); % Remove excess offset from data % Isolate desired segment from data set for curve fitting if nargin==1 || nargin==2,center=(max(X)-min(X))/2;window=max(X)-min(X);end xoffset=center-window/2; n1=val2ind(X,center-window/2); n2=val2ind(X,center+window/2); if window==0,n1=1;n2=length(X);end xx=X(n1:n2)-xoffset; yy=Y(n1:n2); ShapeString='Gaussian'; % Define values of any missing arguments switch nargin case 1 NumPeaks=1; peakshape=1; extra=0; NumTrials=1; xx=X;yy=Y; start=calcstart(xx,NumPeaks,xoffset); AUTOZERO=1; case 2 NumPeaks=1; peakshape=1; extra=0; NumTrials=1; xx=signal;yy=center; start=calcstart(xx,NumPeaks,xoffset); AUTOZERO=1; case 3 NumPeaks=1; peakshape=1; extra=0; NumTrials=1; start=calcstart(xx,NumPeaks,xoffset); AUTOZERO=1; case 4 peakshape=1; extra=0; NumTrials=1; start=calcstart(xx,NumPeaks,xoffset); AUTOZERO=1; case 5 extra=0; NumTrials=1; start=calcstart(xx,NumPeaks,xoffset); AUTOZERO=1; case 6 NumTrials=1; start=calcstart(xx,NumPeaks,xoffset); AUTOZERO=1; case 7 start=calcstart(xx,NumPeaks,xoffset); AUTOZERO=1; case 8 AUTOZERO=1; otherwise end % switch nargin % Remove baseline from data segment (alternative code) % lxx=length(xx); % bkgsize=10; % if AUTOZERO==1, % linear autozero operation % XX1=xx(1:round(lxx/bkgsize)); % XX2=xx((lxx-round(lxx/bkgsize)):lxx); % Y1=yy(1:round(length(xx)/bkgsize)); % Y2=yy((lxx-round(lxx/bkgsize)):lxx); % bkgcoef=polyfit([XX1,XX2],[Y1,Y2],1); % Fit straight line to sub-group of points % bkg=polyval(bkgcoef,xx); % yy=yy-bkg; % end % if % Remove baseline from data segment X1=min(xx);X2=max(xx);Y1=min(Y);Y2=max(Y); if AUTOZERO==1, % linear autozero operation Y1=mean(yy(1:length(xx)/20)); Y2=mean(yy((length(xx)-length(xx)/20):length(xx))); yy=yy-((Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)*(xx-X1)+Y1); end % if if AUTOZERO==2, % Quadratic autozero operation XX1=xx(1:round(lxx/bkgsize)); XX2=xx((lxx-round(lxx/bkgsize)):lxx); Y1=yy(1:round(length(xx)/bkgsize)); Y2=yy((lxx-round(lxx/bkgsize)):lxx); bkgcoef=polyfit([XX1,XX2],[Y1,Y2],2); % Fit parabola to sub-group of points bkg=polyval(bkgcoef,xx); yy=yy-bkg; end % if autozero PEAKHEIGHTS=zeros(1,NumPeaks); n=length(xx); newstart=start; switch NumPeaks case 1 newstart(1)=start(1)-xoffset; case 2 newstart(1)=start(1)-xoffset; newstart(3)=start(3)-xoffset; case 3 newstart(1)=start(1)-xoffset; newstart(3)=start(3)-xoffset; newstart(5)=start(5)-xoffset; case 4 newstart(1)=start(1)-xoffset; newstart(3)=start(3)-xoffset; newstart(5)=start(5)-xoffset; newstart(7)=start(7)-xoffset; case 5 newstart(1)=start(1)-xoffset; newstart(3)=start(3)-xoffset; newstart(5)=start(5)-xoffset; newstart(7)=start(7)-xoffset; newstart(9)=start(9)-xoffset; case 6 newstart(1)=start(1)-xoffset; newstart(3)=start(3)-xoffset; newstart(5)=start(5)-xoffset; newstart(7)=start(7)-xoffset; newstart(9)=start(9)-xoffset; newstart(11)=start(11)-xoffset; otherwise end % switch NumPeaks % Perform peak fitting for selected peak shape using fminsearch function options = optimset('TolX',.00001,'Display','off' ); LowestError=1000; % or any big number greater than largest error expected FitParameters=zeros(1,NumPeaks.*2); BestStart=zeros(1,NumPeaks.