

go-dockerclient是一个GO语言写的docker客户端,支持Docker remote API,这个项目在https://github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient中。


在Kubenetes1.2中要求Docker Remote API版本至少是1.18。

go-dockerclient中使用到的Docker remote API和kubernetes1.2中使用到的Docker remote API:

Docker Remote API 1.22 使用方式 Go-dockerclient Kubernetes1.2
Get container stats based on resource usage GET /containers/(id)/stats
Update a container POST /containers/(id)/update
Rename a container POST /containers/(id)/rename
Retrieving information about files and folders in a container HEAD /containers/(id)/archive
List containers GET /containers/json
Inspect a container GET /containers/(id)/json
Inspect changes on a container’s filesystem GET /containers/(id)/changes
Create a container POST /containers/create
Start a container POST /containers/(id)/start
Stop a container POST /containers/(id)/stop
Restart a container POST /containers/(id)/restart
Pause a container POST /containers/(id)/pause
Unpause a container POST /containers/(id)/unpause
List processes running inside a container GET /containers/(id)/top
Kill a container POST /containers/(id)/kill
Remove a container DELETE /containers/(id)
Get an archive of a filesystem resource in a container GET /containers/(id)/archive
Extract an archive of files or folders to a directory in a container PUT /containers/(id)/archive
Copy files or folders from a container POST /containers/(id)/copy,以后会被删除掉,使用archive代替
Wait a container POST /containers/(id)/wait
Create a new image from a container’s changes POST /commit
Attach to a container POST /containers/(id)/attach
Get container logs GET /containers/(id)/logs
Resize a container TTY POST /containers/(id)/resize
Export a container GET /containers/(id)/export
List Images GET /images/json
Inspect an image GET /images/(name)/json
Get the history of an image GET /images/(name)/history
Push an image on the registry POST /images/(name)/push
Build image from a Dockerfile POST /build
Create an image POST /images/create
Load a tarball with a set of images and tags into docker POST /images/load
Get a tarball containing all images in a repository GET /images/(name)/get
Tag an image into a repository POST /images/(name)/tag
Remove an image DELETE /images/(name)
Search images GET /images/search
Monitor Docker’s events GET /events
Show the docker version information GET /version
Display system-wide information GET /info
Ping the docker server GET /_ping
List volumes GET /volumes
Create a volume POST /volumes/create
Inspect a volume GET /volumes/(name)
Remove a volume DELETE /volumes/(name)
List networks GET /networks
Inspect network GET /networks/<network-id>
Create a network POST /networks/create
Remove a network DELETE /networks/(id)
Connect a container to a network POST /networks/(id)/connect
Disconnect a container from a network POST /networks/(id)/disconnect
Check auth configuration POST /auth
Exec Create POST /containers/(id)/exec
Exec Start POST /exec/(id)/start
Exec Resize POST /exec/(id)/resize
Exec Inspect GET /exec/(id)/json

下面是DockerDaemon版本同Docker Remote API版本对应关系:

Docker Daemon版本 Docker Remote API版本
1.10.x 1.22
1.9.x 1.21
1.8.x 1.2
1.7.x 1.19
1.6.x 1.18
1.5.x 1.17
1.4.x 1.16
1.3.x 1.15
1.2.x 1.14


kubernetes1.2源代码中引用的etcd版本是2.2.5,这个版本的etcd集群中支持的最低版本是2.1.0。kubernetes1.2源代码中引用etcd的目的是使用etcd的client,所以对etcd server端版本的选择影响不大。






kubernetes1.2源代码中引用的是Prometheus客户端源代码,用来定义kubernetes自身的监控项,比如etcd缓存命中数、etcd缓存入口访问数、从etcd查询数据总延迟、向etcd创建数据总延迟,等等,利用Prometheus客户端源代码还可以用来让使用者自定义POD中监控项,目前kubernetes1.2中只能以prometheus API的形式来自定义监控项,并且一个POD中最多只能自定义5个监控项,prometheus API是一个web services接口。





