Struts2 unhandled exception

Struts has detected an unhandled exception:

  1. courseInfo
  2. Caught an exception while getting the property values of com.csljc.doraemon.trainingMgt.action.FeedBackAction@27de24
  3. Caught an exception while getting the property values of com.csljc.doraemon.trainingMgt.action.FeedBackAction@27de24 - Class: ognl.OgnlRuntime File: Method: getMethodValue Line: 935 - ognl/
File: ognl/
Line number: 935
严重: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception

ognl.OgnlException: courseInfo [java.lang.NumberFormatException: null]


总结 struts中除了属性的get set 方法 别的方法尽量别用get开头

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