*2); height=zeros(1,NumPeaks); bestmodel=zeros(size(yy)); for k=1:NumTrials, % disp(['Trial number ' num2str(k) ] ) % optionally prints the current trial number as progress indicator switch peakshape case 1 TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitgaussian,newstart,options,xx,yy); ShapeString='Gaussian'; case 2 TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitlorentzian,newstart,options,xx,yy); ShapeString='Lorentzian'; case 3 TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitlogistic,newstart,options,xx,yy); ShapeString='Logistic'; case 4 TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitpearson,newstart,options,xx,yy,extra); ShapeString='Pearson'; case 5 TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitexpgaussian,newstart,options,xx,yy,-extra); ShapeString='ExpGaussian'; case 6 cwnewstart(1)=newstart(1); for pc=2:NumPeaks, cwnewstart(pc)=newstart(2.*pc-1); end cwnewstart(NumPeaks+1)=(max(xx)-min(xx))/5; TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitewgaussian,cwnewstart,options,xx,yy); ShapeString='Equal width Gaussians'; case 7 cwnewstart(1)=newstart(1); for pc=2:NumPeaks, cwnewstart(pc)=newstart(2.*pc-1); end cwnewstart(NumPeaks+1)=(max(xx)-min(xx))/5; TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitlorentziancw,cwnewstart,options,xx,yy); ShapeString='Equal width Lorentzians'; case 8 cwnewstart(1)=newstart(1); for pc=2:NumPeaks, cwnewstart(pc)=newstart(2.*pc-1); end cwnewstart(NumPeaks+1)=(max(xx)-min(xx))/5; TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitexpewgaussian,cwnewstart,options,xx,yy,-extra); ShapeString='Exp. equal width Gaussians'; case 9 TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitexppulse,newstart,options,xx,yy); ShapeString='Exponential Pulse'; case 10 TrialParameters=fminsearch(@fitsigmoid,newstart,options,xx,yy); ShapeString='Sigmoid'; otherwise end % switch peakshape % Construct model from Trial parameters A=zeros(NumPeaks,n); for m=1:NumPeaks, switch peakshape case 1 A(m,:)=gaussian(xx,TrialParameters(2*m-1),TrialParameters(2*m)); case 2 A(m,:)=lorentzian(xx,TrialParameters(2*m-1),TrialParameters(2*m)); case 3 A(m,:)=logistic(xx,TrialParameters(2*m-1),TrialParameters(2*m)); case 4 A(m,:)=pearson(xx,TrialParameters(2*m-1),TrialParameters(2*m),extra); case 5 A(m,:)=expgaussian(xx,TrialParameters(2*m-1),TrialParameters(2*m),-extra)'; case 6 A(m,:)=gaussian(xx,TrialParameters(m),TrialParameters(NumPeaks+1)); case 7 A(m,:)=lorentzian(xx,TrialParameters(m),TrialParameters(NumPeaks+1)); case 8 A(m,:)=expgaussian(xx,TrialParameters(m),TrialParameters(NumPeaks+1),-extra)'; case 9 A(m,:)=exppulse(xx,TrialParameters(2*m-1),TrialParameters(2*m)); case 10 A(m,:)=sigmoid(xx,TrialParameters(2*m-1),TrialParameters(2*m)); otherwise end % switch switch NumPeaks % adds random variation to non-linear parameters case 1 newstart=[newstart(1)*(1+randn/50) newstart(2)*(1+randn/10)]; case 2 newstart=[newstart(1)*(1+randn/50) newstart(2)*(1+randn/10) newstart(3)*(1+randn/50) newstart(4)*(1+randn/10)]; case 3 newstart=[newstart(1)*(1+randn/50) newstart(2)*(1+randn/10) newstart(3)*(1+randn/50) newstart(4)*(1+randn/10) newstart(5)*(1+randn/50) newstart(6)*(1+randn/10)]; case 4 newstart=[newstart(1)*(1+randn/50) newstart(2)*(1+randn/10) newstart(3)*(1+randn/50) newstart(4)*(1+randn/10) newstart(5)*(1+randn/50) newstart(6)*(1+randn/10) newstart(7)*(1+randn/50) newstart(8)*(1+randn/10)]; case 5 