function [matchFeaIndex, matchFeaRatio,matchLocal1]=matchPointFea(file1,file2,H,image1,image2) % 主要用特征点匹配效果测试: % 用法:[matchFeaIndex, matchFeaRatio,matchLocal1]=matchPointFea('img1.haraff.sift','img2.haraff.sift','H1to2p','img1.ppm','img2.ppm'); % 输入: % file1 - 图像1特征点检测文件 % file2 - 图像2特征点检测文件 % H - 图像1到图像2的仿射变换矩阵 % image1 - 图像1 % image2 - 图像2 % 输出: % matchFeaIndex - 保存图像1中同图像2匹配的特征点在file2中的标号,若不匹配则为0。 % matchFeaRatio - 对应于matchIndex,保存特征点匹配程度,不匹配则为0。 % matchLocal1 - 保存图像2中特征点位置同经过仿射变换1之间的位置差别 % matchLocal2 - 保存图像1中特征点位置同经过仿射变换2之间的位置差别(保留) % 特征点检测文件格式: % file1, file2: % x1 y1 a1 b1 c1 c2 c3 ... % x2 y2 a2 b2 c1 c2 c3 ... %--------------------- % 第一行 保存描述子数目及大小 % x, y - 特征点位置 % a, b - 特征点大小及方向(主要针对于sift变换) % d1 d2 d3 ... - 特征描述子向量(如果小于,则无效) close all; % loc存放位置及大小角度,des存放特征描述子向量,dimdesc存放描述子大小及数目 [des1, loc1, dimdesc1]=loadFeatures(file1); [des2, loc2, dimdesc2]=loadFeatures(file2); % 导入图像 Im1=imread(image1); Im2=imread(image2); % 导入仿射矩阵文件 H=load(H); fprintf(1,'numbers and length of descriptor in file1 %d %d\n',dimdesc1(1),dimdesc1(2)); fprintf(1,'numbers and length of descriptor in file2 %d %d\n',dimdesc2(1),dimdesc2(2)); if dimdesc1(2)>1 && dimdesc1(2)==dimdesc2(2) fprintf(1,'%s, %s look like files with descriptors...\n',file1,file2); else error('Different descriptor dimension in %s or %s files.',file1,file2); end % 计算两个特征向量的匹配程度可以通过向量空间余弦相似度来衡量. % 设置比值distRatio,保证所匹配的特征点具有显著相似度,即与第二相似度有较大差异. distRatio = 0.6; % 在图像2中找到图像1中每一个匹配点. des2t = des2'; % 转置 desNum = dimdesc1(1); % 图像1特征点个数 matchFeaIndex=zeros(desNum,1); matchFeaRatio=zeros(desNum,1); matchNum=0; for i = 1 : desNum dotprods = des1(i,:) * des2t; % 计算乘积项 [vals,indx] = sort(acos(dotprods)); % 排序余弦相似度 % 找到最大余弦相似度. if (vals(1) < distRatio * vals(2)) matchFeaIndex(i) = indx(1); matchFeaRatio(i) = vals(1); matchNum=matchNum+1; else matchFeaIndex(i) = 0; end end fprintf(1,'numbers of match descriptor is %d \n',matchNum); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 确定图像1中特征点变换到图像2中的位置,及图像2变换到图像1中的位置 % 要进行仿射变换测试,要求图像1和2必须大小相同 if size(Im1)==size(Im2) HI=H(:, 1:3); %图1到图2 H=inv(HI); %图2到图1 fprintf(1,'Projecting 1 to 2...\n'); loc1t=projectPoints(loc1',HI); loc1t=loc1t'; fprintf(1,'and 2 to 1...\n'); loc2t=projectPoints(loc2',H); loc2t=loc2t'; ImageSize=size(Im1); matchLocal1=matchLocal(loc1t,loc2,ImageSize,matchFeaIndex); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 画图 % showkeys(image1,loc1); % 特征点显示 % showkeys(image2,loc2); % 显示匹配图像过程 Im=appendimages(Im1,Im2); % Show a figure with lines joining the accepted matches. figure('Position', [0 0 size(Im,2) size(Im,1)]); colormap('gray'); imagesc(Im); hold on; cols1 = size(Im1,2); for i = 1: size(des1,1) if (matchFeaIndex(i) > 0 && matchLocal1(i)<5) line([loc1(i,1) loc2(matchFeaIndex(i),1)+cols1], ... [loc1(i,2) loc2(matchFeaIndex(i),2)], 'Color', 'c'); %画对应线条 plot(loc1(i,1),loc1(i,2),'r.'); %画特征点 plot(loc2(matchFeaIndex(i),1)+cols1,loc2(matchFeaIndex(i),2),'g.'); %画特征点 end end hold off; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 点的投影运算 function loct=projectPoints(loc,H) num=size(loc(1)); %特征点数目 loct=loc; for i=1:num l1=[loc(i,1),loc(i,2),1]; l1_2=H*l1'; l1_2=l1_2/l1_2(3); loct(i,1)=l1_2(1); loct(i,2)=l1_2(2); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 加载描述子文件 function [des, loc, dimdes]=loadFeatures(file) fid = fopen(file, 'r'); [dimdes, count]=fscanf(fid, '%d %d',[1 2]); if count ~= 2 error('Invalid keypoint file beginning.'); end num = dimdes(1); %描述子数目 len = dimdes(2); %描述子长度 loc = double(zeros(num, 4)); des = double(zeros(num, len)); % 将描述子导入向量 for i = 1:num [vector, count] = fscanf(fid, '%f %f %f %f', [1 len+5]); %row col scale ori if count ~= (5+len) error('Invalid keypoint file format'); end loc(i, :) = vector(1, 1:4); descrip(1, :) = vector(1, 6:len+5); descrip = descrip / sqrt(sum(descrip.^2)); des(i, :) = descrip(1, :); end fclose(fid); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 计算实际特征匹配的偏差位置 function matchLoc=matchLocal(loct,loc,ImageSize,matchFeaIndex) matchLoc=ones(size(matchFeaIndex)); for i=1:size(loct) if matchFeaIndex(i)~=0 %找到匹配的点 %注意仿射变换,位置可能超过图像范围 if loct(i,1)>0&&loct(i,1)<ImageSize(1)&&loct(i,2)>0&&loct(i,2)<ImageSize(2)... &&loc(matchFeaIndex(i),1)>0&&loc(matchFeaIndex(i),1)<ImageSize(1)&&loc(matchFeaIndex(i),2)>0&&loc(matchFeaIndex(i),2)<ImageSize(2) matchLoc(i)=(loct(i,1)-loc(matchFeaIndex(i),1))^2+(loct(i,2)-loc(matchFeaIndex(i),2))^2; matchLoc(i)=sqrt(matchLoc(i)); %这个偏差即是欧氏距离 end end end matchLoc=100.*matchLoc./max(matchLoc); %计算百分比 end最后效果图,这里我稍微减少了匹配的特征点个数(原本匹配的点有300多个>_<),只是显示了效果最好的一些点。另外这里全部的代码,很快上传上去。