newstart=[newstart(1)*(1+randn/50) newstart(2)*(1+randn/10) newstart(3)*(1+randn/50) newstart(4)*(1+randn/10) newstart(5)*(1+randn/50) newstart(6)*(1+randn/10) newstart(7)*(1+randn/50) newstart(8)*(1+randn/10) newstart(9)*(1+randn/50) newstart(10)*(1+randn/10)]; otherwise end % switch NumPeaks end % for % Multiplies each row by the corresponding amplitude and adds them up model=PEAKHEIGHTS'*A; % Compare trial model to data segment and compute the fit error MeanFitError=100*norm(yy-model)./(sqrt(n)*max(yy)); % Take only the single fit that has the lowest MeanFitError if MeanFitError<LowestError, if min(PEAKHEIGHTS)>0, % Consider only fits with positive peak heights LowestError=MeanFitError; % Assign LowestError to the lowest MeanFitError FitParameters=TrialParameters; % Assign FitParameters to the fit with the lowest MeanFitError BestStart=newstart; % Assign BestStart to the start with the lowest MeanFitError height=PEAKHEIGHTS; % Assign height to the PEAKHEIGHTS with the lowest MeanFitError bestmodel=model; % Assign bestmodel to the model with the lowest MeanFitError end % if min(PEAKHEIGHTS)>0 end % if MeanFitError<LowestError end % for k (NumTrials) % % Construct model from best-fit parameters AA=zeros(NumPeaks,100); xxx=linspace(min(xx),max(xx)); for m=1:NumPeaks, switch peakshape case 1 AA(m,:)=gaussian(xxx,FitParameters(2*m-1),FitParameters(2*m)); case 2 AA(m,:)=lorentzian(xxx,FitParameters(2*m-1),FitParameters(2*m)); case 3 AA(m,:)=logistic(xxx,FitParameters(2*m-1),FitParameters(2*m)); case 4 AA(m,:)=pearson(xxx,FitParameters(2*m-1),FitParameters(2*m),extra); case 5 AA(m,:)=expgaussian(xxx,FitParameters(2*m-1),FitParameters(2*m),-extra*length(xxx)./length(xx))'; case 6 AA(m,:)=gaussian(xxx,FitParameters(m),FitParameters(NumPeaks+1)); case 7 AA(m,:)=lorentzian(xxx,FitParameters(m),FitParameters(NumPeaks+1)); case 8 AA(m,:)=expgaussian(xxx,FitParameters(m),FitParameters(NumPeaks+1),-extra*length(xxx)./length(xx))'; case 9 AA(m,:)=exppulse(xxx,FitParameters(2*m-1),FitParameters(2*m)); case 10 AA(m,:)=sigmoid(xxx,FitParameters(2*m-1),FitParameters(2*m)); otherwise end % switch end % for % Multiplies each row by the corresponding amplitude and adds them up heightsize=size(height'); AAsize=size(AA); if heightsize(2)==AAsize(1), mmodel=height'*AA; else mmodel=height*AA; end % Top half of the figure shows original signal and the fitted model. subplot(2,1,1);plot(xx+xoffset,yy,'b.'); % Plot the original signal in blue dots hold on for m=1:NumPeaks, plot(xxx+xoffset,height(m)*AA(m,:),'g') % Plot the individual component peaks in green lines area(m)=trapz(xxx+xoffset,height(m)*AA(m,:)); % Compute the area of each component peak using trapezoidal method yi(m,:)=height(m)*AA(m,:); % (NEW) Place y values of individual model peaks into matrix yi end xi=xxx+xoffset; % (NEW) Place the x-values of the individual model peaks into xi % Mark starting peak positions with vertical dashed lines for marker=1:NumPeaks, markx=BestStart((2*marker)-1); subplot(2,1,1);plot([markx+xoffset markx+xoffset],[0 max(yy)],'m--') end % for plot(xxx+xoffset,mmodel,'r'); % Plot the total model (sum of component peaks) in red lines hold off; axis([min(xx)+xoffset max(xx)+xoffset min(yy) max(yy)]); switch AUTOZERO, case 0 title('Peakfit 2.2. Autozero OFF.') case 1 title('Peakfit 2.2. Linear autozero.') case 2 title('Peakfit 2.2. Quadratic autozero.') end if peakshape==4||peakshape==5||peakshape==8, % Shapes with Extra factor xlabel(['Peaks = ' num2str(NumPeaks) ' Shape = ' ShapeString ' Error = ' num2str(round(100*LowestError)/100) '% Extra = ' num2str(extra) ] ) else xlabel(['Peaks = ' num2str(NumPeaks) ' Shape = ' ShapeString ' Error = ' num2str(round(100*LowestError)/100) '%' ] ) end % Bottom half of the figure shows the residuals and displays RMS error % between original signal and model residual=yy-bestmodel; subplot(2,1,2);plot(xx+xoffset,residual,'b.') axis([min(xx)+xoffset max(xx)+xoffset min(residual) max(residual)]); xlabel('Residual Plot') % Put results into a matrix, one row for each peak, showing peak index number, % position, amplitude, and width. for m=1:NumPeaks, if m==1, if peakshape==6||peakshape==7||peakshape==8, % equal-width peak models FitResults=[[round(m) FitParameters(m)+xoffset height(m) abs(FitParameters(NumPeaks+1)) area(m)]]; else FitResults=[[round(m) FitParameters(2*m-1)+xoffset height(m) abs(FitParameters(2*m)) area(m)]]; end % if peakshape else if peakshape==6||peakshape==7||peakshape==8, % equal-width peak models FitResults=[FitResults ; [round(m) FitParameters(m)+xoffset height(m) abs(FitParameters(NumPeaks+1)) area(m)]]; else FitResults=[FitResults ; [round(m) FitParameters(2*m-1)+xoffset height(m) abs(FitParameters(2*m)) area(m)]]; end % if peakshape end % m==1 end % for m=1:NumPeaks % Display Fit Results on upper graph subplot(2,1,1); startx=min(xx)+xoffset+(max(xx)-min(xx))./20; dxx=(max(xx)-min(xx))./10; dyy=(max(yy)-min(yy))./10; starty=max(yy)-dyy; FigureSize=get(gcf,'Position'); if peakshape==9||peakshape==10, text(startx,starty+dyy/2,['Peak # tau1 Height tau2 Area'] ); else text(startx,starty+dyy/2,['Peak # Position Height Width Area'] ); end % Display FitResults using sprintf for peaknumber=1:NumPeaks, for column=1:5, itemstring=sprintf('%0.4g',FitResults(peaknumber,column)); xposition=startx+(1.7.*dxx.*(column-1).*(600./FigureSize(3))); yposition=starty-peaknumber.*dyy.*(400./FigureSize(4)); text(xposition,yposition,itemstring); end end % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function start=calcstart(xx,NumPeaks,xoffset) n=max(xx)-min(xx); start=[]; startpos=[n/(NumPeaks+1):n/(NumPeaks+1):n-(n/(NumPeaks+1))]+min(xx); for marker=1:NumPeaks, markx=startpos(marker)+ xoffset; start=[start markx n/5]; end % for marker % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function [index,closestval]=val2ind(x,val) % Returns the index and the value of the element of vector x that is closest to val % If more than one element is equally close, returns vectors of indicies and values % Tom O'Haver ([email protected]) October 2006 % Examples: If x=[1 2 4 3 5 9 6 4 5 3 1], then val2ind(x,6)=7 and val2ind(x,5.1)=[5 9] % [indices values]=val2ind(x,3.3) returns indices = [4 10] and values = [3 3] dif=abs(x-val); index=find((dif-min(dif))==0); closestval=x(index); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitgaussian(lambda,t,y) % Fitting function for a Gaussian band signal. global PEAKHEIGHTS numpeaks=round(length(lambda)/2); A = zeros(length(t),numpeaks); for j = 1:numpeaks, A(:,j) = gaussian(t,lambda(2*j-1),lambda(2*j))'; end PEAKHEIGHTS = abs(A\y'); z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitewgaussian(lambda,t,y) % Fitting function for a Gaussian band signal with equal peak widths. global PEAKHEIGHTS numpeaks=round(length(lambda)-1); A = zeros(length(t),numpeaks); for j = 1:numpeaks, A(:,j) = gaussian(t,lambda(j),lambda(numpeaks+1))'; end PEAKHEIGHTS = abs(A\y'); z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitgaussianfw(lambda,t,y) % Fitting function for a Gaussian band signal with fixed peak widths. global PEAKHEIGHTS numpeaks=round(length(lambda)-1); A = zeros(length(t),numpeaks); for j = 1:numpeaks, A(:,j) = gaussian(t,lambda(j),lambda(numpeaks+1))'; end PEAKHEIGHTS = abs(A\y'); z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitlorentziancw(lambda,t,y) % Fitting function for a Lorentzian band signal with equal peak widths. global PEAKHEIGHTS numpeaks=round(length(lambda)-1); A = zeros(length(t),numpeaks); for j = 1:numpeaks, A(:,j) = lorentzian(t,lambda(j),lambda(numpeaks+1))'; end PEAKHEIGHTS = abs(A\y'); z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function g = gaussian(x,pos,wid) % gaussian(X,pos,wid) = gaussian peak centered on pos, half-width=wid % X may be scalar, vector, or matrix, pos and wid both scalar % Examples: gaussian([0 1 2],1,2) gives result [0.5000 1.0000 0.5000] % plot(gaussian([1:100],50,20)) displays gaussian band centered at 50 with width 20. g = exp(-((x-pos)./(0.6005615.*wid)) .^2); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitlorentzian(lambda,t,y) % Fitting function for single lorentzian, lambda(1)=position, lambda(2)=width % Fitgauss assumes a lorentzian function global PEAKHEIGHTS A = zeros(length(t),round(length(lambda)/2)); for j = 1:length(lambda)/2, A(:,j) = lorentzian(t,lambda(2*j-1),lambda(2*j))'; end PEAKHEIGHTS = A\y'; z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function g = lorentzian(x,position,width) % lorentzian(x,position,width) Lorentzian function. % where x may be scalar, vector, or matrix % position and width scalar % T. C. O'Haver, 1988 % Example: lorentzian([1 2 3],2,2) gives result [0.5 1 0.5] g=ones(size(x))./(1+((x-position)./(0.5.*width)).^2); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitlogistic(lambda,t,y) % Fitting function for logistic, lambda(1)=position, lambda(2)=width % between the data and the values computed by the current % function of lambda. Fitlogistic assumes a logistic function % T. C. O'Haver, May 2006 global PEAKHEIGHTS A = zeros(length(t),round(length(lambda)/2)); for j = 1:length(lambda)/2, A(:,j) = logistic(t,lambda(2*j-1),lambda(2*j))'; end PEAKHEIGHTS = A\y'; z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function g = logistic(x,pos,wid) % logistic function. pos=position; wid=half-width (both scalar) % logistic(x,pos,wid), where x may be scalar, vector, or matrix % pos=position; wid=half-width (both scalar) % T. C. O'Haver, 1991 n = exp(-((x-pos)/(.477.*wid)) .^2); g = (2.*n)./(1+n); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitlognormal(lambda,t,y) % Fitting function for lognormal, lambda(1)=position, lambda(2)=width % between the data and the values computed by the current % function of lambda. Fitlognormal assumes a lognormal function % T. C. O'Haver, May 2006 global PEAKHEIGHTS A = zeros(length(t),round(length(lambda)/2)); for j = 1:length(lambda)/2, A(:,j) = lognormal(t,lambda(2*j-1),lambda(2*j))'; end PEAKHEIGHTS = A\y'; z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function g = lognormal(x,pos,wid) % lognormal function. pos=position; wid=half-width (both scalar) % lognormal(x,pos,wid), where x may be scalar, vector, or matrix % pos=position; wid=half-width (both scalar) % T. C. O'Haver, 1991 g = exp(-(log(x/pos)/(0.01.*wid)) .^2); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitpearson(lambda,t,y,shapeconstant) % Fitting functions for a Pearson 7 band signal. % T. C. O'Haver ([email protected]), Version 1.3, October 23, 2006. global PEAKHEIGHTS A = zeros(length(t),round(length(lambda)/2)); for j = 1:length(lambda)/2, A(:,j) = pearson(t,lambda(2*j-1),lambda(2*j),shapeconstant)'; end PEAKHEIGHTS = A\y'; z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function g = pearson(x,pos,wid,m) % Pearson VII function. % g = pearson7(x,pos,wid,m) where x may be scalar, vector, or matrix % pos=position; wid=half-width (both scalar) % m=some number % T. C. O'Haver, 1990 g=ones(size(x))./(1+((x-pos)./((0.5.^(2/m)).*wid)).^2).^m; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitexpgaussian(lambda,t,y,timeconstant) % Fitting functions for a exponentially-broadened Gaussian band signal. % T. C. O'Haver, October 23, 2006. global PEAKHEIGHTS A = zeros(length(t),round(length(lambda)/2)); for j = 1:length(lambda)/2, A(:,j) = expgaussian(t,lambda(2*j-1),lambda(2*j),timeconstant); end PEAKHEIGHTS = A\y'; z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitexpewgaussian(lambda,t,y,timeconstant) % Fitting function for exponentially-broadened Gaussian bands with equal peak widths. global PEAKHEIGHTS numpeaks=round(length(lambda)-1); A = zeros(length(t),numpeaks); for j = 1:numpeaks, A(:,j) = expgaussian(t,lambda(j),lambda(numpeaks+1),timeconstant); end PEAKHEIGHTS = abs(A\y'); z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function g = expgaussian(x,pos,wid,timeconstant) % Exponentially-broadened gaussian(x,pos,wid) = gaussian peak centered on pos, half-width=wid % x may be scalar, vector, or matrix, pos and wid both scalar % T. C. O'Haver, 2006 g = exp(-((x-pos)./(0.6005615.*wid)) .^2); g = ExpBroaden(g',timeconstant); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function yb = ExpBroaden(y,t) % ExpBroaden(y,t) convolutes y by an exponential decay of time constant t % by multiplying Fourier transforms and inverse transforming the result. fy=fft(y); a=exp(-[1:length(y)]./t); fa=fft(a); fy1=fy.*fa'; yb=real(ifft(fy1))./sum(a); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitexppulse(tau,x,y) % Iterative fit of the sum of exponental pulses % of the form Height.*exp(-tau1.*x).*(1-exp(-tau2.*x))) global PEAKHEIGHTS A = zeros(length(x),round(length(tau)/2)); for j = 1:length(tau)/2, A(:,j) = exppulse(x,tau(2*j-1),tau(2*j)); end PEAKHEIGHTS =abs(A\y'); z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function g = exppulse(x,t1,t2) % Exponential pulse of the form % Height.*exp(-tau1.*x).*(1-exp(-tau2.*x))) e=(x-t1)./t2; p = 4*exp(-e).*(1-exp(-e)); p=p .* [p>0]; g = p'; % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function err = fitsigmoid(tau,x,y) % Fitting function for iterative fit to the sum of % sigmiods of the form Height./(1 + exp((t1 - t)/t2)) global PEAKHEIGHTS A = zeros(length(x),round(length(tau)/2)); for j = 1:length(tau)/2, A(:,j) = sigmoid(x,tau(2*j-1),tau(2*j)); end PEAKHEIGHTS = A\y'; z = A*PEAKHEIGHTS; err = norm(z-y'); % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function g=sigmoid(x,t1,t2) g=1./(1 + exp((t1 - x)./t2))';